Thursday, February 28, 2019
Learning Team Reflection: Chase Strategy Essay
Chase schema is when production meets the demand and capacity from ace period to the next. This scheme is mostly used when demand is unpredictable and in that location is no inventory. Many cases when using this strategy result in a hire turnover rate when it comes to employment which can lead to perilous and unhappy employees. Problems with labor unions may arise as well. Other results of this strategy include increased inventory costs and erratic use of factories and equipment. This allows factories to be in possession of a large amount of flexibility.A major advantage of the strategy is that inventory is allowed at its lowest level which can provide a savings to some companies. The just-in concept firms utilize the chase strategy to commingle planning. There are many companies that prefer to use a junto of the level and chase strategy. The combination enables optimization of goals and lower costs much so than independently. Companies and businesses within the service ind ustry that use this strategy are demand matching which means that the workforce must match the demand.another(prenominal) example of an industry that uses the chase strategy is the auto industry. Companies like Ford, GM, and Hyundai wipe out automobiles that depreciate quickly and the cost of warehousing, insurance, and taxes are high. Automobiles cannot be stockpiled for too presbyopic so therefore, only so many are made ground on demand of the consumer. Another example would be the fast pabulum industry. For example, Chik-Fil-A would only produce a meal once an order is taken which meets the demand of the customer.When companies in the service industry use Chase dodging, they lam to hire hourly employees, part time employees and allow overtime in order to meet the demand of customers. Some disadvantages of using the Chase strategy would be a high turnover rate which can lawsuit low employee morale as well as problems with labor unions and a possible increase in labor cost s. The use of the Chase Strategy could also mean higher hiring and training costs.
Assess the usefulness of official statistics Essay
prescribed statistics are a source of secondary info. The government produces them. There are both hard and soft statistics. Hard statistics include birth, terminal and conjugation rates. These are registered when they occur by law, so these statistics are entirely objective. another(prenominal) type of decreed statistic is called soft statistics, e. g. umbrage statistics & unemployment figures. These might not front as objective as they first seem. They are open to role for political ends, and can be considered to have a political use.For example, the methods utilise to measure unemployment have been changed over 20 times, because not e actuallyone without a line of merchandise counts as unemployed. Official statistics are mainly used for the study of demography, inflation, crime and deviance, unemployment, poverty and self-annihilation. For an example Emile Durkheim, regarded as the founding father of sociology, used official suicide statistics for his suicide study. He used them to find cor transaction and casual relations and identified four different types of suicide, egoistic suicide, anomic suicide, altruistic suicide and fatalistic suicide.Durkheim used convinced(p)s methods to conduct his study. Positivists believe that decimal data is the most reliable method to gather information as the data is compiled in a standardised way. Douglas, an Interpretivist, would disagree with Durkheims positivist methods. He says that official statistics are not valid. To determine a death it is up to the interpretations and decisions of the coroner and that statistics are nothing more than a affable construct.Atkinson, also and Interpretivists says that it is impossible for coroners to objectively classify suicides because their decision is found on a commonsense theory of suicide which is based on whether there is a suicide note, the method of death, the location and the deceaseds life history etc. When adapting quantitative methodological procedures to derive particular data, official statistics is often used as a source of sociological evidence to simply enhance or complement practical question methods.However when looking at what is gained from the use of official statistics, it is important to agnise the limitations, which serve as a major downside to developing and attaining an unquestionable and perfect research. In addition, not all documents are easily available e. g. the ominous Report (1980) which identified inequalities in healthcare, was released in very select circumstances. not all secondary data give us a valid, sure and detailed picture of what is being measured, not just official statistics.Diaries/e-mails, it could be possible that the author lied or exaggerated about their activities Also, a document may not be reliable. Public documents are probable to be higher in terms of reliability than private documents manage letters and personal documents such as diaries and e-mails data may be fake or unrepresen tative. In conclusion, official statistics can be very useful in sociological research. Nearly all secondary data cant be trusted and official statistics might be the only appropriate form of research for your topic.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The Pursuit of Self-Identification
In the novel The Jade Peony, author, Wayson Choy, intelligently writes about two siblings who jumble in the pursuit of self-identification. Their make outs vary as they do non share the same enigmas during this lens hood period of their lives. This adepts to the debate, whose clawishness mothers bequeath imply them more(prenominal) as an adult? Although Jook-Liang had to go with the tough situation of always be under prioritized and always world undermined, her childhood troubles and experiences could never truly be compared with the experiences of Jung sum total.To put it bluntly, Jung gibes childhood experiences will affect him more as an adult than Jook-Liangs experiences would. The reason for this is because, low gearly, Jung state, as a child, was never truly showered with love, neither was Jook-Liang, whole(prenominal) when she did not yield to suffer the pain of losing her birth parents as Jung Sum did. Also, Jung Sum had to experience the pain of losin g a treasured person or front-runner multiple meters, and fleck Jook-Liang did lose a person cobblers last to her heart, she only experienced it once.Finally, as both Jook-Liang and Jung Sum struggled with identification, Jung Sum was met with problems season laying his sexual identity, which was not authorized by whatever society at that period of time. On the other hand Jook-Liang was only necessitate to identify culturally which would cause problems but eventually support gain toleration into at least hotshot society. To start with, Jung Sum never had the perk of being showered with love during his childhood and even though Jook-Liang was greatly oppress and unfairly treated by people around her, such as Poh-Poh, she would still ocassionally be loved by those surrounding people.This is evident when Poh-Poh helped Jook-Liang to sop up her shoelaces opus she was getting ready to dance for Wong Suk (Choy 30). As for Jung Sum, although he was only a child, his birth fa ther would violently misdirect him and his mother when he was drunk. The quote I waited for Daddy to get up from the kitchen floor, half-drunk, waited for him to beat me with his belt. (Choy 96) understandably shows that Jung Sum had to face the unlucky circumstances of child abuse, something Jook-Liang had the privilege of avoiding as her family never resorted to physical abuse.It would be a scarring memory to be violently abused by ones declare father as a child, a memory that could be carried for a flavortime. This may affect Jung Sum in his latter years as he may recall the abuse of his father and feel dysfunctional. These unresolved issues could cause a severe suit of depression in his bearing. Furthermore, as Jung Sum was adopted into a in the raw family, he immediately felt like an outsider. He thought I was too weak to be his brother, a real brother, (Choy 93) shows that Jung Sum intelligibly felt marginalized by his new older brother, Kiam.To be adopted into a fami ly full of new and unfamiliar faces and be rebuked immediately by his piddle got brother was a tough situation to be in, especially later on losing both his parents. Jook-Liang did not puzzle to go through the process of being adopted into a new family or having to lose her family members prematu assert while Jung Sum did. This could possibly go on to affect Jung Sum and irritate him feel as though he had no one to rely on but himself, possibly causing him to have a pretermit of trust for other people in the future.Additionally, his childhood experiences may lead him to develop into an adult influenced by those experiences. These unresolved child issues could dwell indoors him and could cause him to either be more aggressive or more reserved as an adult. He may recall those experiences when dealing with his induce children in the future and could possibly treat them the same way his own father treated him or otherwise, might not even tone-beginning to have a close relation ship with them.As Jook-Liang did not undergo whatsoever extreme circumstances of child abuse, she would probably be less affected as an adult when compared to Jung Sum. Therefore, Jung Sum has a relatively greater encounter on his future manner from his adolescent experiences as his experiences produces permanent scars where the problem was not greatly alleviated afterwards. Another problem faced by both of the siblings was with different aspects of identification. Jook-Liang had to struggle with cultural identification while Jung Sum faced problems with sexual identification.Homosexuality is an unaccepted identification which will not be tolerated by any society back in the 1930s, while fault cultural identities will still allow the person to gain betrothal in at least one society. His sexual identity was first suggested in the novel by Poh-Poh as he says that Jung Sum is the mope (Choy 88). Jung Sum then figures out his own sexual identity as it was domestic dog Yuen that he desired most at that moment during inconsiderate Yuens farewell instead of courage (Choy 138) and that Frank Yuen is the Sun (Choy 132) while he is the moon.Having to figure out his own sexual identity at such a unsalted age without any guidance was a hard chore as back then love relationships were cognize to be present only in the midst of females and males. In addition, love between the same sexual urge was not only unaccepted in the society, it was greatly rejected. As a result, Jung Sum had to keep his love for the same gender a secret. The inability to reveal his sexual identification would cause him to have the lack of freedom in the pursuit of a pet life partner.This could affect his happiness as a whole as he is unable to share life experiences in the love aspect of his life as others popularly do because of the inability to express his love for his preferred partner. On the other hand, even though Jook-Liang struggled with her cultural identity, no way out which culture she decides to identify with, she would be still accepted, eventually. Jook-Liangs desire to acquire into another culture is evidently shown as she looks up to Shirley Temple, an American professional dancer and actress.Wanting to assimilate into the western culture, she even hoped to see her own reflection in the mirror possessing a westerners features, specifically, Shirley Temples features (Choy 41). Her struggle comes in as Poh-Poh constantly reminds her of her cultural roots and where she be capaciouss. In the novel, Poh-poh repeatedly tells Jook-Liang that she is not from Canada and that she is from China (Choy 34). In comparison of their situation as they struggle to identify themselves in the different aspect, Jung Sum is clearly portrayed to have a harder time even in the future.Not being able to be what he really is, his future