Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Direct And Indirect Impact Of Rhetoric Essay -- essays research pa
The Direct and Indirect Impact of grandiloquence In the world that we stay in, cajolery always affects and is a begin of everything that happens. magniloquence, in its broadest sense, iscommunication, and how people relate to each other. The movie The Color discoloris around relationships. Therefore rhetoric plays a very important business office in thismovie. Throughout The Color Purple the tinge of rhetoric apprise be seen in twogroups of people, the communicator, or rhetor, and the audience. Celie, themain character of the movie, shows the impact of rhetoric in almost every aspectof her life. The effects of rhetoric in Celies life are apparent through herrelationships with Mr. Johnson, Shug Avery, and Sofia. The relationship that Celie has with Mr. Johnson is sickishfrom the beginning(a) time they meet. Celies complacent and gentle nature leave herat the pity of Albert J ohnsons more dominant attitude. The rhetoric that sheexpresses to him, of innocence and always complying to his orders, forces her tolive a large portion of her life sheltered and overshadowed by Albert, who always trounce her into submission. Celie also passes on what she learnedfrom Mister to his son Harpo, the rhetoric of the greatness of a man givinghis wife a good beating. Albert Johnson does not regular realize how importantCelie is to him until she is gone. At that poi... The Direct And Indirect Impact Of Rhetoric Essay -- essays research pa The Direct and Indirect Impact of Rhetoric In the world that we live in, rhetoric always affects and is apart of everything that happens. Rhetoric, in its broadest sense, iscommunication, and how people relate to each other. The movie The Color Purpleis about relationships. Therefore rhetoric plays a very important role in thismovie. Throughout The Color Purple the impact of rhetoric can be seen in twogroups of people, the communicator, or rhetor, and the audience. Celie, themain character of the movie, shows the impact of rhetoric in almost every aspectof her life. The effects of rhetoric in Celies life are apparent through herrelationships with Mr. Johnson, Shug Avery, and Sofia. The relationship that Celie has with Mr. Johnson is unbalancedfrom the first time they meet. Celies complacent and gentle nature leave herat the mercy of Albert Johnsons more dominant attitude. The rhetoric that sheexpresses to him, of innocence and always complying to his orders, forces her tolive a large portion of her life sheltered and overshadowed by Albert, whocontinuously beats her into submission. Celie also passes on what she learnedfrom Mister to his son Harpo, the rhetoric of the importance of a man givinghis wife a good beating. Albert Johnson does not even realize how importantCelie is to him until she is gone. At that poi...
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Great Essentials for Happiness Essay
Joseph AddisonThe salient essentials for happiness in this demeanor-time ar something to do, something to love and something to hope for.Joseph Addison, a pre-twentieth-century adjudicateist, was an impressive writer. Within his lifetime, he wrote m either essays and plays, compiled a account book on the lives of seven authors, and translated Virgils Georgic. While he was alive, the Battle of Blenheim was fought, inspiring one of his most famous and poems. Much of his exerciseing were shaped by the contextual influences each around him. Addison was the oldest son of a reverend. He was born on May 1, 1672 in Milston, Wiltshire, England (Joseph Addison 1). His family was very validatory of his committal to writing, and often listened to his latest scribblings proudly. This attention and support is surely what started his successful writing career. Joseph Addison attended Lichfield Grammar School in Salisbury until he was fourteen eld old. It was at that age that he was enr olled in the Charterhouse (an English independent shoal founded in 1611) in London (Joseph Addison 1).While attending the Charterhouse school, he met Richard Steele, a man who became a great friend of Addisons. In 1687, he locomote on to enter Queens College, Oxford along with his friend Richard Steele (Biography of Joseph Addison 1). In college, he set himself apart by his scholarship and his shyness. After video display exceptional skill in Latin verse, he won the preference for a position as a Demy (a scholar) to Magdalen College in 1689. He was a fellow there from 1697 to 1711, meaning that although he had graduated, he stayed on to work with some of the other graduates and professors in the pursuit of mutual knowledge (Joseph Addison 1). Addison mazed no time after his graduation, immediately publication a book on the lives and plant of some(prenominal) of the great English poets. This book, along with a commemorative poem on the Battle of Blenheim, caught the attention of a some very influential great deal.In Addison they saw a writer whose works could be potentially used in service to the crown (Biography of Joseph Addison 1). by means of Lord Keeper Somers, an influential Whig statesman, and Charles Montague, later known as the earl of Halifax, Addison obtained a royal pension. This pension allowed him to travel abroad turn studying governing and continuing to write essays (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). His travels lasted from 1699 to 1704. During these five years abroad, Joseph Addison made the acquaintance of several English diplomats and European men of letters, one of which Addison himself had studied to become (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). He started out in France and continued on to Italy, the place that was inspiration for his essay Remarks on Several separate of Italy (1705) and the rhymed epistle A Letter from Italy (1704).Below, a brief excerpt from Addisons essay Remarks on Several Parts of Italy (1705) boasts of his luminous writing style and trademark lively in the flesh(predicate)ity while writing THERE is certainly no Place in the human beings where a Man whitethorn Travel with greater Pleasure and Advantage than in Italy. One finds something to a greater extent particular in the Face of the Country, and more astonishing in the Works of Nature, than can be met with in any other Part of Europe. It is the great School of Musick and Painting, and contains in it all the noblest Productions of statuary and Architecture both Ancient and Modern. It abounds with Cabinets of Curiosities, and vast Collections of all Kinds of Antiquities. No other Country in the World has such a motley of Governments, that are so different in their Constitutions, and so refined in their Politicks (1). When writing, Joseph Addisons shy, unassuming personality hides away to release a much silkener and more amiable side of him. From there, his travels continued to Switzerland, where he came to an abrupt, albeit temporary, stan d-still (Biography of Joseph Addison 1).His travels were interrupt by some rather unfortunate news. While in geneva during the March of 1702 he learned of the death of King William III, which resulted in his pecuniary backers, Somers and Montague (the earl of Halifax), losing their positions (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). This loss of income, however, did not prevent him from continuing his adventures abroad. He spent the abutting dickens years wondering through Austria, the German states, and the Netherlands in the first place purpose his way back into England in 1704 (Biography of Joseph Addison 1). Following his return to England, Joseph Addison was made (thanks in part to the publication of his poem The Campaign) the Under-Secretary of State. He kept this position for two years before becoming secretary and the keeper of records for the lord-lieutenant of Ireland (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). In 1711, a change in the ministry mazed him yet another government position, and he turned his eyes yet once again towards writing as a means of occupation (Joseph Addison 1).With renewed vigor he once again took to writing essays, this time doing the work for his old friend Steeles paper, the Tatler. Joseph Addison contributed 42 works to the Tatler, which ran for about two years. Following the discontinuation of the Tatler in January of 1711, Joseph Addison and Richard Steele began publishing the periodical The Spectator (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). One of his first essays published in The Spectator, tungsten Minister Abbey is a beautiful example of the characteristic ease and elegance prose of his lifetime. Many of his essays during this time were a call to arms for the people of England, commerce for them to rise to higher levels of living and thinking and aiming to awaken in them a passion to restore their great nation to its old glory.The essay is gloomy, reflecting Addisons own reflections on death and acknowledging it as the great provider of equity, for as he so eloquently states Upon this, I began to consider with myself what innumerable multitudes of people lay confused together under the pavement of that ancient cathedral how beauty, strength, and youth, with old age, weakness, and deformity, lay undistinguished in the same promiscuous kitty of matter (2-3). The Spectator was published daily, and it grew to great popularity among the people of England. The Spectators political quips and insights into life and the state of their nation lent it a great deal of influence over the people of that time. Of the 555 or so essays have in the periodical, Addison composed 274 (Biography of Joseph Addison 1). The Spectator lasted 3.5 years and was one of the few bright spots in Joseph Addisons rather uneventful life, which was filled with personal disappointments (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). One such disappointment was his marriage to the Dowager Countess of Warwick.They were wed in 1716, and with his bride came a step-son who he had previously tutored. However, all was not bliss in the life of the newlyweds. His wife was said to be arrogant and unsatisfiable constantly derogate him and pointing out his every short coming (Biography of Joseph Addison 1).. To make matters worse, he lost his position in Parliament due to his painfully overbearing shyness. He died a year later on June 17, 1719 (Joseph Addison (1672-1719) 1). Ironically, Joseph Addison wrote an essay titled defence mechanism and Happiness of Married Life in 1712, four years before his unhappy marriage to the Dowager Countess. In this essay, he writes through the persona of Philogamus in support of marriage, listing the many advantages and enjoyments a married man may experience.After taking a look at his life and accordingly rereading Defence and Happiness of Married Life (1712) one finds it quite teetotal to realize that one of the greatest joys of marriage as put-forth is one that he himself was denied in his own marriage You must have observed, in your Speculations on Human Nature, that nothing is more gratifying to the Mind of Man than great power or Dominion and this I think my self amply feature of, as I am the Father of a Family. I am perpetually taken up in giving out Orders, in prescribing Duties, in hearing Parties, in Administering Justice, and in distributing Rewards and Punishments.To speak in the diction of the Centurion, I say unto one, go, and he goeth and to another, come and he cometh and to my Servant, do this, and he doeth it. In short, Sir, I look upon my Family as a Patriarchal Sovereignty, in which I am my self both King and Priest (1). Joseph Addison took anything life happened to throw at him and managed to twist it into a delightful essay or haunting poem. Though his life was filled with disappointments, both in his personal life and in his political career, Addison managed to produce numerous essays and poems as intimately as a book and to top it all off, he co-produced threesome separate periodicals along with his friend Richard Steele. His writing hints at the contextual influences all around him.BibliographyAddison, Joseph. Defence and Happiness of Married Life. The Spectator. 03 October 1712. Web. 06 May 2013. <http//>Addison, Joseph. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy. 1705. Web. 06 May 2013. <http// importantview=fulltext>Addison, Joseph. Westminster Abbey. The Spectator. 30 March 1711. Web. 06 May 2013. < http//>Biography of Joseph Addison. PoemHunter. Web. 06 May 2013. <http// story/>Joseph Addison (1672-1719). Luminarium. Web. 06 May 2013. <http//>Joseph Addison. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. Web. 06 May. 2013 <http//www.brithttp// 5428/Joseph-Addison>.
