Saturday, August 31, 2019
Literature review Essay
Abstract: Supply chain Management has assumed a significant role in firm’s performance and has attracted serious research attention over the last few years. A literature review reveals a considerable spurt in research in theory and practice of SCM. Combining and informing on features of Supply Management and distribution Management. This integration has resulted in the concept of extended enterprise and the supply chain is now manifest as the collaborative supply chain across intercompany borders to maximize the value across the entire supply chain. A large number of research papers have been published in various journals in last two decades. In this paper an attempt is made to review the status of literature on Supply Chain Management. A literature classification scheme is proposed. A total of 588 articles from 13 refereed academic journals are classified into articles in five methodologies i.e. Exploratory, Normative, Methodology, Literature Review and Hypothesis testing. This literature review finds that exploratory type of research is mostly preferred it is expected that with the maturity of SCM the hypothesis testing method will pick up. The articles are further categorized in fifteen categories on the basis of content analysis. Based on this review, some possible research issues are identified. Keywords: SCM, Supply Chain strategy, Literature Review. those with average performance. 1. INTRODUCTION Traditionally, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been a melting pot of various aspects, with influences from logistics and transportation, operations management and materials anddistribution management, marketing, as well as purchasing and information technology (IT). Ideally, the allencompassing philosophy of SCM embraces each of these functions to produce an overall supply chain strategy that ultimately enhances firm performance (Croom et al. 2000; Wisner and Tan 2000). In actuality, the literature is still very fragmented and although several studies purport to discuss supply chain issues, most of the existing research only examines one link of the chain, or most importantly only focuses on one ingredient in the supply chain performance mix. Six major movements can be observed in the evolution of supply chain management studies. Creation, Integration, Globalization, Specialization Phases One and Two, and SCM 2.0 These phases are given in Table 1. In the current competitive scenario supply chain management assumes a significant importance and calls for serious research attention, as companies are challenged with finding ways to meet ever-rising customer expectations at a manageable cost. To do so, businesses must search out which parts of their supply-chain process are not competitive, understand which customer needs are not being met, establish improvement goals, and rapidly implement necessary improvements. Previously manufacturers were the drivers of the supply chain – managing the pace at which products were manufactured and distributed. Today, customers are calling the shots, and manufacturers are scrambling to meet customer demands for options/styles/ features, quick order fulfillment, and fast delivery. Manufacturing quality – a long-time competitive differentiator – is approaching parity across the board, so meeting customer’s specific demands for product delivery has emerged as the next cri tical opportunity for competitive advantage. Companies that learn how to improve management of their supply chain will become the new success stories in the global market place. Study on Benchmarking shows significant cost differences between organizations that exhibit best-in-class performance and Copyright  © 2010 HyperSciences_Publisher. All rights reserved The six stage evolutionary era depicts that in a particular era which strategy was emphasized. For instance in the sixth era information Technology was given priority and IT enabled supply chain was the burning issue. In the 1990s industries began to focus on â€Å"core competencies†and adopted a specialization model. Companies abandoned vertical integration, sold off non-core operations, and outsourced those functions to other companies. Web 2. 0 is defined as a trend in the use of the World Wide Web that is meant to increase creativity, information sharing, and collaboration among users. The term supply chain management was first coined by an American industry consultant in the early 1980s. However the concept of supply chain in management, was of great importance long before in the early 20th century, especially by the creation of the assembly line. This era of supply chain management studies was highlighted with the development of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems in the 1960s and developed through the 1990s by the introduction of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This era is characterized by the globalization of supply chain management in organizations with the goal of increasing competitive advantage, creating more value-added, and reducing costs through global sourcing Specialization within the supply chain began in the 1980s with the inception of transportation brokerages, warehouse management, and non asset based carriers and has matured beyond transportation and logistics into aspects of supply planning, collaboration, execution and performance management. presents various connotations given by various researchers; then a literature classification scheme is explained and a research agenda is suggested after identifying the gaps between theory and practice of SCM. SCM research has included a number of literature reviews and historical studies published in the top scholarly journals in the fields of logistics, logistic management, purchasing and SCM (Croom et al. 2000; Carter and Ellram 2003; Rungtusanatham et al. 2003). SCM literature reviews have also been done in the past. However, for the most part these reviews have been descriptive (offering basic frequencies for topics covered etc.) or normative. Given the increasing focus on SCM in both academic and practitioner literature streams, a review of the concepts, topics, analysis methods and levels of analysis across thirteen academic journals was undertaken. This research investigates the history of the SCM literature looking at the various trends and developments in the field
Friday, August 30, 2019
How effectively does Pavel Ivanov use language to persuade his/her audience?
The film review about the movie ‘I now pronounce you Chuck ; Larry' written by Pavel Ivanov is well suited to its audience who the writer describes as the ‘Adam Sandler crowd', although Ivanov does indicate that audiences who get pleasure from comical films, would probably enjoy the blatant crude humour in this movie for example the ‘dropped soap in the shower routine' Ivanov's implied meaning is that those who'd laugh at this type of humour have no taste and lack intelligence, as this ‘type of humour' has intentionally been put into the movie as it is the ‘most lucid strategy' to win over audiences One of the purposes of the review is to denigrate the movie as an unintelligent film for those who are dim-witted, as it is full of ‘primitive weaponry of toilet humour' and ‘gay-clichi?? jokes', but at the same time Ivanov maintains a neutral stance by complimenting the movie on some of its achievements ‘subverts the gambit of any other ‘serious' gay movie'. The lexis used in the review is overall formal, with some elements of colloquialism such as ‘the icing on the cake'. You can read also com/audience-adaptation-paper/">Audience Adaptation Paper He uses such conversational style lexis to amuse and engage his audience. Ivanov establishes himself with the first person singular pronoun ‘I' to identify with readers as someone who has seen the movie thus immediately capturing the readers' interest and trust. He directly addresses his readers by using the second person singular pronoun ‘you' Ivanov uses this device to draw in his readers in to the review as well as deliver a personal message to them about the film. The writer applies a subordinate clause to give additional information about the movie to the audience. By combining the sentence with a relative clause, Ivanov's text becomes more fluent to readers. ‘Interesting thing this movie does is that while staying within the constraints of a broad comedy, it subverts the typical gambit of any other serious gay film' this is also a compound sentence as it adds detail of the movie and gives it a justification it also gives it a rationale, and makes a simple sentence more compelling and informative. He describes his disbelief in the plot of the movie by using a comparative sentence ‘instead of seeing a homosexual feigning happiness in a straight marriage' he then adds supplementary information about the movie he's writing about (‘think, the hours or normal') here Ivanov displays his skepticism as to why someone would want to watch a movie with such a bizarre plot ‘straight men come from a bastion of heroic manliness- the New York fire fighting service' this is ironic as you expect straight men to be fire fighters. Ivanov uses double modifiers to describe a famous actor in the movie as ‘bizarrely bankable' by using the lexis ‘bizarrely' Ivanov expresses to his audiences his disbelief in why this actor is so ‘bankable' although Ivanov could also be amazed about the actors performance that not only can he do funny and serious but that he can do the two simultaneously in the movie as he addresses a serious message to the audience that ‘bias is bad' and still keep it comic. In the opening paragraph Ivanov uses the adjective ‘energetic' and follows it up with the post-modifier ‘crassness' Ivanov's constant emphasis on the vulgarity of the movie, leads the readers to consider whether they would watch such an offensive film at all, thus reinforcing Ivanov's earlier point that the movie is not worth watching as it is aimed at unintelligent audiences, and that the only basis one should watch the movie ought to be for ‘academic interest'. Ivanov describes a ridiculous scene in the movie ‘a three legged hippo doing ballet' his implication being that such strange humour is not only typical but it is what has made him a household name in comedies ‘still an Adam Sandler movie' The text contains lots of exophoric references (‘Big daddy, happy Gilmore') which have been put in parenthesis to add supplementary information. â€Å"Larry (Kevin James)†parenthesis is commonly used in the text by Ivanov to signify to audiences the formality of the review. The writer uses many anaphoric references one example is ‘the set up is contrived as they come, but this is part of the joke'. What both lexis ‘the set up and ‘this' share is that – they have the same reference. On the whole Ivanov is successful in keeping track of the various people and things he mentions in his review by building a reference chain this makes Ivanov's writing more coherent to audiences. The example given above is also a dependant clause as it cannot stand by it self it needs it an independent clause to make the sentence complete. Ivanov constantly reminds audiences of the crudity of the movie, but he changes his strategy this time by picking out bits of the film that he feels his readers would be alarmed by ‘feel Alex's breasts. ‘ This displays Ivanov's desperation as he is trying everything to persuade the readers not to watch the movie. The key purpose that Pavel Ivanov has written the review is to persuade audiences not to watch the movie, his underlining reason being that it would ‘offend you' rather than ‘amuse you'. I suppose he is successful in convincing readers not to watch the movie, one effective regular feature I can identify Ivanov uses in his review is the first person singular pronoun ‘I' he uses this to his advantage as he introduces himself to his readers as a reliable impartial critic, which is clearly not the case as he regularly belittles the movie and the individuals it is aimed at. This might make some readers feel uneasy as they do not count themselves part of the ‘Adam Sandler crowd' consequently readers contemplate on whether it is worth watching this movie at all this. Ivanov's unrelenting pressurising of readers makes him successful in achieving his target.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Using Experiments To Identify An Unknown Compound Environmental Sciences Essay