would be oppressed as he suppresses himself, such that his secret would not be revealed. To put on a mask his entire life and never reveal his sexuality will take a toll on his adult life and he could never truly bring himself to enjoy his life as a whole. Jook-Liangs preference of either culture will still allow her to be accepted and although she may not gain the acceptance of one society, she will still gain the acceptance of another, allowing her to lead a normal life.Thirdly, both parties went through the turmoil of losing their loved ones, but Jung Sum had to experience losing many loved ones, losing his mother to violence Frank Yuen to the marines and even his pet turtle, Lao Kwei, to Dai Kew. On the other hand, Jook-Liang only had to experience losing her loved one, Wong Suk, as she never saw him again after he left to go back to China (Choy 71). From when Jung Sum was just a kid, life was tough for him as his father would often abuse him and his mother when he was drunk.His mother was the only one who would protect him from harm from his drunk father as Jung Sum would always be waiting for her to tell him to stopand doojigger against the falling belt and take the blows (Choy 96). Having such a rough childhood is scarring enough for Jung Sum and yet, he lost his mother at that young age. He went through various foster homes and eventually ended up with the Chen family where he finally found a place called home. In the Chen family, the life for him from the beginning was not exactly hard, as stimulate and stepmother treated him relatively well.However, he still took time to adapt and at his time with the Chen family, he discovered Lao Kwei and was ecstatic that he could finally own something, having something that he felt that truly belonged to him. Not long after, he lost his beloved turtle as his family decided that it would be okay for Dai Kew to claim back his turtle as he required it for his own personal purposes (Choy 85). Next, when he came to realize that he had a unvoiced attraction to Frank Yuen, it was not long after that he Frank Yuen left him too.As Frank Yuen left to Seat tle to join the marines, he left Vancouver and was not expected to return for the next few years (Choy 134). It is evident that Jung Sum had to experience more pain and suffering than Jook-Liang as he had to repeatedly lose loved ones to different circumstances while Jook-Liang only had to go through that process once. This could cause Jung Sum to gain an insecure mindset that will cause him to always expect the least out of something, possibly causing him to lose hope in many things in the future.Although Jook-Liang may feel sad and depressed about the departure of Wong Suk, she would not have to endure the pain of losing another loved one anytime soon. Coming to a conclusion, both Jook-Liang and Jung Sum had to undergo many challenges and experiences as a child which could affect them as adults. Although Jook-Liang did experience tough trials during her childhood, Jung Sum was a victim of severe turmoil as a child and therefore, his experiences will affect him more as an adult. A s a child, Jung Sum never had the chance of being showered with love by his own family as Jook-Liang did.Other than that, he too had to experience the pain of losing a loved one or a treasured pet a few times while Jook-Liang only experienced it once. Lastly, his homosexuality was adamantly not accepted by any society in the world at that moment in time while Jook-Liang had to only face the troubles of cultural identification, which still allowed her to be accepted by at least one type of society. All in all, Jung Sum had a tougher childhood experience than Jook-Liang and that would affect his adult life greatly in the future.
Essay on Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People
England has al demeanors been a noniceable point of Christianity, as such, the difficult clock that came from the conquest of the territory by the Romans up to the moment when finally Henry VIII decides to separate from the Vatican and their deceptions qualification of England one of the close primary(prenominal) places where Christian history has been made.During such times of change, despite the different forces that shaped and misshaped the path of faith and religion in England, some conducts remained unchanged such as the belief that a per countersign should focus only in what was adequate according to the standards that the Vatican had stated that were adequate.The starting line four chapters of the Venerable the Venerable Bedes record only refer to England in the expressive style it was formed, the benefits and paradisiacal surroundings that both England and its surrounding neighbours had to offer in terms of water, soil, vegetation and even animals. In the first retain, Bede makes a strong point of reference in the illnessd persondom that British Christians suffered at the hands of the Roman conquistador empire. It is interesting the difference between other martyr books and references to the ones that Bede states in the book. bullshit 2Here, therefore, the head of most courageous martyr was struck off, and here he received the cr knowledge of biography, which idol has promised to those who hit the hay Him. But he who gave the wicked stroke, was not permitted to rejoice over the dead person for his eyes dropped upon the ground together with the blessed martyrs head. (Bede, Book 1VII, 51-52) otherwise accounts only make strong points of the punishment that perfection allegedly gives those who cut down the martyrdom in cases against the female virtue and those where the executor is a member of their own family.Though it is not evidently put, the writing of Bede actually infers that God depart claim vengeance to anyone that d ares r aise an arm against His Flock. In the second book, Bede leaves behind the martyrdom that suffered the Brits at the hands of the Romans and deepens into the creation of the modern twenty-four hour period Britannica form of beliefs. It seems that as a result of the preceding changes and strength that the martyrs of age before contributed the Christian belief in England gave the Church capable clench to unite then flourishing Kingdom by respecting sacred festivities such as Easter time.It should be noted that by the time that Bede is ma queen mole rat reference to evidently St. Agustin (or Agustine to some authors) makes no reference to an Irish saint Saint Patrick that had sufficient leverage among the clergy of the time. Almost 300 age have passed between the death of Albas martyr and the next evident miracle in Bedes book, the time when Bishop Mellitus by simple prayers suffocates a fire. Jack 3And thus the man of God, whose mind was inflamed with the fire of Divine charity, and who was routine to drive away the powers of the air by his frequent prayers, from doing harm to himself, or his mountain, was deservedly allowed to prevail over the worldly winds and flames, and to obtain that they should not defile him or his. (Bede, Book 2VII, 114-115) According to Bede it is only done the power of prayer and a meditative life, succumbed to the depart, power and guidance of God (through the church) that any person can command any forces of nature and bar damage, injury or even death.So far Bede has been able to question the power and benefits of being a truthful Christian to those readers without dabbling into politics. However, by book three, Bede can make a strong statement of this since Chapter I, when he states that a Christian king (Oswald) can restitute the faith of the people in the nation and in his own kingship. One of the most important things to remember when reading this book is that monarchies were believed to be granted by God Himself, th us it was a divine right.Most of Book three is prone to two main portions King Oswald who vaguely resembles king Arthur in the splendor that he receives from this historian as a God following king who, happened to be so saint that even after being slaughtered in battle performed miracles. The other person of importance is Bishop Aidan who was a strong takeoff booster of King Oswalds piety actions, much bid the wizard pigeon hawk in King Arthurs descriptions this was a particularly important character in the development of the kings ruling.Jack 4 However, it seems that when the kingdom lacked of religious stability, the worst circumstances were present In the abovementioned year of the said(prenominal) eclipse, which was presently followed by the pestilence, in which also Bishop Colman, being overcome by the unanimous consent of the Catholics, returned home, Deusdedit, the sixth bishop of the church of Canterbury, died on the I4th of July.Erconbert, also, king of Kent, go away this life the same month and day leaving his kingdom to his son Egbert, (Bede, Book 4I, 204) It seems interesting that a terrible disease such as pestilence (or plague) efficiency have been deemed common enough not to deserve any of the religious teachings that the book of Bede is full of. in that respect are no prayers that will stop or detain the disease in its tracks, but more over, it refers to mundane affairs such as the setting the affairs in order of a specific archbishop.Despite this, most of the book is full of miracles that happened during the pestilence, people who in their dying beds saw the celebrity of Heaven or deaths that were simply heavenly with no pain or misery. Naturally, as the book progresses in dates, other important events happen such as the assassination of royal heirs, though not in the way that Shakespearian artists would do, but simply stating that anyone who knows the basis of Christianity will deem his or her Jack 5life in little value because the promise of everlasting life would conquer their hearts in a moment. Finally, book five speaks of basically the same things than the other four books, nonetheless, chapter XII has a significant position Having stood there a long time in much dread, not knowing what to do, which way to turn, or what end I might expect, on a sudden I heard behind me the noise of a most hideous and wretched lamentation, and at the same time a loud laughing, as of a rude multitude insulting captured enemies.When that noise, development plainer, came up to me, I observed a gang of evil strong drink dragging the howling and lamenting souls of men into the midst of the darkness, whilst they themselves laughed and rejoiced. Among those men, as I could discern, there was one shorn like a clergyman, a layman, and a woman. (Bede, Book 5XII, 286) The importance of this description is the imagery that it gives, since this description until our long time souls in purgatory damnation have been depicted in the s ame way and even using the same three kind elements The clergyman, the layman and the woman.Nonetheless, the wide-cut chapter portrays a vision quite similar to the one that Dante provides almost 600 years later An afterlife divided into sections that are populated by those who are less than perfect, barely repented and outwardly evil. Just like Jack 6 Dante, the visionary in Bedes book five chapter twelve has a guidance that explains things to him so that he might return to life and tell everyone. What is the truth? Well, it is difficult to state it.According to the Bible, the Nazarene came to earth to create a final covenant, one of the eternal dear and forgiveness nevertheless, the Church had gone out of their way to create an surroundings of fear and uncertainty. During the time of Bede, it is evident that Church in England used funny farm and purgatory as means of control and coercion both in accessible and political atmospheres. Undoubtedly, the use of these boogie men f or the society in primal Christianity and the first years of medieval era was beneficial providing church and rulers with sufficient authority to handle and create empires.Would it work nowadays? Yes it will as it has begun to work with the new age belief the uncertainty of what lies beyond the inseparable death is something that will present a problem in the human mind as a result, whatever we can find that will soothe us will become a leverage for those who provide it to us. Jack 7 Works Cited Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Penguin Classics, revise edition, May 1991. Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1969 Internet medieval writer book November 30th,2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Edgar Allen Poe’s Essay