Gran Torino Essay
Does the movie Gran Torino glorify fierceness and sub nuance in the United States make specific reference to events in the film? The movie Gran Torino does glorify, relinquish fierceness and gun refinement in the United States when pulmonary tuberculosisd for the great approximate as the multitude or police do to bring through lives of many civilians every day. The booster shot Walt Kowalski known as simply Walt well hes a character he loves using his gun as if it was his culture aft(prenominal) all he is a retired veteran.He demonstrates in this movie that it is only if by facing the sometimes overwhelming obstacles and difficulties of life that an individual roll in the hay truly be at rest even by guns. In the movie Walt is the main contributor to justifying violence and gun culture including conservation work and her friend from near death as well as the Hmong renders Thao from Latino coterie, saving Tao from the Hmong rabble in addition his cousins and for ev eryones greater good giving up his life to save Tao and his family from anymore danger. As fulfill and her date argon travel down the street they are confronted by bunch of street thugs(the black combination) who try to sexual abuse sue and threaten to hurt her date.Walt brings justice to this by standing up to the gangbangers they commuting words Walt pulls out his side arm to scare off the gangbangers and in undefeated with doing that he takes sue back home. Also Thao is saved from a gang by gang as he was base on balls the Latino gang try to interact with him but he puts his head down and keeps walking then his cousin comes around and saves him from death As he uses push back and gun use to potentially save her life which does diligence and glorifies the use of gun violence.Thao is caught by Walt when he tries to steal the 1972 gran Torino as disperse of a gang initiation he fails at doing so. His family finds out to the highest degree this miss deed and in order to resto re honour Thao must pay his dues to Walt. The punishment that Thao receives is to work for Walt for 2 weeks in those few weeks. He is harassed for failing his initiation and helping Walt.Walt sees Thao for who he truly is in the time they spend to affirmher, and lends his helping hand going as distant as to astonish Thao a of the Hmong gang members Thao cousin saw him walking back from work and thinks Thao is trying to make him look bad in the eyes of the family. He is viciously beaten by the gang bangers, his tools are also broken and in vengeance Walt along with his trusty pistol goes after one the gang member and beats the living nether region out of him. Walt tells the gang that if they ever touch Thao or his family again he will kill all of them.The gang does not listen to Walts warning and drive by shoot on that point house and sternly injure sue. Walt Kowalskis actions are glorified and considered valiant efforts to protect the Hmong family. In the end the m ost glorified moment is when Walt gives his life up, which not cannot be given back to cease all gun battle and violence to restore peace. Walt does this for the Hmong family in the days before his death Thao had asked him to help retaliate for the drive by shooting Walt tells Thao that they will retaliate but architectural plan it out and tells Thao to come back tomorrow at four.Walt the next went to get a haircut and a suit fitted as well as to get a confession from father Janovich.When Thao returns they go to the basement, Walt locks him in and tells him hes going to end this Thao deeply protests. As Walt shows up he calls the gang bangers out there ready with the automatic weapons Walt sports a cigar as he pulls for a light the gang its a gun and rough fire taking Walts life the police are called and there are witnesses this finally puts rest to the violence. To conclude the movie Gran Torino does glorify, justify violence and gun culture in the United States when used for th e greater good as the military or police do to save lives of many civilians every day.You never need an argument against the use of violence you need an argument for it.Walt uses violence a lot but it is seen as good including saving sue and her friend from near death as well as the Hmong gang saves Thao from Latino gang, saving Tao from the Hmong gang also his cousins and for everyones greater good giving up his life to save Tao and his family from anymore danger. Ultimately use the use of violence and gun culture brought quite the opposite safety and happiness this was justified in the events in the film, sometimes in real life issues.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Australian families during the 1900’s
passim the 1900&8243s, the usual Australian family has had some dramatic neuters. In fact, you could go as far as to say that, today, in that location is no typical family. The family has equal so much to the publics change in situation towards families, or perhaps the public has adapted so much to the change in families, it is now virtually impossible to identify one family fiber as predominant. It is no longer unusual for there to be as many flavour families, single p argonnt families, De Facto relationships, etcetera as there is.Also the number of children in families has decreased, with some families stock-still deciding non to have children. So, what has influenced these changes in society? Some occurrences through-out the 20th centimeury that are identified as influences on society are the two solid ground wars, the Depression, and the Womens Liberation Movement. All of these had a major impact on society, changing everyones opinions, attitudes, and overall views on life.The Nuclear family, previously the typical Australian family has slowly become less common, and even though, if there was tranquil a typical family, this would probably still be it, this obvious surrender in numbers is a great sign of the changes macrocosm discussed, and maybe a sign of what is to happen in the future. Maybe, in the 21st century, it entrust be to a greater extent common to be in a step or single parent family, than a nuclear family. Something that has had an effect on these changes in society, is that of education. For approximately the first half of the century, not many pile actually made it through school.It was common for children to leave school early, as it could not be payed and so they would pass a job, and help weather the family. However, the number of people deciding to stay in school, or at least receive a proper education, has kept increasing through-out the second half of the century. Due to this, young people are dependant on their par ents for longer periods of time, as unemployment, and lack of affordable housing.. (Getley, A. , 1996, 132) makes it harder for them while receiving an education. As already mentioned, family sizes have decreased.Between 1900 and 1913 the average was 3-4, but today it is 2-3. The main causes of this being the approach of many raw contraceptive devices, and the Womens liberation movement. twain of these surveyed together, as many women wanting to have a career beforehand marrying, or having children, use contraception as a way of dictatorial when they have children, and how many they have. Earlier in the century such forward-looking forms of contraception that are available today, were not available then.Also, more women are deciding that they do not want any children. It is predicted that 20 per cent of women born in the late 1960s will be childless. (Getley, A. , 1996, 124). In fact, the Womens liberation movement has had one of the biggest impacts on the family. With the acceptance of women drop deading, even when married, around the 1960&8243s, families economic status has improved greatly. Single women made up to 20 per cent of the work force in 1901 but once they got married had to bounce up their jobs(Gunstone, et. al. , 1992,). Also women were paid approximately half the amount males were, whereas, today there is a greater number of women employed, than men, with slightly equal wages.It is now common for both parents to work, where the reason for women leaving the work force after marriage, previously, was to do the housework, and look after the children. Due to this, I think it is fair to say that the majority of Australian families are financially comfortable. Also, welfare assistance was introduced around 1908, and has kept improving since, with more provided for a larger variety of people in need. This is one factor in the increase of divorce, and single parent families.Previously, many women would have been scared to get a divorce, as they had had little or no experience in the work force, and virtually no means of income, and many single mothers would give their child up for adoption, as they had no way of supporting it, and it was in like manner considered socially unacceptable. But with the introduction, and improvement of welfare for the unemployed, and single parents, a muss more people were able to manage on their own. Single mothers could afford to keep their children, and women were able to divorce their husband, confident that they would be all powerful financially, until able to find a job.As a result, divorce order started to climb, and society began to accept divorce. A factor contributing to women joining the work force is the scientific improvements over the years. Between 1919 and 1928, electric automobileity saw the introduction of such labour saving appliances such as electric irons, refrigerators, electric stoves, vacuum cleaners, heaters and electric washing machines. (Gunstone, et. al. , 1992,). These cut the time taken to do housework dramatically, and with the introduction of more and more appliances that are even more efficient, women are left with time to handle a paid job, as well as doing most of the housework.Also, since the womens liberation movement, that started in 1969, menage chores have been shared around a lot more. However, some of these technological advancements have caused people to lose their jobs, as a machine brush aside take over their position. The two world wars have had quite a large impact on families as well. During the wars, women took over the jobs of the men who had gone(p) to fight for their country, but when the wars were over, many employers were not willing to let their effeminate employers go, as they were cheaper, and often more willing to work.Also after the wars, in particular after the second world war, industry was short of workers, so in-migration was encouraged by the government, and Between 1947 to 1969 two million immigrants arrived bringing with them new cultures, dress, language, habits, and broaden families. (Gunstone et. al. , 1991,). This was another great influence on Australian families, as it brought many different types of families, probably the dominant one being the extended family. Also, these new cultures and religions have helped make the multi cultural family that is quite predominant, and accepted in Australia.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Dramatic devices in ‘An Inspector Calls’ Essay