Abstract. The intent of this experiment was to place the unknown compound. The trials that were done to find the individuality of the compound include qualitative solubility trials, quantitative solubility trials, mensurating solution conduction, anion and cation trial, fire trial, and formation of precipitate. It was found that the compound had no odor, was soluble in H2O, and non soluble in methylbenzene and propanone. The ions dissociated in the H2O, making conduction. When the ammonium hydroxide trial was performed no ammonium hydroxide odor was produced. The flame trial yielded a colour that matched that of Na hydrogen carbonate indicating that the unknown compound contained Na. The anion trial for chloride proved to be positive, ensuing in the summing up that the unknown compound was sodium chloride.IntroductionThe group is employed by an Environmental Protection Agency to indentify a compound in the landfill in your place town. The group must besides detect as many chemical an d physical belongingss of the compound as we can. We need to invent two syntheses of the compound, and compare them for cost effectivity, safety, and possible output of the compound. To place the compound, the physical belongingss ( odor, colour, and province ) demand to be established. Next, the qualitative solubility of the compound was tested in H2O, methylbenzene, and propanone, which would find whether the compound would fade out from rain H2O or other chemicals that may be present in the landfill and make overflow. Conductivity was besides tested with a voltmeter in order to find whether or non the compound would be unsafe when dissolved in H2O. If the compound was conductive it would fade out in H2O and produce an electric current. The flame trial was performed to stipulate one of the elements. A solution of H2O and the component was used to put the nichrome wire in, and so the nichrome wire is placed into the fire. If the fire produces a colour it is declarative of a certain metalloid ion or metal. A colour is produced in the fire when the heat of the fire changes the metal ions into atoms which so become aroused and bring forth visible radiation that can be seen with the bare oculus. It is besides of import to analyse the presence of certain cations and anions utilizing trials that identify the presence of the anions chloride and sulphate, and the presence of the cation ammonium. The anion trials for chloride and sulfate prove to be positive when a white precipitate signifiers and the ammonium trial proves to be positive when an ammonium odor is produced. After all of the physical and chemical trials were performed, a solution of the unknown compound and a solution of what was deduced to be unknown compound were reacted with an acid ( azotic acid ) , a base ( potassium hydrated oxide ) , silver nitrate, K sulphate, and K nitrate in order to find if they produce the same consequences. Gravimetric filtration was so performed with the known and unknown s ubstance. A precipitate was formed utilizing Ag nitrate, which could so be weighed. After the filtration procedure, the unknown compound was so synthesized to bring forth a per centum output.ConsequencesTable 1 Physical Properties TestColor White State of Matter Solid Olfactory property None Solubility in Water Soluble Conduction 0.35 VsTable 2 Anion TrialsTrials PerformedConsequencesTrial for Chloride White Precipitate Formed Trial for Sulfate No Chemical reaction Trial for Nitrate No Brown Ring Trial for Carbonate Clear Trial for Acetate Clear, OdorlessTable 3 Cation TrialsTrials PerformedChemical reactionConsequencesTrial for Ammonium NH4Cl + NaOH i? Ammonium Smell No Odor Fire Test Bright Orange/Yellow Fire SodiumTable 4 Chemical reaction TrialsType of Chemical reactionBalanced EquationChemical reactionAcid NaCl ( aq ) + HNO3 ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; NaNO3 ( aq ) + HCl ( aq ) None Base NaCl ( aq ) + KOH ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; NaOH ( aq ) + KCl ( aq ) None Double Supplanting NaCl ( aq ) + AgNO3 ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; AgCl ( aq ) + NaO3 ( aq ) Precipitate formed Double Supplanting NaCl ( aq ) + K2SO4 ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; Na2SO4 ( aq ) + 2 KCl ( aq ) None Double Supplanting NaCl ( aq ) + KNO3 ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; NaNO3 ( aq ) + KCl ( aq ) NoneTable 5 Gravimetric AnalysisNaCl ( aq ) + AgNO3 ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; AgCl ( s ) + NaNO3 ( aq ) Vacuum Filtration Trial # Sum of Precipitate Produced ( gms ) Percent Output Known Trial 1 1.081 88.18 % Known Trial 2 1.196 97.56 % Unknown Trial 1 1.211 98.78 % Unknown Trial 2 1.185 96.66 % Unknown Trial 3 1.170 95.44 %Table 6 Synthesis Chemical reactionChemical reaction Sum Produced ( gms ) Theoretical Output ( gms ) Percent Output HCl ( aq ) + NaOH ( aq ) i? NaCl ( s ) + H2O ( cubic decimeter ) 1.971 2 98.55 %DiscussionFirst, the physical belongingss of the unknown compound were observed and recorded. It was found that the compound was crystalline in construction, a solid, white, with no olfactory property ( Table 1 ) . All of these belongingss suggest that the compound was ionic because ionic compounds do non hold a distinguishable olfactory property and are solid at room temperature because of their high thaw points. The unknown compound was so tested for solubility in H2O, methylbenzene and propanone. The compound was soluble in H2O, bespeaking the compound was a polar or ionic compound, and non soluble in methylbenzene or propanone which eliminates it being polar or nonionic. Therefore, this points to the compound being ionic. After the compound was dissolved in H2O, the conduction was tested with a voltmeter, which produced a electromotive force of 0.35 Vs turn outing that the substance is conductive since it is over 0.1 Vs. This farther proves that the unknown compound was io nic since merely ionic compounds dissociate in H2O and make an electric current. The fire trial was performed to find one of the elements in the compound. Four known compounds, Na hydrogen carbonate, Mg nitrate, Ca sulphate, and K nitrate were put under the fire trial to compare the unknown to. When the unknown compound was put under the fire trial it produced the same colour as Na hydrogen carbonate, bright orange/yellow, bespeaking the presence of Na ( Table 3 ) . The ammonium trial was besides performed to verify that the compound did non incorporate ammonium hydroxide. No odor was produced when the unknown solution and Na hydrated oxide were assorted, and a odor would bespeak the presence of ammonium hydroxide. Therefore, the compound was proven to incorporate Na. When the anion trials for chloride and sulphate were performed, a white precipitate was produced from the chloride trial, bespeaking the presence of chloride while the sulfate reaction created no precipitate bespeaking the absence of sulphate ( Table 2 ) . In add-on, the unknown compound was put through a series of reactions along with what was believed to be the compound in order to compare the reactions to find if they produce the same reactions. First Na chloride, what is believed to be the unknown compound, and the unknown compound were reacted with Ag nitrate, which produced a precipitate because it was a dual supplanting that produced AgCl which is non soluble in H2O. Sodium chloride and the unknown compound were reacted with K sulphate but produced no reaction because the merchandises sodium sulphate and K chloride are both soluble in H2O. Sodium chloride and the unknown compound were so besides reacted with K nitrate, making a dual supplanting reaction which produces Na nitrate and K chloride, which are besides both soluble in H2O, hence bring forthing no reaction. When Na chloride and the unknown compound were reacted with an acid, azotic acid, but the presence of the Na chloride did non impact the pH of the azotic acid becaus e it was an ionic compound. When the Na chloride and the unknown compound were reacted with a base, K hydrated oxide, there was besides no reaction or alteration in the pH of the K hydrated oxide because the Na chloride is an ionic compound. Both the Na chloride and the unknown compound produced the same consequences in every reaction further turn outing that they are one in the same ( Table 4 ) . Once it was found that Na chloride and Ag nitrate bring forth a precipitate when reacted, the reaction was used to bring forth a certain sum of precipitate which was so used in hydrometric analysis to see if both the known and unknown compound would bring forth the same sum of precipitate. The reaction that was filtrated was NaCl ( aq ) + AgNO3 ( aq ) – & A ; gt ; AgCl ( s ) + NaO3 ( aq ) . The consequences from the known reaction were 1.77 gms of filter paper and 1.081 gms of precipitate entirely, while the theoretical output was 1.225 gms. The unknown reaction has yet to be found. The per centum output for the reaction was 97.56 % ( Table 5 ) . A synthesis reaction was the concluding trial preformed. The undermentioned chemical reaction occurred: HCl ( aq ) + NaOH ( aq ) i? NaCl ( s ) + H2O ( cubic decimeter ) . Once all of the H2O was evaporated out with the usage of a hot home base, the precipitate was able to be weighed and the per centum output could be calculated. The reaction had a percent output of 98.55 % ( Table 6 ) .DecisionAfter being employed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the group was able to place the compound in the landfill. After all of the trials and reactions were performed, it was found that the unknown compound was sodium chloride. Its solubility in H2O, conduction, and crystalline construction points to the fact that the compound is ionic. The positive fire trial for Na indicates that Na is one of the elements in the compound because it produced a bright orange fire. The positive chloride trial, when a white precipitate was formed, indicates that chloride is the 2nd component in the compound. The unknown compound and Na chloride were put through the same reactions and systematically produced the same consequences, farther indicating that the unknown compound is sodium chloride. The gravitative analysis of the known and unknown substances provided similar consequences, endorsing up that the unknown substance was sodium chloride. The synthesis reaction produced a percent output of 95.05 % .Experimental Procedure:Physical Properties TrialsThe physical province of the unknown compound was observed. This included the province of affair, odor ( utilizing the wafting technique ) , colour, and construction. A little sum of the unknown compound was placed in about 50mL of H2O and stirred to see if it would fade out. The same solution was used for the voltmeter and the conduction was recorded.Anion TrialsChloride Ion TestApproximately 1 milliliter of the unknown solution was placed in a trial tubing and 1 milliliter of 6 M HNO3 was added. After that another 1 milliliter of AgNO3 was added. Whether a white precipitate was formed or non was recorded. If a white