From the very starting signal production line written in the Cask Of Amontillado The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. We ar pig out into a ride, much like one you might find at the amusement park or the carnival, with the distinct difference that although this ride is in fact on rails, how it depart affect us and how we will get word the events during is completely up to us.Edgar Allan Poe does a remarkable job of employing several mental techniques in his short story The cask of Amontillado , but I will only focus on one, which even by todays standards is flawless. The technique is the mystery. Who is Fortunato? What has he done to Montresor that has caused so much emotional and psychological damage? Obviously the answers to these questions will elude and intrigue the audience. So we atomic number 18 instantly on the hook. To find the answers to these questions we must avert more of our managem ent and interest to the piece at hand.Poe, now with our utmost and full financial aid, begins to magnetic dip us into the mind of his protagonist. Not so by simply introducing us to Montresor but instead by showing us his actions, his thoughts, his mannerisms. He accomplishes this by exposing us to Fortunato and the dialogues between them that will ensue. On the surface Montresor seems like a normal man with no ill will. Although quickly we begin to arrest otherwise. My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met. How remarkably well you are tone today. So begins the series of dialogues Song 2 and conversations that would appear to be like any other had by two good fri exterminates. At first Montresor is nothing but amicable, he compliments his good friends on his looks, frock and even praises his good taste and reputation. And yet some fools will pitch it that his taste is a match for your own. The audience now fully in use(p) in the story though the methods of mystery, curiosit y and perhaps even endearment or empathy for Fortunato continue to delve deeper into the event unfolding before our very eyes. clean as the protagonist and the antagonist begin to descend upon the catacombs and the halls of the Montresors manor, so does the conversation and the dialogue taking place between them. We will go cover version your health is precious. you are rich, respected, admired , beloved you are happy, as in one case I was. You are a man to be missed. For me it is no matter. We are now beginning to be exposed more openly to the sociopathic ways of our protagonist Montresor. Willingly and cheerfully guiding our poor and simmer down at the moment helpless, Fortunato , as he is still under the charm of Montresor.When we finally arrive to the depths of the catacombs the reader is now aware that some painful event is bound to ensure, but the conversation and the presentation make by the writer has now fully invaded the reader. Little by little butt on by inch as w e descended down through the catacombs, we have been made more anxious, more uncomfortable. Now all the built up tensity that has been gathering is ripe for the telling. Pass your hand Is the cue that signals the reader. We are here, this is where our excursion has been leading you, here is the end. Over the wall you cannot help feeling the nitre. It is consequently that Poe unleashes his Single effect all done with a fine attention to detail. The message is clear. you are now here, you will go nowhere, this is where you will rest. presumptively after achieving his single effect the reader will sense a series of emotional responses ranging from fear to terror to relief. Relief that the built up tension and anxiety has now been released. The ride has finally come to an end and it is now time to go home and think upon the emotions you have felt up here today.
Lasting Effects Slavery Has Had on African American Culture
During the colonial period early American settlers came up with the idea to fiddle African natives overseas to America and use them as slaves. The albumin man was higher up than the nasty man in bon ton at the time because of the color of his skin. Americans consider this the biggest blight on our history. The shame of this period in our history still continues today for some(prenominal) whites, but galore(postnominal) gloomys still feel angry and oppressed. With the election of our root smuggled president, we are really showing how anything is possible here in America and that it doesnt matter what color or ethnicity you are. thraldom finally came to an set aside in 1865. By this time slaves were escaping and fleeing north where many people were against slavery. African American Scholar Michael Eric Dyson once tell The effect of slavery continues to practice its brutal influence in the untold sufferings of millions of everyday folk. Basically Dyson is aspect that slaver y has and still is currently effecting everyday people today specifically opaques. If you were to drive through any city today I intrust that the effects of slavery are very clear in housing, jobs, and schooling.The white man is still known as the high-class while the black man still struggles. Take a drive through the ghettos and projects and closely of the people you will date stamp are minorities including African Americans. In The heathenish Myth, Stephen Steinberg writes, ghettos are nonhing little than the shameful residue of slavery. many another(prenominal) scholars blame slavery for the pathologies in the black community such as homelessness, single-parent households, and youth violence. More radical views claim, Slavery is a constant monitoring device of what whites in America might do. Now I wouldnt go as far as Mr. Steinberg and say that ghettos are nothing less than the shameful residue of slavery, but they do resemble, in a small way, how emotional state was around slavery. Some argue that African heritage was passed on, through the generations as one form of rebellion against then subjugation brought by slavery. African American floriculture today is made up of religion, music, family and art, and it is a fact that African American culture has influenced white culture in many ways.One of the most historical shields in African American history is Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Basically this moorage is a consolidation of several different cases from Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. Several black children sought admission to public schools that required or permitted segregation base on race. The plaintiffs alleged that segregation was unconstitutional under the Equal protective covering Clause of the 14th Amendment. In all but one case, a three judge federal district court cited Plessy v.Ferguson (an earlier genteel rights case that segregated races on trains) in denying relief under the let out but jibe doc trine. On appeal to the Supreme Court, the plaintiffs contended that segregated schools were not and could not be made equal and that they were therefore deprived of equal security measures of the laws. This case broke the first segregation barrier in African American history. The base issue of the case was that is the race-based segregation of children into kick downstairs but equal public schools constitutional? The final ruling of this case was No.The race-based segregation of children into separate but equal public schools violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and is unconstitutional. This made lead way for the future black and civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa parks. Slavery caused this whole debate and if we never had anyone stand up for their rights, this whole sphere would be a mess. Martin Luther King Jr. once said opinion is taking the first step even when you dont see the whole staircase Martin Luther King Jr. ived by what he said and looking at his life you can see that he took many blind steps towards the dark all for civil rights. He changes society in ways only imaginable and led a life of love, peace, and protest. It cannot be disputed that slavery has affected our culture today, both black and white. Although 145 years may seem like a longsighted time, the wounds of slavery on America are not yet recovered(p) and our country is still young and the passage of time will bring change, as it historically does. We can only hope that all of us as a country work towards a future as one without oppression.
Monday, February 25, 2019
War Destroys Trust: a Long Way Gone
War Destroys Trust In the book Long Way at rest(p) pariah Beah struggles between trust and survival in the midst of a grue most war. He laments how, the war had destroyed the enjoyment of the very get laid of meeting people throughout the book there are galore(postnominal) standards of this upsetting truth. The consequences of this mistrust in people are clear as he travels through Sierra Leon while being incessantly imperil and assumed a member of the RUF. Most of this book is about the ongoing struggle within shipwreck survivor between trying to stay vivacious and deciding who to trust.The phenomena of war and trust can coexist only if you wee an ability to differentiate your friends from enemies. Ishmael struggles throughout the book to stay alive, and frankincense decides to trust no one, but this could be detrimental to his survival. Ishmael gives an example of the repeated mistrust he encounters saying Many times during our excursion we were surrounded by muscular men with machetes who almost killed us forrader they realized we were just children running away from the war. A rest period old man in a closure once told Ishmael and his friends, My children this country has lost its good heart.People dont trust from all(prenominal) one other anymore explaining just how much trust had been destroyed and replaced with timidity and accusation. Because of the continuous mistrust in the country when Ishmael has any stir with a new person they automatically suspect each other, and things take very tense. In chapter fifteen Ishmael and his travel companions come across the ocean for the first time, but the excitement is short lived. They soon gravel themselves in a virulent fishing village which heard the gossip about the, s thus far boys and believed them to be rebels.They attacked the boys and took away their shoes, chased away from the village they were forced to walk on burning sand for hours. The mistrust of the pekan caused these boys grea t pain and suffering, but luckily they got through it with the help of a benevolent fisherman, we stayed in the hut for a week. Our host brought us feed and water every morning and night. After spending months in the forest a morose Ishmael finally comes into contact with some young people his age, Alhaji, Musa, Kanei, Jumah, Saidu, and Moriba.They all immediately froze in business organization until Ishmael smiled to break the tension, and then lambasteed about how they were going to Yele and he decided to constitute them. This was most likely a lifesaving decision, he decided to trust them and in turn they trusted him and helped each other survive. They provided emotional support for each other throughout their journey such as when Kanei tried to talk to Ishmael for the first time, He tapped me on the shoulder as if he knew what I had experienced.Circumstances will change and things will be fine, just adopt on a little more, he said, tapping my shoulder again and cernuous. M istrust and war are two inseparable concepts, mistrust leads to war and war leads to mistrust. This is clearly shown throughout the novel Ishmael conveys how war and fear combined can lead to savage thoughts and behaviors. He did not tell apart himself any longer because he did not trust others or even himself. Through what he had seen and what he had done he was permanently confused from who he once was. Within a three year yoke Ishmael became in his own words, a long way kaput(p).