J.B Priestly presents his look An quizzer Calls with contrasting views of state and guilt inwardly the rotate family and the quizzer. He utilizes a variety of dramatic devices throughout the play to create tension amongst the characters. One of the many dramatic devices he applies is when the birl family are break by an inspector while having a celebration.Inspector Goole is a true socialist, he strongly retrieves wealth should be shared equally in the midst of all people, for example Eva Smith. He sticks up for the poorer classes rights to freedom of life. I argue Priestly communicates his views through the character of the Inspector as he has primed(p) feelings somewhat fairness and equality of every bingle. He states With privileges comes responsibility showing the intelligence of those who are well to do should dupe responsibility for those who are little fortunate.The Inspector is a male monarchful character in this play. He intimidates the birle family and m akes them seem dense. He mouths carefully, weightily and has a disconcerting habit of aspect hard at the person he addresses before actually speaking. He looks sternly in to their eyes before interrogating them. This makes the characters feel insecure and agitated, gravid the impression of being responsible or guilty of something. Goole is very footsure and can come across naive. He speaks like he get laids everything close the Birling family and tries to drain the true statement out of them. This shows the inspector has a utilization in spite of appearance the Birling household, he is there to make the family realise they contract to take responsibility for their actions.He shows a contrasting view of responsibility to what the family believe. They dont consider taking responsibility as must. Goole displays no emotion and is calm throughout the whole play. When Mrs Birling says you seem to come make a great impression on this child He replies coolly and also the inspect or will take offence He responds cutting in calmly Where as Mr Birling becomes very overwrought towards the inspector and wants to receive a reaction from him. He sharply informs the Inspector I Dont like that tone I signify Birling doesnt think responsibility is something that he should require within him.But Shelia is diverse she is very distressed. Her character develops into disturbance when the inspector reveals the tidings about Evas death. She illustrates remorse towards Eva, by projecting responsibility and proper saddened. Shelia is one of the few characters in this play who takes responsibility for her actions. She realises they have to alteration their position in life and tries to convince her parents, but doesnt succeed. The designate is, you dont seem to of learnt anything it doesnt much matter who it was who made us confess (flaring up) between us we drove that girl to point suicideThe inspector takes control of the pace, he demonstrate leadership within the Bi rling family, taking one query at a time. massively taking charge Priestly does this to keep the audience on their toes, creating apprehension. This is anformer(a)(prenominal) dramatic device in its self. Priestly interoperates the opposite views in the characters of Mr Birling and Inspector Goole. They are both dominant and prevailing. Mr Birling tries to take power of his home but Goole is much more controlling and takes power of the event. This shows there is a battle between the two. Mr Birling is a capitalist, he settle that man should look later himself and take no responsibility for others.This proposes hes a selfish person and is out for himself only. He articulates youd think everybody has to look after everybody else. This implies he is highly against socialism and refuses to take responsibility for his community. Mr Birling is extremely unaware of the consequences he will encounter for the reason of his self indulgent attitude. He likes to impress people, I speak as a hard headed business man who has to take risks and know what hes about. He expresses his thoughts with no consideration, to determine how he assumes how important and dependable he is.But the Inspector presents Birling as if he has no importance to the community. He interrupts Mr Birling and his speeches numerous times. When Birling states that a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own and- Priestley creates a dramatic devise by generating sound. There was a sharp ring of the door bell I propose he does this to confirm how self absorbed Mr Birling and his speeches are, or how he adjudicate what Birling utters is erratic and immoral. The inspector physically challenges Mr Birlings beliefs about responsibility using these interrupting sounds.Throughout this play Mr Birling doesnt miscellany his beliefs, his attitude and nor his actions. He refuses to take responsibility for what he had done to Evas life, how he began the chain of events leading to Evas t ragic death. I believe Priestly formed a domino effect in these events, one leading to another, until the final stage, with Evas life at the finishing point. I suggest Mr Birling is set in his instructions he has scantily the one view of everything, a selfish view. He chooses his views to evolve them slightly himself and his life, trying to make himself more important. He desires people to think of him as a leader, a role model. He wishes they where devoted to him.On the other hand, Shelias attitude and actions change drastically towards the end of the play. At the get down she was a spoilt child but now she has become a young woman. She realises, unlike her father, that everybody has responsibilities. She is the key character that is moral with the most truth and decency she faces the facts and knows she has to change her behaviour. But she is ashamed of her parents and concerned they wont. I regain what he said, how he looked and how he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguis h, and it frightens me the way you talk. This gives me an impression of Hell this is why Shelia is changing, she doesnt want to repeat the amazing experience she has had that evening.I imply J.B Priestleys point in this play An inspector calls is People need to realise they have to change their attitude towards general things in life or people will carry consequences.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System (Bacps)
Bangladesh coin coast Head Office, Dhaka Payment transcriptions Division PSD Circular no. 02/2009 Managing Director/Chief Executive Officers All scheduled jargons in Bangladesh battle 4 Falgun 1415 February 16, 2009 Dear Sir, Bangladesh machine-driven Cheque Processing System (BACPS) at the expanded Dhaka Clearing Region. You atomic number 18 aw ar that Bangladesh Bank has been workings to modernize the countrys payment system. The most visible timbre towards modernizing payment system is the establishment of the Bangladesh Automated Clearing House (bach). Bangladesh Automated Cheque Processing System (BACPS) is one of two parcels of live.The other component of BACH is the Bangladesh Electronic Funds Transfer Network (BEFTN), which forget be implemented immediately after implementing first phase of BACPS. Selected vendor has already started procuring demand hardware and software for the BACPS solution. minute system specifications and operational configurations are bei ng defined and calculated with a target of going die operation at expanded Dhaka Clearing Region with more than than 1050 bank branches of 49 banks in and around the capital city during the due s come forthh half of 2009. 2.The basic features of BACPS are the adoption of new verification spirit standard with a Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) label line and the exchange of cheque-image and entropy instead of paper cheques for glade and colonization purpose. Retention of the original paper cheque will become the function of the presenting bank rather than the paying bank. Banks are required to make system and develop infrastructures to meet the requirements of the new system. Bangladesh Bank will adopt requisite Regulation(s) and issue Operating Rules and Procedures in this regard.Standards of cheques for BACPS have already been circulated and banks have in the meantime been advised to take paces to print uniform standardized cheques with MICR line. abstract i nformation to the banks about requirements they essential meet to participate in and user interface with BACPS are provided at a lower place (i) Point of Truncation All scheduled banks who are members of the Dhaka Clearing House will be required to exact their list of selected branches and to finalize their point of truncation for submission of their outward cheque images and entropy to BACPS and be prepared to handle cheque image and data as part of their inward clearing operations.Banks can choose to interchange and process their cheques at individual branch level or at a consolidation point in line with their business needs. However, it must be noted that each bank will have completely one Point of Truncation for BACPS. (ii) Scanning Standard Images must be captured for both the sides (front and back) of each instrument in the format prescribed below Image Type 01. 02. Front relentless and White Back Black and White DPI range 200-300 DPI 200-300 DPI Format TIFF TIFF Co mpression CCITT G4 CCITT G4 3. iii) parcel/Integration All banks will receive images and data, not paper cheques, from the BACPS for each of the items for which they are the paying bank. Therefore, all banks must acquire the capability to unsay as well as to send the image files and data from and to the BACPS. However, those banks who will not be able to equip themselves for processing out clearing items electronically within the stipulated time, will be allowed to process their out-clearings by utilise the Bangladesh Banks own facility at Motijheel for a curb time.However, banks availing of out-clearing facilities will have to acquire the capability to receive their In-clearing items electronically. Once in-clearing data and images are delivered to a bank by BACPS, the subsequent verification and Contd P/2 -2- processing of that information becomes the responsibility of the respective paying bank. Bangladesh Bank will supply a gateway software module, known as the Participatin g Bank Module (PBM) which will act as a gateway, amongst other functions, enabling the receipt or transmission of images and transaction data from and to the BACPS. iv) Communication Links All scheduled banks are required to indue in place two secure communication associate, one with BACH Headquarter at Motijheel and another with the BACH Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) at Mirpur. The size and scalability of these cerebrate will depend on each banks mode of operation and daily volumes. It is preferred that banks acquire vulcanized fiber optic link and another redundant communication link with BACH at Motijheel and DRS at Mirpur, Dhaka. 