precipitate is observed, a chloride ion is present in the solution.Sulfate Ion TestApproximately 1 milliliter of the unknown solution was placed into a trial tubing and 1 milliliter of 6 M HCl was added. After that another 1 milliliter of BaCl2 solution was added to the same trial tubing. Whether or non a white precipitate formed was recorded. If a white precipitate is formed, sulphate is present in the solution.Cation TrialFire TestThe heat from the Bunsen fire was used to cleanse the nichrome wire. A little sum of the unknown compound was placed onto the nichrome wire and held over the fire. The colour of the fire was observed.Ammonium TrialApproximately 1 milliliters of 6 M NaOH was added to 1 milliliter of the unknown compound solution. The pennant technique was used to observe if there was any olfactory property. If the odor of ammonium hydroxide was present, there were ammonium ions nowadays in the solution.Responsiveness TrialsChemical reaction with an AcidA solution with a little sum of unknown compound was assorted in 50 milliliter of H2O and a separate solution of a little sum of ammonium chloride and 50 milliliter of H2O. A little sum of the two solutions were placed in to two separate trial tubings and a little sum of HNO3.Double Displacement Chemical reactionA solution of a little sum of unknown compound was placed into 50 milliliter of H2O and a separate solution incorporating a little sum of Na chloride and 50 milliliter of H2O. A little sum of the two solutions wa s placed into two separate trial tubings and a little sum of K2SO4 was added into each trial tubing. The trial tubings were so swirled and assorted.Double Displacement Chemical reactionA solution of a little sum of unknown compound was assorted with a solution of 50 milliliter of H2O and a separate solution of a little sum of Na chloride and 50 milliliter of H2O. A little sum of the two solutions were placed into two separate trial tubings and a little sum of AgNO3 was added into each of the trial tubing. The trial tubings were so swirled and assorted.Double Displacement Chemical reactionA solution of a little sum of unknown compound was assorted in 50 milliliter of H2O and a separate solution of a little sum of Na chloride and 50 milliliter of H2O. A little sum of the two solutions were so placed into two separate trial tubings and a little sum of KNO3 was added to each trial tubing. The trial tubings were so swirled and assorted, and whether or non a reaction occurred was recorded .Chemical reaction with a BaseA little sum of unknown compound was assorted with 50 milliliters of H2O and a separate solution of a little sum of ammonium chloride and 50 milliliter of H2O. A little sum of these two solutions were so placed into two separate trial tubings and a little sum of KOH was added.Hydrometric AnalysisA Buchner flask was used with a funnel placed over the top. The filter paper was weighed and so wetted with H2O somewhat. The solution incorporating the precipitate was poured onto the filter paper and left until most of the liquid had seeped through. The filter was so removed from the funnel and placed into an oven for 10 proceedingss until the precipitate and paper had wholly dried. The filter paper was so weighed with the precipitate still on top. The weight of the filer paper was subtracted from the new weight to obtain the most accurate consequence. The process was completed three times with the unknown substances and twice with a known substance.Synthesis Chemical reactionApproximately 12.3 milliliters of ammonium hydrated oxide was assorted with 6.2 milliliters of hydrochloric acid in a beaker. The solution was placed on a hot home base ( under a goon ) and allowed to boil until all of the liquid evaporated. The staying precipitate was removed from the beaker and weighed.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Radetzky March in 19th Century Europe's Belle Epoque Essay
The Radetzky March in 19th Century Europe's Belle Epoque - Essay Example Although this period is oftentimes viewed as a period of peace and prosperity, Roth is able to paint a much more differentiated portrait of a time in which the glory won by an older generation is misunderstood and unappreciated within the subsequent generations; ultimately leading to the downfall of the empire. The first of such characters that is discussed is that of the grandfather (Trotta von Sipolje). A reluctant soldier and mis-characterized hero, Trotta von Sipolje seeks a discharge from the army upon circulation of the incorrect details regarding the incident which took place at the Battle of Solferino. Although a selfless act of bravery was committed by the grandfather, he was completely and entirely unprepared for the level of adoration and propaganda that the state would append to his exploits. Due to this incorrect attribution and praise, the Trotta von Sipolje sought to divorce himself from the military and to a large extent the empire to which he had so dutifully served in an attempt to gain a degree of anonymity within society. Although the events surrounding the world at that time required a generation that was dutifully aware of the events that were taking place, Trotta von Sipolje was instead happy to be blissfully unaware of the circumstances that gripped the nation and demanded action and participation in order to remedy. The extent to which Trotta von Sipolje or the subsequent generations that were discussed could have effectively instigated a change in the course of the nation and/or the empire is doubtful. The author sets about to present a nearly predetermined course that must necessarily be followed. Although it is pointless to second guess history or to make suppositions for what instances might have unfolded at a different rate or differently given another course of action being pursued, it is nonetheless useful to consider how a different subset of actions might have affected a different result of the given period in question. Additio nally, it is interesting to note that the reactionary thought patterns of the younger generation were much more muted than one might be predetermined to realize. Whereas it is often the case that a more stoic and conservative generation precedes a more radicalized and discontent younger generation, such is not seen as directly within Roth’s book. Rather, the younger generations attempt to grasp on to the sense of empire and honor that the older generation portends; however, such is a failed construct and they youth are left with neither the empire that they inherited or the strong sense of duty and/or honor that the older generation espoused. This lack of aggressive reactions is represented by the way that Carl Joseph reacts to the orders he gives to fire upon his own countrymen near the border. The changes views of the nation are herein presented due to the fact that Carl Joseph, the son of Trotta von Sipolje) has few qualms regarding gunning down the striking workers who bo re legitimate grievances. Instead of a situation that presented itself to his father, Carl Joseph embraces the military regimentation as a way of ignoring the pressing humanitarian concerns of the modern society that greets his per view. Rather than providing a thoughtful commentary on the positive and negative aspects of the
Trends in Work-Life Balance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Trends in Work-Life Balance - Research Paper Example An individual experiences a balance between these two lives when an individual is able to fulfill the requirements associated with these two lives without experiencing psychological issues such as stress and mental fatigue (Kaiser, 2011,p.31). There are various factors that influences the work-life balance of any individual and these factors includes the organizational factors, the personal life of the individual and the individual’s personality (Kaiser, 2011, p.119). Organizational factors such as load of work and time as well as organizational culture have a major impact on work-family balance. Individuals working in organizations where team based work is not encourages, where work load is more than the amount that can be taken by the employees are more likely to experience negative work life balance. Similarly, the life at home and the commitments at home have an equal impact on an individual’s work-life balance. Individuals who are especially single mother or father are more likely to experience negative work-life balance because they may have more commitments and their home based work is not shared (Galliers, 2011, p.576). Lastly the personality traits or the personal likeness of an individual even impa cts work-life balance. Individuals who are more committed towards their professional work may have quite a disrupted family life. Work-life balance has gained the attention of various organizations and one organization that his quite actively participating in attaining the work-life balance of their employees is Chevron. They have introduced several programs in their organizations located across the globe to maintain a healthy work-life balance of their employees. One of their initiatives is flexible schedules which allow employees to share their workload with other employees and it even provides employees with the benefit of compressed workweeks. Another
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Leadership and control plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leadership and control plan - Assignment Example The president of the firm is currently not delegating any responsibilities to its vice-presidents. A lot of changes have to occur at this company to turn things around. A new leadership plan has to be implemented to improve the employee morale at the firm. One of the first steps to show the employees that the firm cares about their professional development is to immediately implement a training and development plan. Each month all the employees of the firm should have the opportunity to receive at least an hour of training. The firm should have both required and voluntary training and development sessions. The managerial staff of the firm should receive advance training on leadership topics. Another way to improve leadership within the company is by adopting the use of delegating and empowerment. These two topics should be emphasized in the training and development efforts of the firm. Delegation can be defined as the process of giving power or work to someone else so that they are responsible for part of what they normally do (Theyagu). Leadership can also be enhanced at the company by the utilization of teamwork. Working in team units allows work ers to improve their communication skills and to work in a cohesive manner with their colleagues to achieve common goals. The control measures of the company are completely inadequate. The firm has a major weakness in its accounting department. The firm’s accounting department is understaffed and not performing adequately. The first step is for the firm to hire a consultant in accounting to perform an external auditing to ensure that the company is complying with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The external audit performed by this firm must be evaluated by the newly hired position of comptroller at the firm. Along with a comptroller the firm must hire two additional staff accountants with at least three years of experience in accounting. The newly form accounting
Monday, August 26, 2019
Scope statement of the Provision Healthcare Technologies Essay