How to Create Active Reading Notes
ENGLISH 4U ACTIVE READING NOTES While you read your elect novels and other relevant material you should be keeping notes. The goal is to jot down down ideas and thoughts as you are reading, thus making the process active. You should import something every time you read. Your instinct may be to write your eyeshot of what you have read. While this is okay to include in reading notes, arriere pensee these comments for your reading log. Your active reading notes should be of more substance in order to formulate an undertake-worthy comparison.The suggestions below should help guide your note writing. touch modality other elements you want to investigate on the back of this sheet. Use the perimeter of your page Note the date, chapter and/or page numbers, as well as ideas for comparison. Limit what you put in the margin, but use it to help you penetration randomness for easy reference and citations. Sample Questions to answer How does the agent burst elements of the novel What devices have been use? Are foreshadowing and flashback integral in the development of the novels elements? What is the authors lexicon like and how does this strike the novels elements? Is the language formal or informal? How does this chair to the authors style? What wording/phrasing is used what predilection is being set? Does the author create empathy? Other factors to consider this information may not be useful to create your comparison essay however it will help you make other decisions (for example insure which text is better, consider how the book is marketed, etc. Front and back showing impression, style, whats there? Shape and size of the book paper used Layout of chapters and information therein Font, layoutof pages (numbering) Reviews who they are, what they said, do you agree Pages outside the story foreward, authors notes, glossary, acknowledgements Also note Interesting or questionable grammar and wording Historical facts that help a reader unders tand the story data about the author
Sunday, February 24, 2019
CIPD Foundation CERTIFICATE in human resource Essay
The man Resource Professional Map (HPRM) Activity 01IntroductionThe Human Resource Map (HRPM) was developed by the CIPD it was created by generalists and specialists at heart the CIPD/HR environments to rationalise how HR add value to any(prenominal)(prenominal) organization indoors the UK and around the macrocosm. The (HRMP) is a guideline/benchmarked on line tool which tail help individuals and organisations identify immediate and future study needs. The purpose of this (HRPM) is to get down the key skills required for the successful and effective Human Resource Function. The HRPM gives command and shows what needs to be d champion, what the individual needs to know and do to go forward in the development of a professional/personal public life adventure. The (HRPM) has 3 main scene of actions which have been summarised in table 01 with a abbreviated overview 10 Professional areas includes the 2 core Professional areas (listed in abbreviated overview 1,2) Insights s trategy, and solutionsLeading and managing.The remaining eightOrganisational design, resource and endowment fund planning, Performance and reward, Employee relations, Organisational development, erudition and talent development, employee engagement, Service delivery and information.1. Insight strategy and solutions- This is the heart of the (HRPM) deep understanding/support of the line of work/industry is required. Ability to provide neat solutions/ incursions/plans of action, aligning business and HR strategy.2. Leading and Managing the (HR) Function. Here active organizeers is key. Great emphasis on people, culture and change. Providing active insight take leadership owning, shaping and driving themselves and others.Managingbudgets/finance/design and development. Resource/talent planning The supra dickens core areas apply to all practitioners no look where they are placed on the 4 rafts. The above two core areas extend across the eight other areas. 8 BehavioursCurious, peremptory thinker, Skilled influencer, Personally presumable, Collaborative, Driven to deliver, Courage to challenge, Role modelShows how run activities should be carried out.8 specific behaviours that HR professionals need to develop. These are the relevant/necessary skills required throughout every stage of the HR travel path. Linked to the 4 bands and each transition stage.4 bands and TransitionsBand 01- promote admin/ surgical process, is customer orientated.Band 02- Advise/manage HR issues.Band 03- lead/consult, address HR/organisational change.Band 04 Lead and manage professional areas of the business. country of competence defines what Practitioners need to do to progress through the bands. Band one for people at the start of the career scale and moves up to band four for a more senior Practitioner band take aim. resultThe HRPM is a valuable tool to identify immediate and future development needs. It is relevant and applicable to HR practitioners operating anywhere in the world in all sectors/organisations of any shape or size. It sets the highest standards of professional competence for all organisations. Activity 1.1 Identify a Professional Area from each Band 01 or 02 HR Administrator Role IntroductionThis practise result examine and discuss what an HR Administrator does. It depart explain that there is no set rule as to what behaviours to use with any one particular persona. It really does depend on many process variables within the organisations for example the size of the organisation, the culture, management style, the responsibilities of the role this can be different in public/private sector organisations. In some small companies there may notbe an HR organisation and the responsibility of HR matters go out be captured by line managers and business owners. HR covers a large variety of roles and activities the 2 core areas insight strategy and solutions and leading and managing apply to all HR professionals no matter where they a re placed within the four bands. These two core areas provide always extend across the eight other areas.The part and domain of HR activities is very vast and can show an enormous range and variation across the business units, organisation, industries and societies. This is why you will need a wide range of skills for most HR professional roles. A bounteous sense of business friendship, each role has its own special demand beyond the general skill set. Someone taking on an founding level meditate in HR may not be expected to have all the specific knowledge, but must be ready to learn it quickly or be in targeted rearing courses. We will now look at the most essential activities, skills and knowledge required to work in band 02 within in the role of HR AdministratorJob DescriptionsFor every staff position within an organisation there must be a corresponding job description/job specification and person specification. In this instance we will be looking at the job description only for the HR administration role. This document provides an understanding of the position and accurately and fully describes the role. The job description will identify the skills, knowledge and abilities necessary to perform the (HR system role) at band level 02. We know from looking at the above HRPM map summary that the skills for the HR administrator role that we are use for this activity comes under band 02 at this level staff will advise or manage HR related issues. Also over again depending on which role is being carried out within the HR area for example the behaviours deemed essential for an HR administrator at band level 02 Talent and development would be1. Drive to deliver2. Personally credible3. CuriousHR Administrator will work to ensure values, behaviours, expectations pay heed through the organisations procedures, process and intranet and other systems of communication.Activity 1.1HR Administrator will work to ensure values, behaviours, expectations flow throug h the organisations procedures, process and intranet and other systems of communication.
Cold as Ice vs. Hot as Hell Essay
Cold as Ice vs. sweltering as sin is a simile that is applied to our daily put ups. At times we argon not in its control. The following metaphors described, Cold as ice vs. hot as hell as a distinction or personality. Allow me to explain the differences between both of the following metaphors meanings. It is with in our nature to remain either calm or peaceful, yet at times we demand the most complex mental personalities. This metaphor would be an alteration of insentient as ice vs. hot as hell of types of personalities and symptomatics in them. For example choler, temper, serenity and tranquility. The outcome of these traits would be a refrigerating as ice vs. hot as hell defining dickens metaphors in our daily lives struggles.Cold as Ice is a metaphor that is practic totallyy in tidy sum that remain calm at all times. There are those who experience depression and still remain in a calm state of mind. Imagine your daily routine, and then unawares something catastrophi c occurs, everyone becomes temperamental and violent. These individuals remain calm, focus and open minded to thoughts and opinions. This enables throng to think outside of the box and under convey various mental explorations. world aware there are no limits to our thinking process. The hypothesis turn up is being successful in life as long you rate your mind to it in an environment surrounded of positive people. When you hear or observe positive reinforcement we tend to rationalize, resulting to be more aware of our surroundings, rendering us to maintain a calm state of mind. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. postal code can be done without hope and confidence. (Helen Keller)A negative characteristic is mortal that was raised in a different perspective in life, violence, hate and no love. Being around angry people, full of impertinence are negative qualities of a pessimistic person. Is it possible this could be someone who lives by the metaphor, hot as hell a lways on a short fuse? Could this be a form of adversity to honor them from being happy with him or herself, and other people? For example those people who are going through depression, suicidal thoughts, and humansy ups and downs in casual activities, which can be difficult. The inability to communicate with others and on a constant quantity hot temper may think that life is not price living. A constant frustration and pressure will not allow them to be happy. One moment they are happy and another they are on a fuse waiting to explode. Most people that are angry get caught up with an overwhelming of emotions. We are so sedulous in anger our reasoning will not work. When anger is responded with anger it will only make the problem escalate. A wise man said the following Pessimist one who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both. (Oscar Wilde) some individuals are brought up with different perception in life. As infants we stage our personality through love and always wa nting attention. Through parental guidance we leave our mothers womb not knowing what is to come of our beliefs and manners. We are also informed that life is to be cherished and to not take life for granted.Honestly we all have same level of cold as ice vs. hot as hell. We all have our moments of struggles to remain calm. Some may come as fighting a profound addiction of serenity. From the twenty-four hours that we are born till the day we pass, everyone will always have to face the struggles and in the process we fit these metaphors. Lets all maintain peace on earth and tranquility among humanity. humanity peace is produced to make the world a better place to live in this phrase must be cherished forever.REFERENCESKeller, H. ( Optimism is the faith parity 2. Retrieved October 27, 2012http//, O. Pessimist Para 3 Retrieved October 27, 2012http//
Saturday, February 23, 2019
A Person Who I Admire
A person who I honor A person who I value is an interesting topic. I believe you coffin nail look up to more than angiotensin converting enzyme person. A typical admiration I nominate seen is when muckle boy, atomic number 18 admiring a in truth famous singer, actor etc. although it is typical, it is still a good admiration because you flowerpot use that person as your economic consumption model or idol. Fx. If your role model is a sportsman, then you can admire his performing skills, and maybe learn something from him or her. plainly cashbox my life I learn admired many persons, partners, older people, teachers, etc.All these people bemuse given me experiences and personal abilities which I have acquired with help from them. My sentiment is that I can non admire one and only(a) person speci exclusivelyy. When I admire individual I respect the persons character. After my experience I too admire someone when I am in his presence. A person who can change a bad day to a good day, fx my produce. My mother is defiantly one of my top 3 lean over admired persons. Just imagine without your mother you would non exist. Everyone should admire how housemothers ar struggling to raise at that place childrens.I am indeed of her knightly of my mother, it is because of her that I am that what I am today. When I always have been in a bad mood my mother opened up my minds to look at things in a different perspective. Fx when I has had a problem she shared her experiences with me and learned me to tackle every situation. Another pregnant person who I likes to admire is my father. A father and a mother is an admirable couple that forms a basis of a childrens life. My parents are like advisers, I can talk to them when I need help.They are motivating me to achieve my goal. I promised myself when I grow older and out a family, i go forth tell my childrens nearly my childhood and how I admired my parents. At least my expectation for myself is that I can b e a loved parent. I really hope that I will have the aforementioned(prenominal) kindness that my parents have. My parents taught me that I can have a good life in 2 ways. The first one is a life full of material comforts, good economy, good education, and juicy position in the society.The second one is life where you are fulfill with your life, and when you have a good family and good friends, but it doesnt flirt with it is an opposite life where you live in extreme poorness you have some material comforts. But lets say that you digest some money. Then you should not get sad and frustrated because in that location is something more important than money in our lives. I have a friend at my soccerteam. Once a time he told me about his childhood, and that before he came to Denmark he had lived in Afghanistan. He was 4 when he and his family escaped from war.He said that he lived a good life in Afghanistan. His father owned a company, and they have a good economic. But when the war started the family was forced to run away from the country. Now his father is a cleaner and his mother is on social society. But even though he had been through that he is still happy that he lives in peacefully Denmark. Thats a life my parents taught it is possible to live a life with happiness without being a millionaire. That is what I most admire my parents for, teaching me about life.I think every human on this satellite should admire his parents and look up to them, am proud of being there child. Without my father I would not know how to be a man. No one can reprove me like my father. If a child grows up without a father he is missing some basic abilities. The same is if a girl child grows up without a mother something will be missing. My parents have done a lot to me, they have sacrified time, nerves, and brawniness just to raise me up, and I have not forgotten all that hard work. Thats wherefore im not just admiring them but also respecting them when they are giving me o rders.I am helping them with assignments. Finally I very appreciate them for after my opinion being the best parents for me. My parents are them who I admire most, I dont know exactly why but your parents will always be there for you. A friend or some other randomly people are not the same as your parents. When you admire you parents they are admiring you too, thats maybe not the same to other people. You like them but maybe they dont like you. Even when my parents die I will remember them in my mind and there soul and goodness will still be living in me.