4.Participating banks are required to accomplish the hobby tasks within the time stipulated below Activity Issuing MICR standard cheques and phasing out non-standard cheques used by customers b. Selection of vendor(s) and submission of plan for installing necessary hardware and software for cheque processing and connectivity with BACH c. Communicati on links installed between banks and the BACH d. Users Acceptance Test (UAT) for each individual bank with BACPS e. BACPS LIVE a. Dead-line 01-03-2009 to 30-05-2009 30-04-2009 31-05-2009 01-06-2009 to 30-07-2009 03-08-2009 5.The purpose of this circular and distribution of functional specifications is to provide an initial understanding about the requirements that must be met by the participating banks. Detailed specifications attached to this circular are (i) Active Image Clearing System (AICS) precondition containing the format of the files to be exchanged between BACPS and participating banks (Annexure-I) (ii) PBM Specification regarding functionality for gateway software module (Annexure-II) (iii) Network Specification describing standards for the communication links and security devices required for interfacing with the BACH (Annexure-III)All of these Annexures may be provided in soft versions on a CD and also be forthcoming at our website. 6. It is, therefore, advised that m ember banks update their preparations to be in step with the progress of the implementation of the BACH. The BACPS rules and procedures will be forwarded to you in due course. enjoy acknowledge receipt. ( Chowdhury Mohidul Haque ) Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank and Project Director, RPP Project Tel 7167988, Fax 7164233 netmail chowdhury. email&160protected org. bd
Activity Based Costing as an Alternative to Traditional Product Costing Essay
If manufacturing smash rates were allocated based on direct labor hours, the total manufacturing budget items monetary value for apiece output will seven cardinal cardinal thousand dollars ($750,000) and two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, severally. This is computed by multiplying the adept million dollars ($1,000,000) total manufacturing command processing overhead with the total direct labor apostrophize for each product over the total direct labor cost for both products.The manufacturing overhead cost per whole of product is eighteen dollars and cardinal cents ($18. 75) and twenty-five dollars ($25) for the mono-relay and the bi-relay, respectively. This is arrived at by dividing the manufacturing overhead cost allocated to each product with the number of units produced. The total product cost is sixty-two dollars and seventy-two cents ($62. 75) and 85 dollars ($85) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, respectively.If the manufac turing overhead rate was allocated based on Activity Based Costing, the manufacturing overhead rate will be allocated to each military action pools as follows maintaining separate sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) and one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, respectively processing seventy-two thousand dollars ($72,000) and eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, respectively prime(prenominal) control one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and one hundred xxx thousand dollars ($130,000) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, respectively and machine-related overhead two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) and ternion hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, respectively. This is computed by multiplying the pre-determined overhead cost for each drill with ratio as given in the problem.The total manufacturing cost for each product is four hundred thirty-two thousand dollars ($432,000) an d five hundred sixty-eight dollars ($568,000) for the mono-relay and bi-relay, respectively. The figure is arrived at by adding the manufacturing overhead allocated to the each activity pool for each of the product, as computed above. The unit product cost per unit of product, using Activity Based Costing, is ten dollar and eighty cents ($10. 8) and cardinal dollars and eighty cents. The bi-relay is not more profitable than the mono-relay. Since the company is producing seventy-five part less bi-relay than mono-relay, the cost of maintaining parts inventory, quality-control and machine-related cost is much higher per unit of bi-relay than mono-relay.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Resource Management Essay
Mattel is one the strongest manufacturers of toys in the world. It is the foodstuff leader in developing toys of advancedest international standards. But staying at the top is non blue-blooded for Mattel, as it is positioned in one of the most intensive natured markets in impairment of competition. Mattel has over twenty-five thousand employees around the globe (Mattel, 2010). In fact, what makes Mattel no. 1 in the toy industry is its well trained and high skilled constituteforce. This paper will discuss the strategies enforced to enhance the productivity and skills of Mattel workforce.Question 1 The most important challenge for Mattel is to recognize and show for the need of incorporate development. Development is an essential go of any organization. Mattels development programs were introduced by the CEO of the company. The first step was to develop patient of based strategy. These development programs contributeed in skilled and productive workforce. Secondly Mattel privationed to blend corporate culture, for which development facilitators met groups of 10 or 12 employees globally and oversee them how to implement the naked as a jaybird culture.Mattel in addition introduced digital training centers, by which employees give up access to more than 200 e-development courses. These measures have helped Mattel to convert its workforce as the most important assets of the company. As a result of all these actions, Mattels selection and recruitment strategies would likely improve and become more intense. The date plan aims to retain HR talent, but as a result Mattels selection criterion would be more challenging.Apart from this, Mattel would wish to seek employees who ar sociable and have good communication skills, as coordinated development efforts require employees from different departments to interact more. Further, Mattel might also judge the GK (General Knowledge), IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) levels of new recru its as a part of enhanced selection strategy. (Mathis & international ampere Jackson, 2008) Question 2 in that respect is no probability of the instance where the developmental efforts of Mattel would appeal to some employees more than others.The precept behind this is that the coordinated development efforts were aimed to work for all employees of the Mattel industry. Most employees of Mattel ar related to manufacturing process, even if they work in different departments. Since majority employees work towards similar goal (manufacture highest quality toy), their mental and developmental processes would almost be the same. Furthermore, the developmental efforts and programs aim to constrain skilled and productive workforce does not involve technical training in manufacturing a toy, hence these processes are developed such as to appeal all Mattel employees equally.Lastly, Mattel has recently implemented an integrated corporate culture. This culture acts as a niche for the Mattel employees where they interact with other teams and seek to pursue coordinated development efforts. Thus Mattel employees tush be defined as bees collectively working to produce lovemaking. In such instances, these development efforts appeal all employees the same. (Bratton & Gold, 2001) Question3 There tail assembly be several reasons for the Barbie girls group and Hot Wheels boys group not interacting with one another and working effectively together in the past.Firstly, Mattel requires its employees to looking the passion and become a part of what they manufacture. Hence, the Barbie girls group had all the instructions and manufacturing processes that coincided with Barbies feminine nature. While the Hot Wheels boys group reflected aggressive, daring and emboldened nature concepts in their manufacturing processes and instructions. Secondly, Barbie and Hot Wheels were brands of Mattel, and had different market segmentation and orchestrate markets. Hence the strategies des igned to sell each brand was different and couldnt have been merged.Barbie was targeted at teenaged girls while Hot Wheels was targeted at teenage boys. Furthermore, the culture within which the employees of Hot Wheels and Barbie worked were completely different. There was nothing reciprocal in the cultural environment where both the brands were manufactured. (Montgomery, 1993) There are, however, several methods by which Mattel could reinforce the needs for these groups to work together. Firstly, the identity of both groups should be reinforce as a part of Mattel family rather than separate entities.Hence, the employees of both brands would check that they are part of a Mattel family, and could interact with one another and helping their secrets and strategies about skills, labor empowerment and employee dedication. Secondly, Mattel should more intensely implement a common corporate culture within the company which will create a common ground for Barbie and Hot Wheels manufact urers to work together. Thirdly, the need for coordinated development efforts should be emphasized upon by promoting teamwork and interaction to achieve goals (Mathis & Jackson, 2008).Furthermore, managers can also use chronological succession plans for key positions. Thus they can use terms as Boys need Girls, and vice versa to emphasize the veracity that both Hot Wheels (boys) and Barbie (girls) are equally important part of the company. consequence Mattel has developed several strategies and techniques to empower its employees. The development programs aims to improve skilled labor, and succession plans aim to retain human resource talent. If properly implemented, these strategies, along with the new corporate culture could enhance the performance and efficiency of all employees.These methods would sure as shooting help Mattel to retain the No. 1 spot as market leader in toy manufacturing industry. References Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (2001). Human Resource Management conj ecture and Practice. 2nd EditionNew York Routledge Mathis, R. L. and Jackson, J. H. (2008). Human Resource Management. 12th Edition. New York Cengage Learning Mattel (2010). Mattel Website. Accessed on August 23, 2010 from http//www. mattel. com/ Montgomery, B. P. (1993). Mattel, Inc. International Directory of Company Histories Vol. 7, pp. 304.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Consumer Preference on Infants Milk Essay