Scope statement of the Provision Healthcare Technologies - Essay Example In this project, the authors are going to upgrade a new system for the better functionality of system and enhancement to the governmental standards. New government regulations have just been issued regarding patient safety. PROVISION must modify the wand software to incorporate this new functionality within six months or face steep fines. PROVISION has decided to move up its next wand release to meet the government deadlines. It has also decided to incorporate some new functionality and make some software fixes as part of this release. The scope of the PROVISION project is to modify the required software to incorporate this new functionality within six months will be defined. In this section, the authors will outline the main objectives that they have to achieve throughout the project lifecycle. This project will involve the following stockholders: Sales & Marketing department Product Distribution department Product manufacturing department Product Development Department PROVISION Healthcare Technologies manufactures Ltd. Governmental health care department Project manager General public Through this project implementation, the authors will be able to have more ways of doing the work regarding public health. Hereafter the modification of the old system they would have a government-established standard of public health care. This will also provide them a competitive edge in this market.Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Higher education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Higher education - Essay Example I agree that too many people are joining colleges. There are several opportunities apart from going to college, and they are all viable. There are so many people going to college, and the most interesting thing is that there is a high rate of drop out compared to those graduating. The graduation rate is low as described by Murray in his article. It is evidential that there are six months certificates which are flexible as compared to four years stay in college. Also, most of the students spend up to six years in college; they could have invested the time in more viable ventures. All people that go to the college do not become successful. At the same time, too many people are joining the colleges leading the current education system into shamble (Murray 225). According to statistics, from the financial institutions, the competence of the financial students is wanting. Most of the people have tried to be fit and conform to the social norms of the society. No one is bound to fit into the social norm of the society, in fact, they must use creative and critical thinking does decide if to join the college or to become an electrician. The fact that too many people are going to college does not affect or influence an individual’s decision of joining the college. Joining the college must not me a communal decision but a personal decision (Murray 230). It is important to note that, not everyone who has the ability to make it through to college. Most of the skills must be learned in the alimentary and middle school. Murray describes the education system as a failing strategy. Most of the people in the society believe that everyone in the society must have a bachelor’s degree to be considered in the job market. People must do what they are good at and not what the society tells them to do. Money is not the reason for joining
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Beginning And Development Of Gothic Architecture Case Study
The Beginning And Development Of Gothic Architecture - Case Study Example The characteristics of Gothic architecture gave the specific definition which was related to what is often referred to as the French style, beginning in the 12th century and going through the 16th century. The architecture was most often used as high art and was created for cathedrals, castles, palaces and other governmental buildings. Many often referred to the style as one which was regarded as belonging to higher powers, which was why it was used for these specific types of buildings. The original term was created by Giorgio Vasari in 1530 in response to a culture which was considered rude. Most during this time believed that the group should be outcast. To represent this, different symbols were used to show that vandals and others within society shouldn’t be present in specific buildings. The architecture of the building is then made to symbolize the individuals who should not enter into a given place (Glaser, 15). The main beliefs and descriptions with the Gothic architec ture then led into concepts which were associated with the symbolic meaning that was created, most which was in reference to the Christian and high-quality attributes which would not welcome others within the region. The features which were used, inclusive of ornate structures and intricate decor became some of the defining parts of the architecture. ... The main focus was designed with both a vertical emphasis, which pointed upwards as a symbol to the higher powers as well as with the concept of having as much light in the building as possible (Murray, p. 18). An example of Gothic architecture can be seen in influences such as the Notre Dame church, as seen in figure 1. Figure 1: Church of Notre Dame In this figure, the elements of the Gothic can be seen. At the lower area, there are three arches which one can enter, all of which are rounded.
Friday, August 23, 2019
A Physician Is Immune from Liability When a Patients Actions Assignment
A Physician Is Immune from Liability When a Patients Actions Contribute as Much to His Own Harm as the Physicians - Assignment Example In cases of medical liability, informed refusal often arises in instances when patients claim that they were not fully made aware of the fact that by not following the doctors’ suggestions for either a screening regimen, appointments or taking their medication as ordered. Instead, they claim that doctors and nurses were not either clear or assertive (Martin et al, 2005). These patients seemingly agree to follow the doctor’s recommendations and then do not. Thereafter, these patients allege that the physician did not provide them with a full picture of the potential harm that could come to them from not following the recommendations put to them by the doctor (Lerner, 2014). The role of the physician in patient care is to actively determine what the most appropriate treatment for a patient is based on their medical problem determined by the physician’s knowledge, medical judgment as well as experience (Furrow et al, 2013). Thereafter, his job is to present these recommendations to the patient for their consideration and ideally to gain consent that they will follow through on the treatment plan. As a general rule, the patient is the one who makes the ultimate decision with regard to their medical care and therefore has the final word on whether or not to carry on with the treatment recommended (Hoffman, 2011). If the patient elects to follow the recommendations put forward by the physician, then essentially the only thing that the physician can do is to provide helpful advice and to follow up on the missed appointments. Non-compliance is an issue that is well known and in many instances inevitable (Hoffman, 2011).Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Metaphysics Is the Branch of Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Metaphysics Is the Branch of Philosophy Essay Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that deals with abstract concepts. These abstract concepts include things like being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Over the years I have asked myself numerous questions pertaining to metaphysics. Things such as what is real? How do things such as our souls or even fate work? Do we determine our own fate or is it predetermined for us? Most people, including myself, ask a majority of these questions when they leave the nest. When I was graduating high school, I had no clue what the â€Å"real world†was like. My parents paid the bills, provided for me, and put the roof over my head. As we graduate, you ask who are your â€Å"real†friends? More importantly what is real in general? What’s a real job? As you grow older, you can reflect on what was real as a child, and I have come to the conclusion that everybody’s idea of real changes along with your age and lifestyle. For example when somebody passes away and you’re young, you don’t question if it’s real, but as you age you can’t believe when something so tragic happens and you question it. People do this every day, and for reasons that only they can explain. People talk about the spiritual world openly, but most have never experienced it. So, with that being the case it is hard to determine whether or not it is more or less real that the physical world. That’s one of those questions that as of right now I don’t have the answer to. I believe in the spiritual world whole heartedly, but to say it’s any more or less real is hard for me because I have only experienced the physical world. As of right now, I would say that they are equally real, but that is just my opinion. Going along with that, everyone has a soul, but does it live outside the body before we pass? I don’t believe so. As a Christian, we pray for the Lord to take our soul when we pass, and to protect it while we are alive. Our soul exits the body when we are done on Earth. Fate is a very complex subject. I believe that everyone has an idea of their ultimate fate. This doesn’t mean however that that is how it will end up, or that the step along the way will line up with your plan. For example, when someone dies, people say it must have been fate. I think that things like this are determined by Him, not us. When people say that when they fall in love that it’s fate, but that is determined by us making it free will. Therefore, I believe that our lives are determined by our own free will and fate. Epistemology is basically how we determine if something is a belief or an opinion. Some things are taught to us after they have been investigated, but other things are made up in our minds or families. If you ever look at the actual definition for knowledge it is pretty loosely written. Therefore, knowledge doesn’t have to be true. Your knowledge is determined by you. There are universal examples of knowledge in my opinion. However, since knowledge can be false it’s hard to say if others would believe the same. For example, 2+2=4 that seems like it would be true everywhere, might not be. Someone might be think 2+2=something other than 4. 1. Epistemology: * Is all knowledge subjective, or are there some universal truths? * What is the relationship between faith and reason? * What can artificial intelligence teach people about knowledge? * What are the limits of human understanding? 2. Ethics: * What is the right thing to do? * What does it mean to be a good person? * Does virtue lead to happiness? * Do the ends justify the means, or is a virtuous action virtuous in and of itself? * How does living in a society affect morality? * Is morality culturally based, individually based, or is there a universal morality? 3. Aesthetics: * What is beautiful? * Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder, or are there some things that all cultures find beautiful? * What is the purpose of art? * How can a piece of art be successful or valuable? Does beauty matter? 4. Political philosophy: * What is the best kind of government? * How much power should the government have? * What kind of people should be in power? * How involved should the common citizen be in government? 5. Social philosophy: * How should humans behave in a society? * Do people give up certain rights when they choose to live in a society? * How do social values affect individual beliefs? Do people behave differently in a crowd than they would individually? * How does society affect language and other types of communication?