The Banana Wars Case
1. If you were a member of the Organization of American States and its aeonian Council, with which one would you side? First of all, it depends on your vision of the problem. As for me, I can see two different approaches to this problem * Economics * Social. If you go away take starting approach into consideration, you entertain to charter Latin American countries, because they were discriminated by EU during long period of time. They had a quota of 2. 2 one million million million tons with a tariff for all banana ($1,150 per ton) and former colonies had a preferential access to the EU market.Moreover, the unit-cost of crossingion in the Caribbean is nearly 2. 5 times what it is for Latin American producers, so their product is much cheaper and soft to produce. As for social approach to this problem, you should choose the Caribbean countries, because banana exports are the anchorperson of their economies, so they wont win the controversy of Latin American countries and the ir economies allow fall down. Economics falls pull up stakes affect lives of pack in these countries, so in social approach you have to choose their side. 2. Given the WTOs decision, what are the alternatives for the EU and the Caribbean banana growers?As for EU, they depart have cheaper price for banana in their countries. But if there is a local producer inside the country, he wont give way in this competition with Latin American countries. Taking into consideration Caribbean banana growers, their future is not very optimistic, because their banana export will abide to decline due to Latin American competition, so their workforce will seek for a new job. But mainly all of those who will lose a job wont find a new one, because in Caribbean countries banana exports are the mainstay of their economies.So they should concentrate to a greater extent on tourism, rather than bananas export, because, as it was said in the case, the minister of tourism estimated that every acre of la nd used for tourism is deuce-ace times as profitable as one used for suppuration bananas. These steps will create more jobs for native people and will better economic situation in these countries. 3. What types of strategic moves will an global marketing manager of Latin American banana exporter make? Well, first of all, he should improve export to EU after WTOs agreement, because they have fewer tariffs, so they can compete with Caribbean countries.So, he should make somewhat advertising in EU countries in order to win the competition and decide what amount of bananas he should exports to EU markets. Moreover, he should find come forward about Europeans attitude to bananas from Latin American countries. If it is not good enough, he should make some things in order to improve this attitude, such as * He should show the good quality of his product * He should show that during the process of gathering and delivering bananas, they follow health-code standards * He should encourag e this product in EU markets * And so on.
Extended Essay: How Does Culture Influence Social Conformity to Groups? Essay
IntroductionI calm remember my prototypical day of Ameri flowerpot Government class fledgling year. The t separatelyer asked us, What are the three branches of government? I precious to sex my hand and judge Judicial, congressional, and executive. But no virtuosoness else raised their hands. I thought to myself, No one else knows it, maybe I dont know it. I dont want to stand place on my first day. Better just keep my hand down. As it turns out, my answer was correct. However, alignance got the die of me. unison is modifying ones fashions or actions be face of other(a)s. The yield of shape can be subdivided into informational ( creation mould be mother of information) and normative ( being bendd be lawsuit of well-disposed constrict) square off. setity is an important topic because ossification has a profound meeting on human behavior in pigeonholings. Collective human behavior can al well-nigh be defined by unity. Humans forever and a day look to others f or support and knowledge, and when we check off others act in a specific way, we mimic it in the form of setity. To take on a to a greater extent global view of conformity, it is important to under(a)stand how cultural differences among dissimilar civilizations have-to doe with the ways in which the peck of those civilizations provide be convert by conformity. Perhaps nearlyone from the get together States exit conform to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) than someone from Germany, or China, or Mexico. Then we must undertake the question, how does civilization influence loving conformity to assorts?In this essay we will first take a look at what conformity is and what may cause it in spite of appearance a enculturation, and then we will discuss three aspects of a acculturation that may modify that cultures levels of conformity. The first major spoticularor we will examine is the level of regimen accumulation within the society. The uphold major factor we will examine is the impact of a artlesss industrial development on conformity. The third major factor that we will examine is how individualism or fabianism will influence acultures level of conformity.Social Causes of ConformitySherif defined conformity as being influenced by the judgments of others. (Sherif, 1935) In the context in which we are speaking, conformity can be defined as the modulation of ones behavior or judgment cod to influence of a crowd. Sherifs conformity tryoutation was designed to utter how the judgments of others would influence the judgment of a test subject. Sherif used the autokinetic effect as the subject of judgment. The autokinetic effect is when a dot of light in a dark room appears to move because the eye has no other vomit of reference. Subjects were instructed to observe the light and tell researchers the distance the light moved. Sherif operationalized his variable by first testing subjects individually and then testing them in classs to learn how this would touch on their reported an nonations of how far the light moved. If the reported observations of the dots movements converged to a of import measure, Sherif would know that conformity had played a role in fixation his subjects judgment. What Sherif discovered was that when subjects were tested individually, their judgments of the dots movements varied greatly, anywhere from 2 to 15 inches (Sherif, 1935). When the subjects were then tested in groups, their measurements maintained a perspicuous level of divergence from each other. However, when the subjects were tested first within a group, the subjects average judgments of the dot movements converged within a fractureicular range that would postulate that the subjects were abiding to a common norm that had been established in the group. In addition, when the subjects were later tested individually, their judgments on the dot movement would diverge from the group norm, scarcely slight(prenomin al) significantly than when the subjects were first tested individually. Sherif wrote that he felt up this was the almost significant observation of his experiment.What Sherif observed is one of the key factors of conformity- that the norms which the great unwashed conform to are not always intentionally established, but can occur course, and these naturally occurring norms will be conformed to due to mans tendency to want to fit in as a part of the group. This is reinforced by another(prenominal) one of Sherifs observations during this experiment. During the last seance of his experiment, Sherif added the question Do you mean you were influenced by the judgments of the other persons in the experiments, to which 25% of the subjects responded that they were. Sherif commented that this was a comparatively small amount of subjects relative to the results. Although it is possible that some subjects lied and responded no to this question, it is possible that some of the 75% of subjec ts who express they were not influenced by the other subjects in the experiment were likely unaware of the fact that they were being influenced, showing that hatful can unknowingly conform to naturally established norms. Although Sherifs experiment was not cross-cultural, it can still aid us understand why mess conform to their individual cultures. Sherif speculated that the cause of conformity was mans desire to fit in to the group. In a cultural context, this means that if a person is a part of a culture, then that person would have desire to modulate their actions so that they fit into their specific culture. This to a fault suggests that the to a greater extent immersed one is in their culture, the more conformity will be emphasized in that culture and the more they will conform to their culture. So although Sherifs experiment was not cross-cultural, the conclusions worn-out from his experiment can still help us understand the affinity between culture and conformity.In 19 51, Asch sought to try another conformity experiment that would respond to the critique of Sherifs experiment that the input was in any case ambiguous. Instead of use an ambiguous stimulus like the autokinetic effect, Asch used a very concrete stimulus. For his experiment, four lines were shown on a projector and subjects were asked which line of three matched the other line. In groups of 8, what subjects didnt realize was that the other 7 bulk in the group were actually participators of Asch, instructed to all unanimously hold up the malign answer twelve out of eighteen times. Aschs shoot for was to dupe if this unanimous agreement in the group of a blatantly harm answer would socially pressure the subject into going on with the group. In this experiment, unlike Sherifs, the group was intentionally trying to get the subject to conform, and the groups response to the stimulus was clearly inconclusive. Under normal circumstances, subjects gave inaccurate responses less t han 1% of the time. However when the pressure of the group was applied, the number of incorrect responses rose to 37%, with 74%subjects conforming to the confede pass judgment responses on at least one critical trial. Asch had shown something about conformity that Sherif was unable to prove- that conformity could cause a subject to go against their own judgment and conform to the group. Asch speculated that conformity could occur due to a twist of the subjects on any one of three levels perception, judgment, or action. If there is distortion on perception, then the subject perceives the stimulus incorrectly and is unaware of the conflict, and believes the group to be correct. If there is distortion of judgment, then the subject is aware of the conflict but conclude the majority is correct and reject their own judgment. If there is distortion on the action level, the subject is aware of the conflict, concludes the group is incorrect, but goes along with them anyways due to pressure. Asch also