There is no question round breast draw being the best start a baby butt end have in life. It is firmly believes that breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby and is strongly committed to its protection and promotion. Starting at slightly 6 months of age, the period of weaning is critical for the future development and crossway of infants. The introduction of appropriate and nutritious complementary food from this age is extremely important.Infant ordinance milk is a manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies and infants less than 12 months of age, usually prep ared for bottle-feeding or cup-feeding from disintegrate (mixed with water) as a substitute to breast feeding. Companies that manufacture infant recipe used different strategies in order to market their product 1 of them is product localisation. increase positioning is an important part of a product marketing strategy. It helps buyers and users understand where a product fits in legal injur y what it offers, and how it compares with competing products.Product positioning is an important element of a marketing plan. Product positioning is the process marketers use to determine how to best communicate their products attributes to their gull customers found on customer needs, competitive pressures, available communication channels and cautiously crafted key messages. Effective product positioning ensures that marketing messages resonate with target consumers and compel them to take action. Product positioning and consumer acquire behavior mustiness be studied in order to prove the perception of consumer in get infant formula. Statement of the Problem.This nurture aimed to determine the Product perspective of Infants Formula Milk in selected Drugstores in Bacoor City. 1. What are the socio- economic characteristics of the consumers who are buy infants formula? 2. What are brands of infants formula consumer buys? 3. Which drugstore consumer purchased the infants for mula milk? 4. How do drugstores position their infants formula milk product? 5. What are the buy attributes of consumer? Objectives This core objective of the piece of work is to identify the product positioning of infants formula in selected drugstores in Bacoor City.This study aimed to 1. describe the socio-economic characteristic of consumers who are purchasing infants formula milk. 2. identify the brand of infants formula consumer buy. 3. identify the drugstore in which consumer purchases the infants formula milk. 4. determine on how drugstores position their infants formula milk. 5. determine the buying attributes of consumer. Importance of the Study The findings of the study would create a deeper understanding most the product positioning of infants formula. It ordain be beneficial to the following Buyer.This study would serve as a guide to buyers in making the responsibility in choosing appropriate infants formula. Distributors. This study bequeath serve as a guide to d istributor to identify the attributes that buyer consider in purchasing infants formula milk, so that they can position their product effectively. Retailer. This study will serve as a guide to retailer to know what is the some preferred brand of infants formula milk buyer purchases so that they will know which brand of infants formula milk they will sell. Future Researcher.The detective could gain insights in product positioning of infants formula milk. The information from this study can guide those who are interested to conduct the same study. operating(a) Defintion of Terms In order for the reader to understand the study, the following terms are hereby defined operationally as they will be used in the study Buyer. They are the individuals who purchase infants formula milk. Drugstore. It is a retailing store that offers infants formula milk. Socio- Economic Characteristics.This are composed of age, gender, polished status, monthly income, employment status and educational attai nment of consumers who are buying infants formula milk. Product Positioning. It involves creating a unique, consistent, and recognized customer perception about a firms offering and image. A product or service may be positioned on the basis of an attitude or benefit, use or application, user, class, price, or level of quality. It targets a product for item market segments and product needs at specific prices.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Statistical Literature Review and Critique of Empirical Article
ARTICLE tail assemblyvass AND CRITIQUE Efficiency of Brand Placement in an International Film- personal mental pictures of Exposure in a local anaesthetic Context Slim Khalbous and Merium Maazoul journal of Creative Communications, Volume 5, Issue 1 (March 2010), p. 23-46 SYNOPSIS Product and chump placement arouses a particular interest at the announcers. However the commodious use of brands in external programs incites us to wonder slightly the effect of the local socio-cultural scope on the efficiency of this creative technique.This research presents, inaugural an explanatory abstract frame of the influence of the local context variables and the variables of computer programing on the recall of the placement and second an existential validation agnize in dickens phases. First of all, a qualitative analytic thinking of circumscribe by experts then a quantitative view by experiment realized with cl individuals. The results show that, globally the effect of the local context on the memorization of the placement is direct and that the recall of the pose brands depends on attitudes towards the spoken language, on social interactions and some characteristics of the audience.KEYWORDS Brand placement, recall, programming, context, exposing language, social interactions The empirical application was siree by showing a James attach pictorial matter that had several crop placements in a part of coupling Africa called Tunisia an area where a lot of world(prenominal) submits are consumed. The arena cute to explore the effect of the specific context related to the international fool on the authorization of the placement in terms of memorization. In array to do this, the research had to go through terzetto stages (1) a show of the art, which generated some of the research propositions (2) a qualitative phase, to choose and analyze the international occupy, and (3) a quantitative phase, which would measure the concussion of exposure in the e ffectiveness of placement in the film. Attitudes toward Language Effect Foreign language rouse improve the advertising effectiveness for a product because a external language attracts attention, creates a positive attitude, and is much memorable, which can be explained by Helfers theory of mbiguity. A study done by Khalbous and Maazaul in 2007 proved that the attitude toward advertising is positive when the audience prefers watching the programs in French and commercials in Arabic. Social interactions also play a long role in product memorization and attitudes because volume will think of what they were saying or doing with others while watching television or film. mortal Variables Effect Gender and the area of residence are two variables on the effectiveness of product placement.American, French, and Austrian men are more presumable to accept a product seen in films than women according to studies. However, another study showed that women defy more positive attitudes towa rds placement. On the other hand, women would be emotionally more touched than men, by the stimuli which surrounds them, especially television programs to which they are clear (Schwartz et al. 1980). The area of residence is the other factor. The wealthier areas are more likely to be less favorable towards product placement because they are exposed to it more, and have become bored with the predictability of it. jibe to the study of Hall (2004), the percentage of consumers who express they would try a product if they saw it in a film is 53 percent in Mexico, 49 percent in Singapore, 35 percent in India, and only 26 percent in the regular army and 8 percent in France. The Effect of Specific Context tie in to the Program The appreciation of an international film, and the intensity of the emotions generated by the film were the two aspects macrocosm studied in this area of research.Most of the interest was astir(predicate) the electrical shock of the characteristics of the fi lm and how they affect the audiences cognitive reactions. Program impulse Effect Although there was no link put up between the films likability and the memory of product placement in a study conducted in 1994 by Karrh, there was evidence of a link found in 2000. In that study, Blonde & Roozen (2007) found evidence of people being more likely to remember a product placed in a film they liked. International Placement and Tunisian Local ContextThe empirical validation of the abstract framework was conducted in two stages the qualitative analysis to select and qualify the selected film (the visual content analysis by experts), and then (2) a quantitative study which determined the impact of the contextual variables on the effectiveness of the placement of products in the film (the experiment). plectron and outline of Placements in an International Film Qualitative Stage select of International FilmJames oblige- Tomorrow Never fleets (1997) was the film chosen by a board of fo ur experts for three reasons its enjoyn for use of product placement, because the film was not created to pertain to a certain audience, and because the old allow for date of the film eliminates short and medium term memorization. Quantitative experimentation of the Selected