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Business Research Project Essay Example for Free
Business Research Project Essay Serenity Stay Long Term Care is a Specialty Hospital located in Memphis, Tennessee. The company is a 50 bed facility that caters to patients on ventilators, patients needing physical therapy, and patients needing wound care. The facility has been losing a lot of good Register Nursing (R.N.) personnel and Human Resource thinks that it is because of the long 12 hours days required to work. To provide outstanding care to our patients Serenity Stay must find a way to keep good R. N. personnel. Serenity Stay Long Term Care Hospital and Human Resources should focus on the following research question, is working 12 hours’ worth the risk, because it is overworking the nursing staff? Or should management look at changing the hours to benefit staff needs, which could possibly reduce a drop in loss of staff? The first thing we will look at is to see if o12 hour shift are causing our nursing staff personnel to be overworking nurses at Serenity Stay is causing a drop in employment. Secondly we will look at is if working the 12 hours shift is not the cause of loss of nursing personnel. Team A plans to test weather keeping a 12 hour shift or going back to an 8 hour shift will help keep the nurses happy. We will conduct surveys, talk with other facilities that are experiencing the same issues, and talk with the staff involved. If working 12 hours shifts appear to be the problem, then we could look at going back to 8 hour shifts, Townsend, T. (2013). Are twelve hour shifts safe? Retrieved fromhttp://www.american nurse today
The Roles And Uses Of Political Rhetoric Politics Essay
The Roles And Uses Of Political Rhetoric Politics Essay This paper discusses how Aristotle defined rhetoric and analyzes the reasoning that went into development of a persuasive speech. This paper looks at the three types of rhetoric Aristotle described as well as the explanation for the role and place of rhetoric in todays political environment. Political Rhetoric Rhetoric as defined by Aristotle was the ability, in each particular case, to use the available means of persuasion. In general, rhetoric is the energy inherent in emotion and thought, transmitted through a system of signs, including language, to others to influence their decisions or actions(Kennedy, pp. 5-8). Aristotle introduces rhetoric as an art which focuses on persuasion and the various methods used to convince an audience of a specific point of view. Some people see rhetoric as a technique of manipulation and not a form of persuasion, however, as with everything that point is debatable. In general, rhetoric is the art of public speaking and debate. Rhetorical skills are valued in such professions as teaching, law, religion, news reporting and politics. While the purpose of rhetoric concentrates on the emotional response of sensitive topics such as religion and politics, the ultimate goal of rhetoric is to sway ones opinion. Professional rhetoricians dont have to be honest in the speech, they do, however must show a form of entertainment and be effective. Aristotle described three major rhetorical means of persuasion; ethos, pathos and logos. Ethos uses trust to persuade the audience. A politician uses his or her respective reputation and what is perceived and said about them; however there is a close connection between reputation and reality. Credibility depends both on expertise and how this is portrayed. In order to persuade the audience, you must first believe in yourself. Pathos does not directly involve the argument itself; instead pathos relies on the emotions of the audience. An efficient way to move the audience is to appeal to their values. Logos is Greek for logic and is used to persuade the audience by demonstrating the truth and is based on scientific facts. Logos is also used to appeal to the intellect of the audience, and is considered an argument of logic. The use of rhetoric is very apparent in political speeches and the outcome is measured by a vote placed by each member of the audience. Aristotelian rhetoric assumes that you believe the politician, and disbelieve all other politicians that have different views. The persuasiveness or manipulation of a speech not only depends on the nature of the speech, but also on the believability of its origin and beliefs shared by the speaker and the audience. The audience is attracted to the integrity, passion and reasoning of the speaker. The speaker must find the proper balance of the aforementioned qualities in the debate in order to be effective. In the end the audience is persuaded because they sense that the speaker is an expert on the topic based on his or her substantial confidence and the amount of emotion involved. Rhetoric used in the past The foundation of the modern approach to society, including the entirety of the modern political system, is fallout from the medieval rediscovery of Aristotles work; during the Crusades, Europeans re-discovered Latin translations of Aristotle in various libraries throughout the Islamic world. When rhetoric is applied to political speech, therefore, it may be concluded that the politician is attempting to sway the publics opinion in a manner that is unjust and false. Today political parties in the United States play an integral role in political elections, local, state and national. Parties have become a vehicle for exerting the ideas and agenda of large and collective groups of citizens. However, political parties in colonial American and the early Republic were viewed negatively, by both early politicians and philosophers. Even the founding fathers had issues with political parties. Parties were thought to divide Americans. Also, thinkers of the time thought that forming parties would result in spawning a winning side and a losing side in elections, which would further split Americans. People in society today are greatly influenced by what they read. The articles in the newspapers skew peoples beliefs of political affairs and current events in the same way that biased articles in popular magazines seem to shape the way the general public views different types of cultural aspects. Keeping this in mind, it is especially important to note that during the 1800s, the people lacked other forms of media and communication that people in modern times are influenced by. Instead, they relied heavily on literature to entertain themselves, most of which shaped the way they viewed culture, politics, and life itself. Consider how politicians use rhetoric to promote their policies. We focus on a particular type of rhetorical appeal-those based on emotionally charged predictions about policy consequences. For politicians, we emphasize maximizing and strategic behavior, reflecting their full-time employment in politics and large personal stakes in political outcomes. Political leaders want to win policy debates and they employ rhetoric in an effort to move public opinion to their respective sides. The very reason for public political debate between parties is to sway those preferences in one or the other direction. Politicians often try to shape citizens beliefs about current conditions and the likelihood that particular outcomes will occur if a policy is or is not put into law (e.g., Jerit, 2009; Lupia Menning, 2009). Politicians can attempt to form and change such beliefs, fundamentally, because of the role of uncertainty in policy decisions. There is always considerable and sometimes enormous uncertainty about the impact of proposed policies (see, e.g., Riker, 1996).1 Not even experts really know the consequences of a policy in advance. We agree that value-based arguments are an important part of politicians rhetoric. If politics were solely about values, each side would assert its values early, and citizens would line up on one side or the other. Politicians say many things during the course of a policy debate, and so the first task is to identify the forms that political rhetoric and argument can take. From the perspective of politicians seeking to persuade citizens, the three potentially most valuable forms are assertions of core party values and principles, predictions of future states,3 and factual descriptions of current circumstances. All three forms of political rhetoric are motivated by party leaders desires to sway opinion in the preferred direction, although each form has its own purpose. If parties can shape beliefs, and thus preferences, by taking advantage of uncertainty and strategically using rhetoric, then winning elections and winning policy debates through rhetorical persuasion are both possible, if not mutually reinforcing. Political rhetoric will not evolve in precisely the same way across different policy debates. We have offered several propositions about how politicians should behave when they believe they can shape citizens beliefs. They also show that neither politicians nor the media seem to provide citizens with reliable, readily identified cues to help distinguish those that are worth taking seriously from those that are just hot air. Under such circumstances, what can we reasonably expect from citizens who are asked to render political judgments? Speculations on Citizens Responses to Political Rhetoric To address citizens responses to predictive rhetoric, we first comment on two important perspectives in political psychology that appear to suggest grounds for expecting quite competent performance. test is crucial to understanding the uses of predictive rhetoric and its consequences for citizen competence. Unfortunately, we are about to navigate largely uncharted waters. 11 Citizens Assessments of Asserted Links in Predictive Arguments Assuming that citizens care about the outcome, they will consciously or unconsciously consider the claimed link between the focal policy and that outcome. Does an important causal linkage exist? To avoid effort, and lacking expertise in the policy area, citizens will limit their answers to a simple categorical question: Is there a genuine, significant link of the sort claimed, or is the claimed link minimal or nonexistent? Unlike experts, ordinary people generally will not bother with refined distinctions, for example, attempting to distinguish between a very important and a somewhat important link. To avoid being manipulated, unaligned citizens will not take politicians at their word, but rather will try to assess the validity of an alleged link independently. In searching for independent corroboration, they will employ simple heuristics, including the following three in particular. We concluded that rhetorical predictions about the consequences of policies create obstacles for citizens who seek to make reasonable decisions. Conclusion In this very exploratory chapter, we have considered the political logic of policy rhetoric; the prominence of appeals that rely on extreme and mostly negative predictions and seek to elicit an emotional response; the processes that citizens use in determining their response; and the consequences of those processes for the competence of individual and collective decisions about policy. To put our findings simply, the information environment in which citizens make decisions about policies presents a constant stream of dramatic, emotionally salient predictive claims, covering a wide range of outcomes, and presented largely without supporting evidence or other diagnostic information. The highly partisan cope with this constant stream by adopting the party line. The unaligned have no such luxury, and thus must try to make sense of the political rhetoric. Sometimes the dire predictions elicit some form of corroborating information-a pertinent schema, an example from daily life, or the like-in the minds of these citizens, thus ringing a bell with them. There is little reason to suppose that the predictive appeals that ring a bell in this way correspond at all closely to the considerations that would prove decisive in an environment that encouraged deliberate judgment on the basis of realistic claims and the best available diagnostic information. But, then, there is no reason to believe that taking party cues does, either.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Pluto Essays -- essays research papers