determined the cardinal types of group influence. If the subject is influenced because they think the group is better informed than them, this is informational influence. If the subject conforms because they want to fit in with the group, this is called normative influence. Asch also performed tests in this experiment to limit how other factors would affect a subjects conformity. One variation of this experiment Asch performed was adding and subtracting people. Asch discovered that as few as just now three confederates was enough pressure to get the subject to conform, but that the more confederates there were in the experiment the more likely it was that the subject would conform. Asch also performed experiments where subjects gave their answers in private, where one confederate would agree with the subject, and where the differences between the lines was smaller. When subjects gave their answers in private, normative influence is eliminated and conformity dropped sig nificantly.When one confederate would agree with the subject, conformity dropped to only 5%, an 80% decrease. This is one very crucial fact about conformity. When one person breaks the agreement of a group, the normative influence is eliminated. When Asch made the differences in the line lengths less significant, conformity increased. The data collected from this experiment and Sherifs observations, demonstrate another significant aspect of conformity. The more ambiguous something is, the more humans will tend to conform. This is because when humans are uncertain of what to do in a situation, we look to other humans for information. This is applicable to a real living scenario such(prenominal) as the grey area of morals. When humans see something morally wrong, they will typically go along with what the majority is doing, and will commonly not intervene. Although Aschs experiments were not cross-cultural, the conclusions of his experiments and the theories of conformity formulat ed from them can most definitely be applied to a cross-cultural context, such as how culture affects conformity. First of all, Asch determined that there were two types of conformity normative, which is the influence caused by social pressure, and informational, influence caused by insecurity in ones own knowledge. These can both be applied to how people conform to cultures. Normative influence can be caused by. If one is all in all immersed in a culture, there is normative influence to fit into that culture. Informational influence can be a creation of culture. If a part of the culture is teaching the youth of that culture, than they are subject to the informational influence of their culture. Second, Asch showed that the more people in a group, the stronger the social influence. This could necessitate that a larger culture may have steeper levels of conformity than people of smaller cultures. Third, Asch showed that congruity is extremely significant to a cultures levels of con formity. This may imply that the stricter a culture is, and the fewer dissenters from the culture there are, the stronger the social influence the culture will have on its subjects.The Effect of Levels of Food accruement on Conformity in a SocietyIn 1967, J. W. Barry wished to replicate Aschs conformity experiment as a cross-cultural experiment to see how differences in the cultures would correlate with their levels of conformity. Barry divided the peoples he was tuitioning into two basic groups. The first group was societies with high levels of food-accumulation such as uncouth and pastoral societies, and the second was societies with low levels of food-accumulation such as fishing and hunt club peoples. Barry recreated Aschs line-length conformity test between the Temne peoples of Sierra Leone in Africa, an boorish people, and the Eskimo of Baffin Island, a hunting people in northeastern Canada. Barrys aim was to see how levels of conformity would vary between these two dist inctly various cultures. Barry formulated his venture by studying each culture and discover typicals of their cultures that he thought would be pertinent to levels of conformity.Barry canvas cultural characteristics of each peoples such as how they characterized supremacy in their cultures, how lenient each culture was when rearing their young, if the peoples were typically group reliant or self reliant for success in their cultures, and of course, if they were a high food-accumulating society or if they were a low food-accumulating society. Barry hypothesized that there would be a correlation between the polar cultures levels of food accumulation and their levels of conformity more specifically, in the Temnes agricultural, high food-accumulating society would show higher levels of conformity than the Eskimos hunting-oriented, low food-accumulating society, where he expected to find lower levels of conformity. Barry tested the two different cultures using a variation of Aschs line test. Instead of having eight confederates picture false responses to the test subject, the subject was presented with a sheet of paper with 9 lines on it, and was asked to match the top line with one of the lower lines by length. But before responding, the researcher would say, I am going to give you a hint. Most Temne (or Eskimo) people say this line (an incorrect line) is pair in length to the one at the top. Which one do you say? (Barry, 1967) After performing his experiment, Barry found that the difference in conformity rates between the Temne and Eskimos was great enough and with statistical significance, so it confirmed his hypothesis that the Temne peoples did in fact show higher rates of conformity than the Eskimo peoples. Barrys conformity experiment shows how culture affects conformity. Barry studied two different cultures and famous significant differences between them, and then tested each culture the homogeneous way to measure their respective levels of confo rmity. Barry discovered a key characteristic about conformity- the connection between how a society collects food and their conformity levels. Although that is a broad connection, Barrys theory was that how food is accumulated in a culture affects other aspects of that culture such as clemency in parenting, levels of license granted to children, and what characterizes success, and these factors are what determine the levels of conformity for cultures. downhearted food accumulating societies have very in restricted individuals and characterize success with independence whereas high food accumulating societies have very interdependent individuals and characterize successthrough comm wholeness.Impact of Modernization on a Countrys Levels of ConformityAnother significant difference between cultures that can impact levels of conformity is how industrialized and modernized they are, and studying how this has affected levels of conformity among the people of that country. In 1984, Kagit cibasi did just that.Kagitcibasi performed a study on the value of children (Kagitcibasi, 1984) to set out to understand how several cultures on different levels of modernization would place the brilliance of ski tow children (with reference to quantity), and what characteristics the peoples of those cultures would find preferable in their children. Kagitcibasi studied ix countries- Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Germany, and the get together States. Kagitcibasi performed 20,403 interviews with families from these countries and asked them questions regarding what characteristics they would find most desirable in children. Subjects from countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines said the most desirable quality in a child was to obey their parents.On average, 86.5% of subjects from Indonesia said obedience of parent was the most desirable quality in children, and 82% of subjects from the Philippines agreed, as opposed to the United States , where only 39% of subjects said obeying ones parents was the most desirable characteristic in children. On the contrary, 49% of American subjects surveyed said being independent and self-reliant was the most important characteristic in children, whereas only 20% of Indonesian subjects said the same thing. In the United States, being independent and self-reliant was the second most chosen characteristic among subjects surveyed, second only to being a good person. However, even higher than the United States percent of subjects putting emphasis on independence and self-reliance is that of capital of Singapore and Korea. This is an interesting observation because many studies have found left-winger (predominantly Asian) cultures to be more oriented towards conformity and less towards individual independence. But if this observationis studied with respect to industrialisation and modernization, it is observed that these countries have gone under extremely rapid industrialization, whic h could have modulated the thermonuclear family model in these countries to be more westernized, thereby emulating the west in levels of conformity as well.Kagitcibasi observed that overall, it is the nuclear family level which most impacts the levels of conformity in a culture by which it is meant that factors such as industrialization impact the nuclear family model, which in turn impacts a country/cultures levels of conformity. Kagitcibasi substantial the Old historic period security measure foster theory (Kagitcibasi 1982a). The Old Age Security evaluate is the theory that there is additional value in raising children in underdeveloped nations because if they are raised in a conforming way, which stresses values such as family loyalty, they will be more likely to take foreboding of their parents when they become elderly. The Old Age Security Value is less significant in industrialized nations because industrialized, modernized nations typically provide services such as he althcare, whereas a more traditional, less developed nation would not, meaning the elderly are more dependent on their children to care for them in old age, which will get along raising children to be more compliant to parents. The Old Age Security Value concept relates to industrialization and conformity because the more industrialized a country is, the more the less significant the Old Age Security Value is, and therefore the less conformist the society will be.What we can finally understand from Kagitcibasis research on the correlation between industrialization and conformity is that less industrialized countries will be more culturally inclined to compliance, due to a modulation of the nuclear family model in which families are more dependent on each other for care and therefore put emphasis on compliance when raising children to encourage family loyalty and obedience of ones parents.Impact of Collectivism vs. identity on ConformityCollectivism is the social belief that the go od of the group is more important than the good of the few or the individual. On the other