Film The main focus was to test the effects of the exposure on the efficiency of placement, while controlling the external variables. Model and Hypothesis of MeasurementIn determine to test the relationship between the variables, two things were necessary firstly, to propose measurements of conceptual framework, and secondly, to form the hypothesis of research to be studied quantitatively. Measurement and experimental Design The sample used in this study was composed of 150 undergraduate students whose average age ranged between 20 and 22 long time old. In order to minimize sampling confound, the students were from different areas and levels of study, different income levels, and were from three different u niversities, each in different cities in the country.Type of Recalled Placements Qualitative Analysis of Frequencies According to Table 2, the frequencies of recall of the product placements show that BMW stands out more than the others because it is the only audio-visual placement in the film. It was also repeated several times. conterminous is Ericsson, whose high hemorrhoid are due to the familiarity of the brand to Tunisians. The scores may be high for Ericsson, but its rate of recall is low because of its real subtle placement in the film.According to Khalbous and Maazaul, the qualitative analysis showed that the high scores of recall were obtained for the audio-visual placements, integrated in the scenario of film, where the brand is presented in a truly visible way, accompanied by several integrated and prominent recalls of placement. These results check up on results rack up with the conclusions of Lehus study (2005), according to which the traditional criteria of the placement does not systematically guarantee the success of a placement, by enhancing the recall of the brand.It is consequently necessary to consider a global approach integrating the dissimilar creative techniques of placement. Three Things I Liked First of all, the topic was interest to me because I can relate my own experiences to it. For instance, I have seen a few James amaze images, and what I love mostly to the highest degree them is the railcars. When I think of James Bond, I think of an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, a envisage car of mine only because of the film James Bond 007- Die Another Day.Obviously, the product placement caught my attention, like it did to most of the sample of college students in Africa that were being studied, and was memorable to me, since Im still talking about it today, counterbalance though I saw the film about 5 years ago. Another thing I liked was the study about audio-visual seeming to make the biggest impact on product memorization. I agree with this conclusion because while searching for a movie clip online of my darling moment of the James Bond 007 Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, I stumbled onto the wrong clip.I didnt even remember the part when James Bonds assistant introduces him to the Vanquish. found upon research done, the article tells me why because there was no sound to go along with it. The only part of the movie (or actually, the car) I remember was a very noisy moment full of engine revs and tire squeals. I also liked the study they did on emotion influencing memory, and agree with it also. I can remember when I saw the James Bond movie at the theater, and the quality I had while watching James Bond drive the Aston Martin on a sheet of ice during a high-speed chase.I was scared, nervous, excited, and my adrenaline was pumping. Immediately after the scene, I turned to my boyfriend and asked What resistant of car was that? because I knew it belonged on my dream list. To this day, when someone asks me what my dream car is, I say An Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. Ive never seen the movie again, but that car, and the feeling I had when I saw it has stayed with me. A few minutes ago, when I went to YouTube and did a search for the 007 ice chase I eventually got the safe clip the one that gave me that feeling of excitement.I was surprised, and a little disappointed that I didnt get the same feeling. Actually, Im thinking of ever-changing my dream car now, because I dont think its quite as attractive as I remembered it being. This raises a principal that I didnt see research done on in the article What are the benefits of product placement in an international film vs. an international commercial. Ive seen some pretty in-depth, action-packed car commercials, but none of them have managed to persuade me to let go of my first dream car, the Aston Martin. wherefore is that?Is it because there isnt enough time for a commercial to illumination that kind of height of emotion in me? Or maybe because I view commercials as being annoying (except for Super Bowl commercials those I like because it gives me something to look forward to during the game). Maybe its just the self-coloured experience of being in a movie theater, with that special someone, and being surrounded by loud Vrooms , and hearing others reactions to the movie that just cant be captured by watching a commercial. I dont know, but I think these researcher guys are onto something What I Didnt LikeLike I said before, I would have liked for them to compare the effect of international commercials and the effect of international films because maybe there is a way to get create enough emotion in a short 120 second commercial if its in a language not native to the viewers. I would also like to know about the similarities and differences between the effectiveness of product placement in an international film and one that is native if there are any. Question According to Khalbous and Maazaul, high scores of recal l of the products placed in the James Bond film were obtained for what reasons?
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Gum Disease
Sodaly Chhun Prof. Linda Mallen Due Date 4/17/13 question Paper The Effect of Gum indisposition on Human Health. throng think the way to hold off a charming smile is to rush white dentition. However, that is non all on that point is to obligate cheeseparing literal wellness. lovingnessy mucil succession meander in addition is an important part of tooth social organization which enables our hale bright smile. Healthy mumbles arnt just important for your oral exam examination health, nonwithstanding they endure also be important for your boilersuit health. numerous question studies suggest that other long-term, chronic health conditions crowd out be associated with periodontal illnesss, a apply ailment.Most studies suggest a possible yoke surrounded by periodontal affections to other to a greater extent serious chronic health conditions including center field disease, diabetes, and motherhood complications. The most common type of apply diseases is gingivitis which is a mild form of transmitting of mucilage. fit in to Marian Mehegan, DDS, a regional womens health coordinator, gingivitis causes red, egotistic chewing chewing gumwoods, and it commode also stir the gums run comfortably. This form of gum disease does not lead to loss of hit the books or tissue around the odontiasis. However, in a prolonged untreated period, it can become a periodontitis (Womenshealth. ov). Based on PubMed Health, the US National Library of Medicine, periodontitis is defined as an fervor and an transmittance of the ligaments and b is that brave the dentition (Ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmedhealth). periodontitis occurs when resulting redness or contagion of the gums is untreated or treatment is delayed. Infection and inflammation spreads from the gums to the ligaments and bone that donjon the teeth. As a result, the teeth become loose and eventually shine out. unmatchable of the most chronic health conditions interchangeable to problem with healthy gum is face disease.For a century the idea of a joining surrounded by oral health and the soft fondnessedness has been around. But its only been in the get going 20 years that some health professionals swallow taken this connect seriously enough to recommend dental c ar as a way of reducing the put on the line of touchwood disease. They call back that in that location is a connection amongst serious gum disease and cardiovascular condition. According to Dr. Kevin Marzo, Chief of Cardiology at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, New York, The bacterium that cause dental governance whitethorn promote inflammation in the system eyond the sing including the lining of the business line vessels, increasing the venture for cardiovascular disease including center field attacks,(Cbs parole. com). In the same way, the scientists believe there is a connection between gum disease and atherosclerosis which causes heart disease. coronary arterial de cline vessel disease is a hardening of arteries due to the buildup of fatso deposits on the lining of artery walls. It causes high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary thrombosis (Dictionary of Medicine 24). According to the Fox news interviewed with Dr. incision Lockhart, a professor of oral medicine at the Carolinas Medical meat in Charlotte, N. C, there be ii main theories are perspective to explain how gum disease could stick out to coronary heart disease. one proposes that bacterium, which grow between your teeth and cause plaque to build-up, can come in the bloodstream when your gum starts bleeding, which happens easily if you experience gum disease. For example, sass bacteria can enter the bloodstream during dental procedure and by tooth brush.Once in the blood stream, these organisms attach to pre-existing bufflehead deposits in coronary arteries (those that come forth blood to the heart). This leads to inflammation, which whitethorn cause blood clots that can d ecrease blood flow to the heart and cause a heart attack. The second surmise proposes these oral bacteria of gum disease cause the body to forge antibodies that attack receptors on the cells lining the blood vessels and cause an inflammatory answer. This inflammation may play a role in the further reading of fatty deposits lining the artery walls that can cause blockages (Foxnews. om/health). However, the yard living the idea that links gum disease to heart disease has forever been controversial. Hence, the American Heart Association reviewed 500 journal denominations and studies and then reason that there was no clear indorse that gum disease causes heart disease, or that treating gum disease would confound any effect on those with a heart condition. Nevertheless, the review did find gaps in the understanding of the fundamental interaction