In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.      Pluto’s discovery was actually a fortunate accident. Clyde Tombaugh was searching for a ninth planet to explain inconsistencies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Once further research was done regarding Pluto it was determined that the size of Pluto was too small to account for the irregularities of the orbits. Astronomers continued to search for a tenth planet, â€Å"Planet X.†The calculations that made scientists to believe this have since been proven incorrect by the Voyager 2. With the more accurate mass of Neptune that Voyager 2 was able to produce, the discrepancies of the orbit were explained. It is no longer believed that there is a tenth planet.      Since it’s discovery, the legitimacy of Pluto as actually being a planet, has long been debated. The numerous irregularities found when studying Pluto, coupled with its miniscule size has made it the object of controversy. For a while it was believed that Pluto could have possibly been another moon of the planet Neptune. This was often believed due to similarities between Pluto and the Neptune moon Triton. Triton and Pluto have similar surface and atmospheric properties, both being of near equal temperatures. Many believe that Triton was also once independent from Neptune, and that Triton, like Pluto, came from the Kuiper Belt explaining such relations. Also, both Pluto and Triton have very unusual orbits which does lead some to believe that there is a cosmic connection between the two.      Upon ruling out the possibility of Pluto being another moon of Neptune, Pluto was then classified by the International Astronomical Union ... ... it greatly differs from the Earth’s distance of 147.5 kilometers from the sun at perihelion. Astronomers can best study Pluto when it is at perihelion, unfortunately, it only happens once in its 248.8 year orbit.      As we continue to extend out reach to the outer solar system, we are constantly learning more and more about Pluto. While the information that astronomers have is limited, every piece helps them to make further hypothesis about the planet. In just a short time Astronomers have been able to make great leaps gathering information to better understand Pluto. Hopefully, with continued space travel and research, we can continue to learn about the unusual planet.                Sources †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚     IAU press release from January 1999. â€Å"The status of Pluto: A clarification Pluto Essays -- essays research papers In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.      Pluto’s discovery was actually a fortunate accident. Clyde Tombaugh was searching for a ninth planet to explain inconsistencies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Once further research was done regarding Pluto it was determined that the size of Pluto was too small to account for the irregularities of the orbits. Astronomers continued to search for a tenth planet, â€Å"Planet X.†The calculations that made scientists to believe this have since been proven incorrect by the Voyager 2. With the more accurate mass of Neptune that Voyager 2 was able to produce, the discrepancies of the orbit were explained. It is no longer believed that there is a tenth planet.      Since it’s discovery, the legitimacy of Pluto as actually being a planet, has long been debated. The numerous irregularities found when studying Pluto, coupled with its miniscule size has made it the object of controversy. For a while it was believed that Pluto could have possibly been another moon of the planet Neptune. This was often believed due to similarities between Pluto and the Neptune moon Triton. Triton and Pluto have similar surface and atmospheric properties, both being of near equal temperatures. Many believe that Triton was also once independent from Neptune, and that Triton, like Pluto, came from the Kuiper Belt explaining such relations. Also, both Pluto and Triton have very unusual orbits which does lead some to believe that there is a cosmic connection between the two.      Upon ruling out the possibility of Pluto being another moon of Neptune, Pluto was then classified by the International Astronomical Union ... ... it greatly differs from the Earth’s distance of 147.5 kilometers from the sun at perihelion. Astronomers can best study Pluto when it is at perihelion, unfortunately, it only happens once in its 248.8 year orbit.      As we continue to extend out reach to the outer solar system, we are constantly learning more and more about Pluto. While the information that astronomers have is limited, every piece helps them to make further hypothesis about the planet. In just a short time Astronomers have been able to make great leaps gathering information to better understand Pluto. Hopefully, with continued space travel and research, we can continue to learn about the unusual planet.                Sources †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚ †¢Ã‚     IAU press release from January 1999. â€Å"The status of Pluto: A clarification
Monday, August 19, 2019
Patents are Essential to the Modern World Essays -- Intellectual Prope
Patents are Essential to the Modern World A patent is the public disclosure of the invention and the best way of practicing the invention, in exchange for the rights to that information for a set period of time - twenty years. A patent permits its owner to exclude members of the public from making, using, or selling the claimed invention. This type of arrangement is a necessity for any type of scientific work. It allows other people to share in the ideas that have been thought and utilized by a company and/or individuals so that research is not unnecessarily performed twice. This is beneficial to the owner of the intellectual property (IP) so that financial reward can be obtained, and knowledge can be freely publicized for others thereby not inhibiting the progression of technology and science. This is a necessary step in the flow of scientific information so that the entire system remains efficient. The patent is a great way for protecting an inventor’s idea however there are some conditions attached to the granting of a patent. These are in relation to the use and history of the invention. The criteria that need to be met are that the invention is ‘Novel’, ‘non-obvious’ and commercial utility. The invention also has to work (be reproducible) and can not have been published publicly at any event prior to the filing of a patent. These factors need to be assessed before an application for a patent is filed. The patent is the most powerful method available to the owner of IP because it offers the most comprehensive cover, along with the most options in the ways that the idea can make money for the persons involved. Other means of protection are quite feeble in comparison to the patent, for example ... ... company. Or they are supplied with an annual crop which can only be used once, as it produces sterile seeds, and therefore they would have to purchase the same invention many times over simply due to a lack of money. This ensures rewards are passed on to the inventors of the invention. This is good in a commercial sense and enables quick progression of commercial products. It is also good in a way of freedom of research information. However the end user might not always be as well off as they could be. Overall the use of patents is an essential step in the commercialization of any product in the modern scientific environment. It is a method of trying to reduce the doubling up of research and ensuring the correct people are paid for the inventions. It is essential that some basic rules are followed and every idea is scrutinized by an application process.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Comparing Women in Rappaccinis Daughter, Prophetic Pictures, Lady Elea
The Role of Women in Rappaccini's Daughter, The Prophetic Pictures, Lady Eleanor's Mantle, and The Birth-Mark When researching criticism on Hawthorne's works, I ran across an interesting piece that dealt with the feminist view of "The Birth-Mark." The article, written by Fetterly, explores the relationship between Aylmer and his wife, and how this relationship is a typical male-dominated situation. Although there is the fact that the story deals with the failure of the scientist, there is an underlying current here of how Aylmer views his wife: in a negative manner. This view towards women can be seen in several of the works of Hawthorne's - among them "Rappaccini's Daughter," "The Prophetic Pictures," and "Lady Eleanor's Mantle." While this view of women is not always at the forefront of the piece, it is certainly worth exploring how they are treated by the men in each.  In "The Birthmark," Aylmer sets about the task of ridding his wife of the one imperfection she has. By attempting to perfect her, the readers get the idea that somehow Georgiana is not adequate and this inadequacy lies in her appearance. The message to the readers seems to be that women need to be perfect on the outside as well as on the inside, which Aylmer claims is flawless. Aylmer decides he is going to "fix" Georgiana. Feminists look at this as a male control issue.  There are several mentions of Georgiana as being "otherwise so perfect," in both appearance and soul - save for this birthmark. This idea of having to have the most beautiful wife is very degrading view of women. It plants the idea in our minds that men are superior to women, and that men are the ones who can "fix" females in the attempt to bring them up to the level of me... ...hadow of death falling over the female characters in each of these stories. This would fit into what Fetterly describes as "the great American dream of eliminating women." It seems that the role of the men in these pieces were chiefly to try and control their wives/love interests/daughters in the attempt to get an upper hand in the battle of the sexes. There are not any productive male-female relationships seen here, and feminists would conclude that this stems from the need to dominate women, probably because men are afraid of the power of women. We can't know what's going on in the minds of these men, but it certainly is interesting to look at the relationships they have with the main female characters. Works Cited: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. " Rappaccini's Daughter." Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales. Ed. James McIntosh. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1987.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Family First Alert
Family First Alert llc†, which is a company that supplies alert buttons and the service of monitoring those buttons for the elderly. At the time of this printing â€Å"Family First Alert llc†has been in business for eight years servicing and taking care of literally hundreds of elderly people. Dan has always cared deeply for older people and wanted to do something that would help them and make a difference in their lives. Many of the people that have and are currently clients of his company have written many letters thanking Dan for the service and the quality that they receive each month.When Dan started the company he did so because his own mother was in need of that type of service and the family had checked into different companies that offered the service, but were just not completely satisfied with everything they had found. This is when Dan decided to research the industry and learn all that he could about how it worked and how it could be improved on. This was t he birth of â€Å"Family First Alert llc†. Dan not only wanted to make a quality service, but he wanted to make it affordable as well to those that needed it. This is why â€Å"Family First Alert llc†has never raised their prices from the time they started to present day.Dan boast’s the lowest price in the industry today for the same service as the many other companies and is very proud of that claim. You can follow â€Å"Family First Alert llc†on the net at www. familyfirstalert. com or on Face book as well. Introduction: When I was born, my mother and father were forty and forty one years old. They were wonderful parent's and they raised my brother and sister and I with much love and care. They were there for us whenever we needed them and for whatever reason. Whether it was financial support or moral support they never failed to be there for any of us. We weren’t by any mearns financially well off, my father owned a hardware store and my mothe r was a secretary for the board of education.It didn’t matter to them though, because their kids always came first and if we needed something, they would find a way to get it. I remember one time my father coming home with a flu gal horn in his hand for me. I asked him where he got it and he told me that he had traded it for an antique ax and $50. 00. He didn’t have the money to go buy a new one, but he was willing to sacrifice something that he cared about for something he cared more about, Me. He loved collecting antiques and the ax was one of his collectables. This was a common thing in our household. I remember growing up having older parent's than most all of my friends. This was a real worry for me as a kid and when they started to get older and have some health problems my fears became a reality.I always told my mother who lived to be 86 that she would never have to worry about going into a rest home, that I would take care of her and she could always come live with me and my family. My father died at the age of 63 after having heart problems from what I feel was a result of a life of smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. As I said before, my parent's were wonderful parent's and took care of us as best as any parent's ever could. It’s funny how things go full circle in life. Your parent's take care of you and worry about you when your young and then it’s your turn to return the favor in their later years. Because of their love for me and the love and respect that I had for them, I had always felt a responsibility for them and would do whatever I could in their later years.This article is an attempt to try to help others that are going through what my family and I did while taking care of our elderly parent's. I will attempt to go through some different stages that will hopefully help ease some of the burdens that you may face. I hope you will find the following information in someway helpful. As Time Begins to Pass, Drivin g Can Be A Challenge: When our parent's begin to hit those later years it can be somewhat like walking on eggshells. You might start seeing some small things that concern you, but try not to blow them out of proportion. They might be still driving their car and the thought might come to you to ask them to stop driving or you might even be so bold as to take their keys from them. This is where many children make a big mistake.Remember, it is very important for the elderly to be able to maintain self worth and dignity in their later years. Having a son or daughter tell them what to do or what not to do can really hurt their feelings and cause a lot of problems. It’s easy to understand this concern if the paren't has had some accidents or is not able to drive safely where they might be a risk to themselves or others on the road, but if this is not the case, respect them enough to allow them to have input into what they are wanting to do. The Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel published a very good article online on December 26, 2012 where they outlined many good and useful tips for older drivers and their families.They stated that it’s important to help older drivers stay safe behind the wheel for as long as possible. Adult children can help aging parent's regularly maintain their vehicles. And if it's time for a new car, adult children can help identify choices with new technologies that can enhance safe driving, like reverse monitoring systems. Older drivers can brush up on their driving skills with AARP Driver Safety's course, which is specifically designed to help people 50 and older refresh their driving skills. Family members should observe an older loved one's driving by taking a ride as passenger and keeping an eye out for warning signs. It's important to look for changes in driving abilities. These signs include: – Frequent â€Å"close calls†or near-crashes. ?