hand, individualism is characterized by the belief that each member of the group should be independent and self-reliant, without a need to consider the wellbeing of the group as a whole. When one considers the characteristics of conformity compliance, assimilation, putting the group above oneself, etc., it seems ratiocinative that collectivists would have a greater predisposition to conformity than individualists. Professor Oh of Konkuk University wanted to test this premise with relevance to normative and informational influence. Ohs aim was to see if in an experiment, subjects from a collectivist culture (in this case India) would conform more than subjects from a collectivist culture (America). He also wanted to see if they would conform more in normative influence tests than in informational influence tests. Oh hypothesized that the Indian subjects would not only conform more, but would conform more specifically in normative influence tests. Oh performed an experiment with half Indian and half American subjects, in which subjects were asked what the lowest appropriate probability of successfully for a risk to be taken, such as winning an option of a sort. Under the condition of exposure, subjects were only informed of what other subjects had said was an appropriate probability of success for the risk to be taken, but not why. Because the reason why was not explained to subjects, any conformity on this test must have been because of normative influence because they were given no march on information to better their judgment. Under the condition of persuasion, subjects were informed of other subjects responses, and as to why they made their decisions. Subjects were then left to decide for themselves based on more given information relevant to be given stimulus their own response. If subjects modified their judgments under this condition, it would be because they fe lt they were then better informed of the conditions of the stimulus. The average of the subjects conformity scores was measured by the change in pretest to posttest response. The results of this experiment showed that Indian participants were far more inclined to conform then American participants. In addition, changes in conformity levels due to internalization were not shown with statistical significance between Indian and American subjects, speckle changes in conformity levels due to compliance were shown with statistical significance. This confirmed Hos hypothesis that collectivists are more inclined to conform to the group norm then individualists with regard to normative influence. One limitation of Hos experiment however, was that he did not use face-to-face social influence, but only informed subjects of what other subjects had stated in a second-hand manner. This wouldve negated some level of the compliance influence, which could have produced responses of higher levels of conformity between American and Indian subjects.Hos experiment examined a discipline relationship between culture and conformity- the collectivist vs. individualist relationship. He studied two cultures and saw how subjects from each would respond differently to tasks involving conformity. Hos research helps us better understand this relationship between fabianism and conformity in a culture because his research showed that subjects of a collectivist society showed higher levels of conformity than subjects of an individualist culture.ConclusionIn this paper, I analyzed three aspects of cultures that can influence a culture or societys levels of conformity. I analyzed the relationship between food accumulation and conformity, the relationship between modernization and conformity, and the relationship between collectivism and conformity. Examining each of these relationships, it is evident that cultures that are characterized by confederation and societal unity tend to have higher levels of conformity than their more individualistic counterparts. This was shown by the Temne in Sierra Leone, Africa, who were culturally very focused on the community. This was also shown by the several less modernized countries in Kagitcibasis study of modernization on conformity, whose cultural focus is care for the family. Lastly, this was shown by the Indians in Hos study, who showed high levels of social conformity as a sample of a collectivist society. From all these results we can conclude that culture influences social conformity to groups in that people in cultures characterized by community and social unity are more subject to social conformity than peoples of individualistic cultures because the emphasis they put on community causes the peoples of those cultures to be more conscious of the judgments of others and therefore more likely to modify their own judgments and conform to match those around them.References independence and conformity in subsistence-level societ ies Encyclopedia of urban Ministry UYWI Urban Youth Workers Institute. (n.d.). Christian Social Justice Podcasts, MP3s, Grants, Jobs, Books Home. Retrieved sniffy 23, 2013, from http// Barry, J. (1967). Independence and Conformity in Subsistence-Level Societies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7(4), 415-418. Retrieved August 16, 2013, from the USF program library musical arrangement database. Bond, R., & Smith, P. B. (1996). Culture and Conformity A Meta-Analysis of Studies Using Aschs (1952b, 1956) descent Judgement Task. Psychological Bulletin, 119(1), 111-137. Kagitcibasi, C. (1984). Socialization in Traditional Society A Challenge to Psychology. International Journal of Psychology, 19, 145-157. Retrieved August 16, 2013, from the USF Public LIbrary System database. McLeod, S. (n.d.). Asch Experiment Simply Psychology. Simply Psychology Articles for Students. Retrieved August 23, 2013, from http// Oh, S. H. (2013). DO Collectivists Conform More Than Individualists? Cross-Cultural Differences in Compliance and Internalization. Social Behavior and Personality, 41(6), 981-994. Retrieved August 16, 2013, from the USF LIbrary System database. Sherif, M. (1935). A Study of Some Social Factors in Perception Chapter 3. Archives of Psychology, 27(187), 23-46. Retrieved August 16, 2013, from the USF LIbrary System database.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Internet and foreign language education Essay
A new technology has surfaced and instantly it has caught the imagination of millions of people on this planet. Surfing through it, the internet has put everybody eager to explore more than of it and to become a real part of it. The effects of this technology excite permeated both small and prominent establishments, schools, universities, and even governments. Composed of a collection of computers terra firmawide commonly connected via telephone lines, meshings main objective is to sh are information.From early beginning in 1960s as a decentralized network connecting somewhat military and academic computers, the topic of host computers on the Internet has ballooned much. The domain Wide meshing like a shot forms the most popular part of the Net. With the development of the Web, which was first designed for apply text links only, further refinement into multi-media links resulted with pictures, audio, and video links. This has do the Web more popular. Today, fast modems can carry extra large files of graphics and sound linking target resources on the Net.With the ballooning number of websites and Internet implementrs worldwide, educators could benefit much from this. Internet and unlike Language3 Educators now see the practical application of the new technology in the field of discipline and teaching as very promising. They now scrutinize a wider application of Internet and the Web in language education. The shifting scenes from laboratory-based educational setting, computer-assisted scholarship is now the fad. From monitored teaching process to interactive computer applications, the tedious and tiresome process has been replaced by promising results.Good software like shout out helps facilitate the language tuition process though other(a)s see some degrees of rigidity of the course of study. Developers of CALL have to moderately go screen to allay the situation. Whatever type of computer, one can access the Net from all place, any ti me. Within the Internet is a multi-media information system called the World Wide Web or WWW or simply the Web. The Web has two systems the Web servers and the Web clients. The former dispenses information while the other receives information. Through the use of Web browser, one receives educational webpages or otherwise.Educators are now reaping benefits from the use of the Internet. Language teachers so far are exploiting the electronic mail to create mutual interaction between and among students and teachers in reading language skills. With such innovation, multinational Internet and Foreign Language4 student participants have been encouraged to develop communication and mental skills from variable heathenish backgrounds. A study by Davis and Chang (1994) using electronic bill system has set up an exploratory pattern as to what could be achieved in using electronic mail at improving the student writing in terms of fluency, usage, and organization.This study has practically defied language and cultural barriers. Knowing the culture is knowing the language. This adage holds true in learning languages preserved in a cultural environment. Accessing information on social, cultural, economic, and geographic data on a particular language increases ones repository for both the learners and teachers. Searching the Net for a specific able needs fine tuning. One should remember though that a serial publication of messages having the same subject coming from the original message has replies and replies to replies that follow.And this is how one comes almost learning incidentally. This interactive intercourse increases ones learning have applicable in the area of language teaching or learning. Besides, consort language teachers offer site listings valuable to avid learners. Internet and Foreign Language5 The use of the Net is not always in short order. It is not without fuss, which becomes a challenge to users. Technical glitches can spoliation ones plan. Simi larly, little familiarity on computer and Internet use can block ones initiative in act to learn.Another roadblock in implementing such innovation is the cost of maintaining the system, which holds back institutions with little funding. Besides, censor may enter the scene when language program becomes offensive or indecent. Despite all odds, this technology will simply flourish as people continue to interact with each other. And with the topic of a global community that seeks to find a common world language, the burden now rests upon the application of this technology today.Works Cited Davis, B. & Chang, Ye Ling (1994/95). ample distance collaboration with on-line conferencing. TESOL Journal, 4(2), 28-31.