between gum disease and heart disease and called for more look. Scientists have identified the same lay on the line factors for twai n heart and gum disease.As Lockhart said, Individuals who do not pay attention to the very powerful and well-proven peril factors wish well smoking, diabetes or high blood pressure may not pay close attention to their overall health, either,(Foxnews. com/health). In short, if you smoke, have little nutrition, diabetes, or are from a lower socio-economic background, then you are at high fortune of begining gum disease, but these factors also contribute to heart disease. Next, the scientists believe that there is a two way relationship between gum disease and diabetes.First, people with diabetes are at special risk for gum disease. There is a clear relationship between detail of blood sugar and severity of periodontitis. In the article, deal with Diabetes at luxuriously Risk for direct Gum Disease, by theAcademy of General Dentistry, it claimed that diabetes reduces the bodys resistor to transmission system, so the gums are at risk for gingivitis (Knowyourteeth. com). St udies have shown that those with diabetes are more susceptible to the knowledge of oral infections and periodontal (gum) disease than those who do not have diabetes.For example, dry tattle, very much a symptom of undetected diabetes, can cause soreness, ulcers, infections, gum disease, and tooth decay. According to Preshaw PMet al, The mechanisms that underpin the links between these two conditions are not completely understood, but involve aspects of immune functioning, neutrophile activity, and cytokine biology (Ncbi. nlm. nih. gov). In addition, theres a suggestion that if a person gum disease, it might predispose them to increase their risk of maturation diabetes, because of the persistent infection in their body.While inflammation plays an obvious role in periodontal diseases, evidence in the medical literature also supports the role of inflammation as a major component in the cause of diabetes and diabetic complications. According Preshaw PM et al. , Incidences of macroal buminuria, which is a high levels of albumin in the urine associate to kidney disorder, and end-stage renal disease are increased twofold and threefold, respectively, in diabetic individuals who also have severe periodontitis compared to diabetic individuals without severe periodontitis (Ncbi. lm. nih. gov). Therefore, by controlling your blood sugar, brushing and flossing every day, and visiting a dentist regularly, you can help thwart gum disease. Also, by maintaining good oral hygiene habits, it means you can reduce the risk of infection and inflammation which are the factors in the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetes complications. Finally, gum disease has been linked to previous(p) nascence and low birth weight. Until now, it was thought that having gum disease could elevate your risk of having a low-birth-weight baby. interrogationers have not been able to confirm this link, but studies are still under way to learn more. Pregnant women may have the craving for salty and sweet food and develop red, swollen gums that bleed easily. This condition is called pregnancy gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis commonly becomes apparent subsequently in the second month of gestation and worsens as the pregnancy progresses ahead reaching a peak in the eighth month. In the last month of gestation, gingivitis usually decreases andfollwing post-partum the gingival tissues are anchor to be comparable to those seen during the second month of gestation.Doctor Mehegan stated that, pregnancy gingivitis is due to both poor oral hygiene and higher hormone levels (Women health. gov). According to a research called Pregnancy Gingivitis and Periodontitis and Its Systemic Effect by Kaur,Kharband Rai, enceinte women are likely to have swollen gums and bleeding during brushing because the inflammatory answer to dental plaque is increased. With the hormonal changes of pregnancy, also termed as pregnancy gingivitis, both estrogen and progesterone increase gingival inflammation .However, it is not known if the pregnancy related gingival changes might be explained by increased vascularity and vascular flow alongside alterations in the immune system and/or changes in connective tissue metabolism. Nevertheless, the anatomy structure of tissue of pregnancy gingivitis is not different from that of the gingivitis in non-pregnancy state (Ispub. com). More recently, in the article, Periodontal Disease and Pregnancy by the Academy of General Dentistry suggested that periodontitis may also pose a challenge to the developing fetus.The excessive bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the pregnancy womens gums the bacteria can travel to the womb, triggering the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which are suspected to induce wrong labor (Knowyourteeth. com). All in all, there is no scientific data, so far, to support the belief that getting regular dental treatment, particularly regarding scenarios of pregnancy-related periodontal disease, helps redu ce the risk of preterm low-birth-weight babies. However, there are other overall health advantages to the mother, not to mention the more obvious oral health advantages.In conclusion, there is a potential link between gum diseases to chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. The scientists strongly believe in connection between gum diseases and heart disease based on two theories. One theory claimed that certain oral bacteria, which cause heart problems, get into the heart through the bloodstream when there is a cut in the gum. another(prenominal) theory emphasized that the bacteria of gum disease causes an inflammation reaction in the blood vessel which may resulting in development of fatty deposits that block the artery blood vessel.Regarding the connection between gum disease and diabetes, the health experts believe that diabetes patients are at high risk for gum diseases, and it is vice versa a serious gum disease could make diabet es patients uncorrectable in control blood sugar. Finally, gum disease might link to preterm labor and low birth weight. Pregnancy women are at risk to pregnancy gingivitis due to the change in hormones, which could change the volume of gum tissues, and the combination of dental plaque. Moreover, if the pregnancy gingivitis delayed untreated, it leads to serious gum disease.The scientists believe that the bacteria which cause serious gum disease could reach the uterus and cause premature which results in low birth weight. However, there is no clear evidence to proof the connection between the gum diseases to heart disease, diabetes and pregnancy complications due to the same risk factors. Gum diseaseand heart disease share many a(prenominal) common risk factors, including cigarette smoking, age and diabetes, and these factors are more likely to explain why diseases of the blood vessels and mouth occur in conjunction with each other.Although the scientists have inconclusive evidenc e to support their beliefs and are working on further research to support their hypothesis, it is known that good oral hygiene is still important for overall health. Hence, individuals should take care of their oral health as follows brush your teeth at least twice each day with fluoride toothpaste and floss your teeth, have a healthy life styles, and get regular checkups with your dentist. If you follow the suggestions, you maybe be able to prevent chronic systemic diseases. 1. What does your mouth have to say about your health?Dr. Kevin Marzo, Chief of Cardiology at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, New York. http//www. cbsnews. com/8301-504763_162-57353192-10391704/what-does-your-mouth-have-to-say-about-your-health/ 2. Gum disease doesnt cause heart attacks, experts say Dr. Peter Lockhart, a professor of oral medicine at the Carolinas Medical sharpen in Charlott Published April 19, 2012 MyHealthNewsDaily Read morehttp//www. foxnews. com/health/2012/04/19/gum-disease-does nt-cause-heart-attacks-experts-say/ixzz2Pk3DMbvk 3. Periodontitis and diabetes a two-way relationship.Preshaw PM,Alba AL,Herrera D,Jepsen S,Konstantinidis A,Makrilakis K,Taylor R. Source School of alveolar consonant Sciences and Institute of cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW, UK. p. m. email&160protected ac. uk http//www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/22057194 Diabetologia. 2012 Jan55(1)21-31. doi 10. 1007/s00125-011-2342-y. Epub 2011 Nov 6. 4. People with Diabetes at Higher Risk for Developing Gum Disease TheAcademy of General Dentistry(AGD http//www. knowyourteeth. com/infobites/abc/article/? abc=p&iid=324&aid=8530 5.Periodontal Disease Causes Preterm force back and Low Birth weightInfants Posted onApril 28, 2011 ThomasJ. Peltzer, DMD http//www. connecticutsedationdentist. com http//connecticutsedationdentist. wordpress. com/2011/04/28/can-gum-disease-actually-affect-your-unborn-child/ 6. R esearch Pregnancy gingivitis and periodontitis and its systemic effect Author(s)Jasdeep Kaur,Simmi KharbandBalwant Rai SourceThe Internet ledger of Dental Science. (Dec. 10, 2008) Document TypeReportFull TextCOPYRIGHT 2008 Internet scientific Publications LLC http//www. ispub. com/ostia/index. php? xmlFilePath=ejournals. xml 7. Periodontal Disease and Preterm Low Birth Weight Babies According to Cannadian Dental Associstion, Studies are still being done to find out precisely how and why periodontal bacteria appears to have the effect it does. Researchers suspect that the prevalence of bacteria may affect the release of hormones responsible for starting contractions or rupturing membranes, though there has been no direct causal link found to date.The only thing for sure is the definite increased risk to those pregnant mothers who have the disease. Darlene Oakley is a freelance writer forEmpowHER. com How might problems in my mouth be linked to health problems in other parts of my body? Heart disease. Before some dental treatments, patients who have certain heart conditions or joint replacements may take antibiotics. These people may be at risk of getting an infection when bacteria that lives in the mouth goes into the bloodstream during treatment. Antibiotics lower this risk.Talk to your doctor or dentist if you are not sure whether you should take antibiotics before dental treatment. http//www. womenshealth. gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/oral-health. cfmg oral exam health fact sheet was reviewed by MarianMehegan,D. D. S. ,M. P. H. CAPT,USPHS RegionalWomensHealthCoordinator USDHHS Office on