- Unexplained dents or scrapes on vehicles, fences, mailboxes, ga rage doors, etc. ?- Getting lost, even in familiar locations. ?- Difficulty seeing or following traffic signals, road signs and pavement markings. ?- Slower responses to unexpected situations, trouble moving the driving foot from the gas to the brake, and confusing the two pedals. ?- Misjudging gaps in traffic at intersections or on highway entrance and exit ramps. ?- Experiencing road rage or inspiring it in other drivers. ?- Easily becoming distracted while driving. ?- Difficulty turning around to check the rear view while backing up or changing lanes. – Receiving multiple tickets or warnings from law enforcement officers. ?Third, if you notice a pattern of warning signs and an increase in frequency, then it's time to initiate a conversation. â€Å"It's important that the right person initiate the conversation,†says Jodi Olshevski, a gerontologist and assistant vice president at The Hartford. â€Å"Research indicates that 50 ppercent of married drivers prefer to he ar about driving concerns from their spouses first, then doctors and finally adult children. Whowever initiates the conversation should have a sthrong rapport with the older driver. †?Avoid bringing up the topic of driving during family gatherings.Instead, look for a quiet, private time when all parties involved will have privacy and minimal distractions. If the case is serious and they should not be behind the wheel then sit down with them and discuss it in a very loving way and try hard not to talk to them in a demeaning way. Remember, they have lived along time making their own decisions and have done pretty well on their own. They deserve to have your respect as they always have. Many times just sitting down with the elderly paren't and discussing your concerns and worries and why you feel the way you do, will allow them to look at things in a different way. Remember, they loved and took care of you for a long time and they cared about how you felt and I’m sure the y still do.If you truly show your love and concern for them as you speak to them, showing them respect and dignity, they might surprise you and see things more your way. Young or old nobody likes to be told what they are going to do. Often, if your concerns are put to them as â€Å"What do you think about this mom†, or â€Å"Dad, don’t you think it would be better if we did this†, they would be more excepting of the suggestion and not be as defensive. If the situation is serious and they will not listen after all you have done, it might require a more drastic approach. I feel that it is very important to hold the relationship between our parent's as most important.Having said that, you may not agree with the following tactic, but it may very well solve the problem. If I knew that my mother was dangerous on the road and that her well being and the well being of many other innocent people were at risk, I might be so inclined to contact a police officer friend or j ust talk to one about your concerns. I might explain to the officer that I feel that my mother could be a danger on the road and would he be willing to keep an eye out for her and see what he thinks. This is more easily done in smaller towns and communities but if you have that luxury, it might be worth your wild. I’m not an advocate for telling you to be dishonest to your paren't or sneaky, but we are talking about their well being here.Sometimes the less you say can be the best, if you know what I mean. If the officer feels that she is unsafe in her ability to continue to drive then he can take the needed steps on his end. This will accomplish the goal of her safety and also help you save face in her eyes as well. I do feel that you must be prepared to take up the slack in the event they voluntarily retire the keys or if they are taken by other mearns. If they lose their ability to move around that they have enjoyed for many years, this is going to be a life-changing event. As their offspring, we’ll need to be sensitive to this and be willing to make arrangements for them or be willing to transport them ourselves.Depending on the number of siblings we have and the availability of each, we can have a family meeting and work out who could be responsible for what week or what day or what church meeting or what ladies or men’s organization we would be able to drive them to. I would suggest that the paren't not be in attendance at this meeting. I remember times when my own family meetings were taking place and my mother was sitting there. Every once in a while there would be a conflict amongst us siblings with who could or couldn’t do what and my mother would just get frustrated and speak up and say, â€Å"Just forget it, I don’t need it†, or something like that. These types of situations can really hurt the paren't in so many ways. Most of all it makes them feel as though they are burdensome and can start them on a path of depression.Depression is a whole other issue that we will deal with later, but it is very serious. We never want our loved ones feeling in anyway that they are a burden. I always tried my best to let my mother and father know how much I enjoyed being there for them. I’m not saying that every moment was a vacation, but for the most part, I did enjoy being there for them and seeing the gratitude in their eyes. The paren't doesn’t need to be in the meeting anyway to solve logistical issues of who is going to transport and when or who is going to stay and what night. The paren't doesn’t need to be in on who will be taking care of getting the medicines ready each week.They just need to know that they don’t have to worry about it. The less they worry the better off they are. Bottom line is, work around them and make their lives easier. Business Affairs And The Elderly: There are many things to think about when it comes to taking care of business concerns. Ta king charge of making sure the paren't’s bills are taken care of is a huge worry off their minds. It’s important to know where all the legal documents are and just what there is to take care of. Make a list of all bills that need to be taken care of and the addresses to where the payments need to be sent. Check to see if there’s any balance on any of the accounts.Find out if there is any extra bills that are not utility type bills such as, monthly donations or Christmas club dues, or maybe they are sponsoring an over seas child each month. Evaluate at this time, (with the paren't) if the budget can continue to fund these things. In today’s world the task of taking care of the monthly bills is getting easier everyday, with the use of the internet. By going online, most bills can be paid on a monthly basis now with very little effort. This will most likely have to be set up for them being as though most elderly people are not internet savvy. I would also re commend if possible in your area, to have your paren't’s utilities put on a budget with utility companies. This will allow them to make easier payments and free up some of their capitol for other uses.Bills that are not reoccurring, like groceries, getting their hair cut or that weekly massage, will have to be taken care of the old fashion way, just do it for them. When it’s time to get groceries, go for them or have someone go, or if they feel they want to go, go with them. This is another example of allowing them to hold onto their dignity longer. Tell them, you love going to the store with them and ask them not to take that pleasure away from you. This gives them another example of your love for them and also allows them to get the help they need with getting the groceries. It may be a smart business move to put any large assets such as vehicles or the family home place and property into the names of all the children. It could probably be a smart move to talk to a l awyer that deals with estate planning who also offers Medicaid planning services in case you paren't might need government assistance with in the next three years. Often, if a paren't has to go to a rest home facility and they have much in the way of assets, they might find themselves in a bad financial spot, which could effect their forfeiting their property. Transferring assets may also put those that are receiving such property, eligible for being taxed on it. These are important things to think about and should be discussed with a qualified lawyer. Someone will have to agree to take on the position of power of attorney.If there’s only one child involved the decision is easy, but if there are more it can become a little bit troublesome. If your paren't has already decided which child this duty will fall to, do them a favor and respect those wishes. This is something that is probably going to be worrisome to them anyway. They will most likely worry that they may be hurting some ones feelings. Do all that you can do to let them know that you support what they have decided. It can be a lot of work being the person with power of attorney or the executor of the will. This person has to be willing to do the paper work and the research of assets if it is unknown. This person also bears the burden of making the final decision on most all the legal decisions to be made.If you’re not the one chosen in the family to do this job, please be patient with the one that is and show them your support. Usually, it is customary that the person doing this job is compensated by at least $5000. 00 for taking it on. This should not be a source of contention between siblings because the job will require much work to do it right. My sister did it for our family and did it very well. She is the one that found the extra money that we (and our mother) didn’t know she had. She spent many hours on the job and did it graciously. She didn’t take a penny extra fo r it and that was an honorable thing to do if you’re so inclined to do so.It is also recommended that once the power of attorney has been decided on, to also have detailed in a document that names a second person who will take a look at all the bank statements on a monthly basis and do an analysis of all the financial records yearly. This person can be another family member or a professional accountant. It’s also important to try to find extra money for a later time. Using financial tools such as reverse mortgage can improve the cash flow of the elderly. Checking for benefits that your parent's might be eligible for such as a reduction in their heating bills or help with their prescription drugs can really make a difference. There are many avenues to get help out there but actually only about half the people who qualify for such help actually use it.When making purchasing or financial decisions on behave of your paren't, it is also wise to consult with other siblings i f there are any. Don’t make the mistake of making an important, or even a not so important decision without consulting the family involved. This will only open your self up to problems down the road. Someone will always have a different way to have handled it and will tell you about it. When you are in charge of the bills and the worries that come with it, the last thing you want to hear from a sibling is that you didn’t do it the right way or that your decision wasn’t done fairly. Look ahead and prepare in advance. Even the closes families have issues over money. Don’t be so naive as to think that yours will not.When you have done all that you can do to make the decision and the family can’t seem to come to an agreement on something, then it is your job as the executor or power of attorney to make that decision and everyone should support that decision, even if they don’t agree to it. The only other thing that you can do it to agree on (wit h the paren't) another non bias person, sort of a mediator to make any decisions that are in dead lock. This way no family member can be upset with any other family member. All these issues need to be understood and worked out well in advance so that there is no questions or misgivings later. It wouldn’t even be a bad idea for all family members to sign an agreement stating that they understand the way that procedures will go forth and they will abide by them.Of course, if the paren't is still healthy and able to make clear decisions, they are the ones that should set for the