Macroeconomics †Globalisation Essay
For its supporters, orbiculateisation describes a dream of opportunity and prosperity. For its opponents, it denotes a nightm atomic number 18 of greed and inequalityExplain the term worldwideisation and the accompanimentors that may befuddle contri aloneed to the process. globalization open fire be defined as the integration of the publics economies into a single inter home(a) commercialize, as local and field markets become incorporated into the global capitalist system of production with change magnitude interdep peculiarityence. It promotes the free movement of labour, capital, goods, go, engine room and management in response to markets around the world. The growth of markets in this manner is not a saucily, but a process that has seen the markets grow from a local scale to a national one during the industrial Revolution and to an foreign scale by the end of the 20th century.The growth of multinational trade has been prodigious in furthering globalisation. Duri ng the Industrial Revolution, Britain had a significant comparative degree advantage as its go on manufacturing technology allowed hugely improved transport through steamships and railway meshworkworks across its Empire. This assailable up huge potential markets around the globe for British exports, at the same time making a huge range of goods from these new trading partners accessible to British consumers. Although comparative advantages have changed, this is a wind that has continued into the 21st century, with the rise of low cost air strike and other forms of transport becoming quicker, cheaper and further reaching. There is certainly fillip for this international trade driving globalisation has seen a rise in the trade of manufactured goods to $12 trillion in 2005, a ascorbic acid times greater than it was in 1955.Over a similar period, the industrialisation of LEDCs has also been significant. As systems of production in economies much(prenominal) as the Asiatic Tige rs, including Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, and increasingly the Tiger Cubs of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia along with other NICs have advanced their economies have become increasingly suited to manufacturing industries. Cheap labour cost in these countries encourage this development, which has been partly responsible for a new international division of labour.As production and trade of quaternary services such as research and development has increased in the three main(prenominal) beas of influence of North America, the EU and Japan, MNCs have increasingly looked to NICs to provide substitute constancy, incentivised by low production costs and an increasingly welcoming position from national governments. Whilst restrictions soundless exist, this is particularly true in India, where rules that previously did not allow FDI are loosening and large firms such as Wal-Mart are seeing opportunities to access new markets, particularly in the IT sector. It is perhaps a resul t of this and other economic liberalising policies that India is seeing growth rates of 9%.Whilst the rise of globalisation has certainly seen a widening in exponentiation in international trade not even the oil producing nations are, for example, sinew independent, some economies are far more integrated in the global capitalist system of production than others. As many another(prenominal) MEDCs specialise in the production of services, real little of their economies are left purely domestic. In contrast, however, the remaining non-industrialised LEDCs, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa, have importantly less impact on the global miserliness. Trading in property crops and similar primary goods, much economic activity in these nations is still domestic, with many farmers, notably, practicing subsistence farming to the point they have little to no thing in the cash economy.Evaluate the view that, although globalisation has brought benefits to the UK economy, it has not been without significant costs.The process of globalisation has not continued without criticism. Clearly, there have been immense benefits to the UK economy over several hundred years as a result of globalisation, but are there costs associated with the rise of the global economy and, indeed, are those costs immediately outweighing the benefits of an interdependent world?Globalisation has increased the competitiveness of UK markets. Competing in exceedingly contestable markets, British firms hardiness competition from abroad. A few large firms, between whom collusion very well may have occurred, as explained by game scheme, had typically dominated domestic markets. As more firms entered the market, they erode larger firms market share with which they may have exercised monopoly power. Domestic firms are hence laboured to become more productively efficient, producing at lower cost to contend with, for example, goods manufactured using cheap labour in South easterly Asia. Competi tion would also promote innovation so that in an economy with high labour costs, British industry could gain a comparative advantage over foreign firms. The effect of globalisation has thus been an influx of new goods and services combined with lower prices on existing goods, now of a better quality. Globalisation has therefore pass away to a net gain in welfare for UK consumers.However, the realities of the situation are very different. Realistically, UK firms cannot grapple in the manufacturing industry where economies with cheap labour have been deemed to provide unsportsmanlike competition. The UK is a high labour cost country and thus at a comparative disadvantage which is effectively impossible to overcome, as demonstrated with the loss of the motor industry in the UK during the 1970s. Footloose capitalist economy has no preferred location, and as such will shift production to wherever costs are lowest.Globalisation has spurred the process of de-industrialisation, whereby e mployment in the manufacturing sector has fallen from 7.1 million in 1971 to 3.1 million in 2005, where the size of it of the UK labour superpower has in fact grown with rising fight rates. Many of these workers are either unskilled or have been learn to a specific task, making it difficult for them to find alternative employment, intensify the problem. The effects have not just been felt in manufacturing, but increasingly in the service section as IT booms in India and many firms opt for business process outsourcing. Surveys by Deloitte have shown that much of the UK universe are deeply concerned about the outsourcing of white-collar jobs. Globalisation has lead to job losses in the UK, causing social distress and negatively affecting unemployment rates, an important economic performance indicator.The picture is not as bleak as it may seem, however. Unemployment rates in the UK remain low, and that generated can be viewed as frictional unemployment as other vacancies do exist. political sympathies training schemes, such as free IT lessons under the auspices of look on Direct also go a long way to combating geomorphologic unemployment as manufacturing workers can retrain for jobs in the quaternary sector.Whilst the UK has lost the bulk of its manufacturing industries, a new international division of labour has emerged as the theory of comparative advantage shows that global production is increased if economies specialise in what they are relatively best at producing. The UKs specialisation in the service industry has lead to job creation and significantly increases in national output. Measured through real GDP growth, this rise in national output as a result of specialisation shows that globalisation has been in part responsible for economic growth. Augmented by the multiplier effect, this brings benefits to the whole economy.However, the direct economic benefits derived from globalisation have in fact widened spatial inequalities rather than benefited all, as impacts have differed between the regions. Under the international division of labour, there has been a greater emphasis on knowledge-based industry with the rise of the service sector, with 73.1% of national output in 2004 being in the service sector, compared to manufacturings 15%. Where benefits from these dramatic figured? Quaternary and knowledge-based services are concentrated around the M4 corridor the sunrise strip, and silicon fen, with R+D focused on science parks located around grey universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.These effects of de-industrialisation have created a north/ south-centralmost divide, as the north is traditionally home to the manufacturing industry. Northeast England never amply recovered from loss of traditional heavy manufacturing industries such ad shipbuilding. The eventful migration of workers to the south of England has placed pressure on resources and housing, whilst some northern areas such as Liverpool have seen a fall in popul ation. This is allocatively inefficient resources are wasted whilst the necessary investment needed to deal with the new dispersion of population has spurred further investment in the south, widening the north/south divide.In conclusion, the costs to the UK economy from the march of globalisation are highly significant, although their impact can be disputed when the importance of globalisation to UK economic development is considered. However, globalisation is not a process that can be reversed, halted or even slowed. The world is interdependent and will continue to be so, and the UK must be a part of it. International trade, the driving force of globalisation, is enormously important to the UK has been responsible for its position as a study economic power since the days of the British Empire. We have neither the resources nor the dip to pursue a policy of economic isolationism, as the potential benefits from globalisation are huge. The best option, therefore, would be a cautio us approach, devising strategies to carriage problems as they arise with a fundamental focus on sustainability.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Internal and External Conflict in the Age of Innocence by Wharton Essay
genus Sagittarius Newland faces a huge inner(a) skirmish with having to sweep up May and being in love with Ellen at the same time. This conflict is n ever resolved because every around Newland his friends including Ellen, have do everything so confusing to him that he ends up feeling lonely all over again. Newland doesnt want to be s evokedalous because it wouldnt be worthy to show his true feelings towards Ellen. However Newland hints them in many substances. When Medora comes up to Newland and mentions Ellens name, as he is meditating, he is surprised to find that his heart jumps. So she is _ merely shes got to come home first to pick up Ellen.Ah you didnt sock Ellen had come to spend the day with me? Such fol-de-rol, her not culmination for the summer but I gave up arguing with young pile about fifty years ago. (page 138) Ellens aunt tells him that Ellen is staying at the Blenkers in Portsmouth. Run cut and fetch her, worry a good grandson, this attractive lady w ill describe the party to me, she said and Archer stood up as if in a dream. (page 138)This shows the essential conflict that Newland faces to hide his feelings for Ellen. Archer stood up as if in a dream he cant believe that he is finally going to see Ellen again and that Medora is asking him to go get her. He is in shock man hit Newland later on in the pagoda a lady stood, tendency against the rail, her back to the shore. Archer stopped at the sight as if he had waked from sleep. That the fantasy of the past was a dream, and the reliableity was what awaited him in the raise on the bank over transport (page 139) This passage shows us imagery of Ellen slant against the rail, her back to the shore. Shows how he is admiring her looking out at the water. over again he is in shock the sight as if he had waked from sleep. That the vision of the past was a dream, and the reality was what awaited him in the house on the bank overhead he felt up like none of this was real at first until reality hit him and he was looking at her from a far. He just couldnt believe it. Newland puts in his head that if it is meant to be Ellen will turn around see him and come up with him. Archer waited till a wide space of water sparkled amidst the last reef of the island and the stern of the boat but still the solve in the summer-house did not move.He off-key and walked up the hill. (page 140) Newland gave up and saturnine away. He gave up on waiting, gave up on Ellen. All night he lay awake in the oversized chintz bedroom at Mays side, watching the moonlight slant along the carpet, and thinking of Ellen Olenska driving home across the gleaming beaches behind Beauforts trotters (page 141) Newland couldnt sleep he spent to often time thinking all night he lay awake. He was laying succeeding(a) to May while thinking hard about Ellen in the big chintz bedroom at Mays side thinking of Ellen.This shows the internal conflict he is dealing with himself being married to May b ut in love with Ellen. He stargons into the moonlight which shows he is in muddy supposition about this situation. Newlands internal conflict causes him to lie to May and Mrs. Welland. He tells them he is going to spend his afternoon going to look for a new horse to buy Archer said that he thought of hiring a run-about and driving up the island to a stud-farm to look at a second horse for her brougham. (page 143) but instead he goes to the party.He was not sure that he wanted to see the Countess Olenska again but ever since he had looked at her from the path above the bay he had wanted, irrationally and indescribably, to see the place she was living in, and to follow the movements of her imagined figure as he had watched the real one in the summer-house (page 144) Newland was curious of where she lived, he wanted to know what it looked like to see the place she was living in. Through Newlands internal conflict he feels empty.We see this when he says He simply felt that if he coul d carry away the vision of the spot of earth she walked on, and the way the sky and sea enclosed it. The rest of the world might have the appearance _or_ semblance less empty. (Page 144) He uses imagery to show how the sky and sea are trapping the world the sky and sea enclosed it. When Newland visits the party he finds a pink parasol. He thinks the pink parasol he base in the Blenkers garden is Ellens. But instead, he crossed the lawn and turned toward the box-garden.As he entered it he caught sight of something bright-coloured in the summer-house, and presently made it out to be a pink parasol. The parasol drew him like a magnet he was sure it was hers. He went into the summer-house, and sitting down on the rickety seat picked up the silken thing and looked at its carved handle, which made of some rare wood that gave out an smelling(p) scent. Archer lifted the handle to his lip. (Page 145) Newland is admiring this parasol because he feels it was a symbol of something once cl ose to Ellen.This causes him to want to be adpressed to it and feel closer to Ellen Archer lifted the handle to his lip. His description of the parasol shows how much thought he puts into something that has to deal with Ellen. Throughout these chapters Newland faces these internal conflicts and trys to resolve them. The external conflicts around him help to make the internal ones to a greater extent difficult. Newland hides his feelings everyday. We see that deep down inside he still wants Ellen.
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