procedures and how things will be handled and they will be the ones having everyone else do the signing of understanding. Assets: It’s important to make sure the family knows just what the assets are. I know before my mother passed away, she was very worried that there wouldn’t be enough money to take care of everything. We were concerned that we wouldn’t have enough money to pay off her bills and pay for her arrangements. This was something my mother should never have spent anytime worrying over, but she did. After her death, my sister was going through some of her documents and found that she actually had much more money than she herself was even aware of.My father had investments in stocks and bonds that she didn’t even know about. My brother and sister and I ended up with much more inheritance than she ever knew. It saddened us all to think our mother worried so over this and didn’t have the peace of mind of knowing everything was going to be ok. If there had been some way that she could have known this before, if we would have just taken the time to find out before hand. Worry is hard on the elderly and knowing that she did so was upsetting. Find out what there is and what will be needed. Plan ahead for that time when you will need to know. Financial Help: Many Elderly are living on a very fixed income and can’t afford much in the way of extras.They must budget their income very carefully and some struggle to the point that they give up many things they really need. If your paren't is in a ssimilar situation and you or another family member aren’t in a position to help much, all is not lost. There are many programs available that could be of some help. Arrangements should be made early on for those times down the road where you paren't will most likely need some sort of services to help them get by. These types of services will most likely be that of some type of in home care such as health care, or some other type of service. These types of services usually can run upwards of 19 dollars an hour. For many elderly, this can add up to draining their nest egg pretty quickly.Plan far enough ahead that this situation will not come as a major shock to both their finances and there emotional well being. The local Social Services organization is a wonderful resource that should be tapped into. This organization ha s government funded grants and monies to help. If you contact them and explain your situation with them, very often they will be able to help in some way. Another fine organization is the Area on Aging services and the Community Action group that also can be of great help. They to have monies allocated from the government for helping the elderly. Local branches of the American Red Cross provide Americans with help paying electric and heating bills.Often these particular organizations are given a certain budget that they have to last for a certain quarter or even on a yearly basis, therefore, it is important to contact them as soon as possible to be able to receive such funds. These two organizations would definitely be a good place to start when looking for some assistance. Many utility companies across the country offer support and assistance to Americans to help them pay their electric bills. Sometimes the utility companies will out source the administration of the program to the United Way. By contacting the local United Way office, you can see if they are aware of any assistance or support provided by any of the utility providers.The Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance and cash grants to people who need assistance with paying hospital and medical bills that result from a cancer diagnosis. There are several programs that offer discounted and free prescription meducations. They include Dispensary of Hope, Together RX Access, NeedyMeds, and the Patient Advocate Foundation. The Meducations: I would first recommend that whowever is in charge of getting the meducations ready, get a weekly pill container to put them in. They even have these for the whole month if you want to do it that far in advance. This helps you organize the pills and keep track of them more efficiently.If the paren't is still seeing that they take the pills each day, these little containers also help them not to take th eir meds twice, thinking that they might not have. If the pills are gone, they know they have and if the pills are still in the container by evening, they know they forgot to take their meducations and can still do so. The responsibility of taking care of the paren't’s meducations can be very nerve racking, at least for me it was. Even when using the pill containers it can still be a difficult task. I think there was only a few times that I didn’t make a mistake while getting them ready for the week. I recommend after all the pills are in the container, that you to take the extra time and go back and check each container for the correct dosage. It’s better to be safe than sorry as they say.I remember when I was doing this job for my mother, it proved to be a very nerve racking job each week. It’s also very important that you stay up on refills so that you don’t get caught without a meducation during a weekend or a holiday when it might be difficult to get one. The pill containers seem to help with this as well, because you can see just when you’re getting low and when you need a refill. Do yourself and your paren't a very valuable favor by doing some of your own research on the meducations that they are on. Don’t always trust the doctors, they see thousands of patients during the week and may not be taking the time to always look and see if something they are prescribing is going to conflict with something else that they are on.This has happened more times than any doctor would like to admit. My own mother was on sixteen pills a day towards the end of her life and at one time wasn’t making a lot of sense with her words. At first, we thought she was just going down hill health wise and that maybe she was getting Alzheimer’s or something worse. She got to the point that she had to be put on Hospice care and was taken off most of the meducations and miraculously regained her clear thinking within just a few short days. This led to her being taken off Hospice care altogether. This was an eye opener to my family that many of the elderly are over medicated in today’s society. â€Å"Sometimes, less is more†, is really true.Any quick search on the internet these days can tell you what any drug’s side effects are and in many cases you might even be able to find out what drugs shouldn’t be taken with certain other drugs. It’s just good to be educated on what is going on because no one is going to care as much for your loved one as you are. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend you make a very clear typed page that shows all the meducations that your paren't is on and how often they take each one. I would make several copies of this document for family members to have. It’s a great idea to place one of them on the refrigerator, so that if an ambulance is ever dispatched to the home, it is in plain site for them to take it with them when transporting.This will alleviate much confusion on the way to the hospital and even after they arrive. Listed on this paper along with the meducations that they are taking, it is important to list any allergies or specific problems that you would want the ambulance crew to know about. The hospital will thank you as well, because they to will have to know this information once your paren't arrives and is diagnosed. Many meducations can cause the patient to be less alert and therefore more prone to falls. Some of these meducations can be sedatives, anti-depressants, and anti-psychotic drugs. People that are taking multiple meducations are at greater risk of falling. Know the side effects of all the meducations that you are taking.Most pharmacists these days include a brochure with the side effects for you to read when dispersing the meducations. Fall Prevention And The Home: The most common reason for injuries to the elderly are due to falls. Falls account for 70% of the cause of accidental deaths in America for elderly persons seventy-five years and older. More than 90% of hip fractures occur because of falls. One third of community-dwelling elderly and 60% of nursing home residents will fall each year. There are many reasons that an elderly person will take a fall and because of their age it can be a devastating experience and in some cases even result in death. I remember once staying ith my mother for the evening and she got up to go to the kitchen and the next thing I heard was a terrifying crashing sound. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen with fear in my heart and found my mother on the floor. It really scared me, but luckily she was not hurt to badly, except for a few scrapes here and there. As I helped her up I felt guilty for not jumping up as soon as I saw her going to the kitchen. The thought that I could have moved faster and gotten whatever it was that she was wanting and prevented her fall was all I could think of. Then I realized if I had no t been there at all, she might have been confined to the floor for several hours.Not that this eased my mind that much, but it did open my awareness to how quickly something like that can happen. I felt blessed that she had not gotten hurt any worse. There are many things to consider when making a home Elderly proof. Just like making a home child proof, there are things that need to be done for the elderly. One of the biggest issues that the elderly have is that they have a high risk of falling. You can alleviate some of this worry by making sure the following is taken care of. Is the home setup in a safe way for the family member? Are there things that can be done to the home to ensure that it’s a safe environment? It’s a good idea to include anti scald devices for showers and faucets that protect older skin.The skin of an elderly person can sustain serious burns much easier than a youthful person. Take the time to set the water heater to the â€Å"low†setting or at 120 degrees. My mother was having trouble getting in and out of her bathtub and we were afraid that she might take a bad fall in doing so. We decided to tear out the old tub and install a walk in shower unit. This way she could just step into it and sit on her shower seat. We found out later that this was a very smart move because of the fact that several weeks later her sugar level dropped and she passed out and laid in the shower for over three and a half hours with the water still running on her.If she would have still had her tub, she might have drowned. Many elderly over the age of 65 have a fall each year. Most of the time these falls occur right in their own home while doing the things they have done for years. Here are some quick things to think about that I have come across in trying to help prevent a loved one from a serious fall. * Make sure all rugs are secure. * Get rid of any throw rugs that are present. * Do away with any slippery surfaces that might be a hazar d to walk on. * If the loved one is bound to a wheel chair or uses a walker, or any other walking aid, make sure the pathway is clear enough for them to pass through without being a fall hazard. It’s sometimes a good idea to install handrails on both sides of the steps for better support. Many have even installed handrails in hallways to help prevent falls. * Make sure appliance cords are out of the way. Especially telephone cords and electrical cords. * Arrange furniture so that you can easily move around it. * Make sure furniture is easy to get in and out of. In some cases, purchasing a lift chair might be required. I would recommend shopping around when looking for these because there can be pretty big differences in price and quality. * Remove caster wheels from furniture. * Use a television remote control and a cordless phone. Avoid using floor polish or wax in order to reduce slick surfaces. * Keep commonly used items within easy reach. * A higher toilet seat can be ver y helpful to the paren't as well. These help by allowing the paren't to sit up higher and makes it much easier to get up from. * Put in a bedside light with a switch that is easy to turn on and off or a by a touch lamp. * Locate a telephone within the reach of the bed. * Adjust the height of the bed to make it easy to get in and out of. * Have a firm chair, with arms, to sit and dress in. * Install night lights where walking will be required. * Keep things off the floor that would create a hazard for walking at night to the bathroom. As mentioned before, a tub seat is a very safe way for the paren't to take a shower. These can be picked up in pharmacies or medical supply stores. * Add a nonskid mat to the bathtub. * Mounting a liquid soap dispenser on the bathtub wall will help prevent falls from trying to pick up fallen bars of soap. * Install a portable, hand-held showerhead. Physical Aactivity is very important: Up to 75% of elderly folks are not getting enough exercise in their lives. Regular exercise has so many health benefits in older adults when it comes to blood pressure, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, lipid profile, and neurocognitive function. Improvements in cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine, and psychologic health are well documented.Regular exercise has proven to help improve the quality of sleep, cognitive function and even helps with depression and short term memory. Probably the biggest effect that exercise has on the elderly is they gain much in the way of m
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