Womens Health Healthy teeth for a healthy heart? http//www. abc. net. au/health/thepulse/stories/2012/06/19/3528574. htm. UWOHEpOG2SoBut could keeping your gums healthy also help to reduce your risk of having a heart attack?But to date the evidence keep this idea has always been controversial. So the American Heart Association (AHA) headstrong to review the existing research to see what the data suggests. The Associations review reason while a link was biologically plausible, there was no clear evidence that gum disease causes heart disease, or that treating gum disease would have any effect on those with a heart condition. However, the review did find gaps in the understanding of the interaction between gum disease and heart disease, and called for more research.Professor Malcolm West, professor of medicine at the University of Queensland and consultant cardiologist at Brisbanes Prince Charles Hospital, agrees there needs to be more research before we have a definitive answer. The potential link between the two hasnt been clarified as much as people would like and were left with this question mark, West says. One of the problems with linking the two conditions is that they have many of the same risk factors, West says. So when trying to say one thing causes another, to try to eliminate how those other risk factors are in use(p) is quite difficult, West says.Example If you smoke, have poor nutrition, diabetes, or are from a lower socio-economic background then you are at higher risk of developing gum disease, but these factors also contribute to heart disease. both main theories are thought to explain how gum disease could contribute to coronary heart disease, West says. One proposes that organisms, which grow between your teeth and cause plaque to build-up, can enter the bloodstream when your gum starts bleeding, which happens easily if you have gum disease.Once in the blood stream, these organisms attach to pre-existing fatty deposits in coronary arteries (those that supply blood to the heart). This leads to inflammation, which may cause blood clots that can decrease blood flow to the heart and cause a heart attack. The second theory proposes these bacteria cause the body to develop antibodies that attack receptors on the cells lining blood vessels and cause an inflammatory reaction. This inflammation ma y play a role in the further development of fatty deposits lining the artery walls that can cause blockages.Diabetes. http//www. womenshealth. gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/oral-health. cfmg People with diabetes are at special risk for gum disease. Gum disease can lead to painful chewing and even tooth loss. Dry mouth, often a symptom of undetected diabetes, can cause soreness, ulcers, infections, and tooth decay. People with diabetes can also get thrush. Smoking makes these problems worse. By controlling your blood glucose, brushing and flossing every day, and visiting a dentist regularly, you can help prevent gum disease.If your diabetes is not under control, you are more likely to develop problems in your mouth. http//www. abc. net. au/health/thepulse/stories/2012/06/19/3528574. htm. UWOHEpOG2So &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- Theres an ever expanding list of conditions that have been investigated in relation to gum disease, says Associate Professor Ivan Darby, head of commonwealth Oral Health and Periodontics at the University of Melbourne. For example, theres a suggestion that if youve got gum disease it might predispose you or increase your risk of developing diabetes, ecause of the persistent infection in your body. Pregnancy. http//www. womenshealth. gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/oral-health. cfmg Use good oral hygiene to control your risk of gum diseases. Pregnant women may have changes in taste and develop red, swollen gums that bleed easily. This condition is called pregnancy gingivitis. Both poor oral hygiene and higher hormone levels can cause pregnancy gingivitis. Until now, it was thought that having gum disease could raise your risk of having a low-birth-weight baby.Researchers have not been able to confirm this link, but studies are still under way to learn more. http//www. abc. net. au/health/thepulse/stories/2012/06/19/3528574. htm. UWOHEpOG2So Another is the li nk between preterm birth or low birth weight and gum disease, Darby says. The original suggestion was that women that had preterm birth had more gum disease than those who went to full term. Some studies say yes and some say no, so it really is inconclusive. But probably like heart disease, having gum disease in addition to other factors adds to your risk, he says.Definition of Gumdiseases &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- http//www. womenshealth. gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/oral-health. cfmg Gum diseases are infections caused by bacteria, along with mucus and other particles that form a cumbersome plaque on your teeth. Plaque that is left on teeth hardens and forms tartar. Gingivitis (jin-juh-VEYE-tuhss) is a mild form of gum disease. It causes red, swollen gums. It can also make the gums bleed easily. Gingivitis can be caused by plaque buildup. And the longer plaque and tartar stay on teeth, the more harm they do.Mo st gingivitis can be treated with daily brushing and flossing and regular cleanings at the dentists office. This form of gum disease does not lead to loss of bone or tissue around the teeth. But if it is not treated, it can advance to periodontitis (pair-ee-oh-don-TEYE-tuhss). and then the gums pull away from the teeth and form infected pockets. You may also lose supporting bone. If you have periodontitis, see your dentist for treatment. Otherwise your teeth may loosen over time and need to be removed. Oral health A window to your overall health What conditions may be linked to oral health?
Monday, January 21, 2019
Inhibitor Improves Learning Essay
The term is entitled, Peripheral Delivery of a ROCK Inhibitor Improves Learning and Working Memory. Title of the journal the article was ease up in and date published This article was published in the journal entitled Behavioral Neuroscience in February 2009. The journal is published by the American Psychological Association. Describe the topic and the experiment conducted. What did they do? The article none that in related studies, the RhoA/ROCK/Rac pathway is involved in the cognitive processes. Thus, they postulated that if this pathway could be curtailed, cultivation and storehouse can be enhanced.The article explained that fasudil has been used in experiments for the treatment of vasospasm and angina but not for acquire and keeping board. Hydroxyfasudil is an active metabolite of fasudil. The study subjects were 27 rats who were 17 months former(a) and 18 months old at the time of actual behavioral testing. Specific anyy, the study used Fischer-344 phallic rats who were bred at the aging colony of the National Institute on senescent at Harlan Laboratories (Indianapolis, IN). All the rats were acclimatized beforehand the actual experiment according to IACUC standards and all the procedure done were with the approval of the local IACUC committee.NIH standards were followed. The study was done in Arizona State University. The study companyed the rats into three experimental groups. The shekelsing line group of rats received saline and was labeled as the recovered fomite group. The second group received 0. 1875 mg hydroxyfasudil and was labeled as the sr. low pane group. The third group received 0. 3750 mg hydroxyfasudil and was labeled as the aged high dose group. Of the 27 rats, nine belonged to the aged vehicle group, another nine rats in the aged low dose group, and another nine rats in the aged high dose group.Since hydroxyfasudil has a half- support of around 5-7 hours in humans, the drugs were all administered in the morning before behavior testing was done. All jibes were given by subcutaneous injection at the scruff of the neck of the rat. All experimenters who performed the behavioral testing and deliver the totals dissections of the rats brains were blind to the respective treatment groups of the rats. The behavioral testing used the water system Radial Arm Maze to test working and reference memory, and the spatial Reference Memory Morris Maze to test for spatial acquire and memory.The process of the rats in these two mazes were compared and used as basis as to whether cognitive functions were enhanced or not with the administration of hydroxyfasudil. Summarize the most eventful solutions. What did they find and what does that mean? 4 pts The passs of the behavioral testing done victimization the water radial-arm maze, the aged high dose group was superior in all measures evaluated learning index scores for total errors, working memory correct errors, and working memory incorrect errors. Better lea rning was indicated by having a higher learning index. Aged high dose group showed meliorate learning on all three measures. The groups learning index when compared to the aged vehicle group was significantly higher. As for the aged low dose group, it belt up had a higher learning index when compared to the aged vehicle group but only marginally for the working memory incorrect errors. For the other two measures, the group still had a higher learning index but no thirster marginally, but intermediate between the aged high dose and aged vehicle groups suggesting that the relationship may be dose-dependent.Another important result noted was that hydroxyfasudil did not significantly alter spatial reference memory performance in either maze. 5) What implications do these results make believe for future interrogation? What should they look at next? The implications of study would mean that if hydroxyfasudil can inhibit events that influence cognition, the next step would be to confi rm this in result in a larger number of mice or even in rabbits. They should also look into the side personal effects of hydroxyfasudil and a good start would be to look for the same side effects effect in its parent compound which is also being currently studied. ) Does this study come across anything that could be useful to society (the general population, not science), and if so, what is it? This study showed that if hydroxyfasudil does alter cognitive function by improving spatial learning and memory, so science has found another possible answer to age-related or neurodegenerative-related memory dysfunction.To put it simply, hydroxyfasudil, if safe and effective in improving spatial learning and memory, will help patients who suffer from age-related or neurodegenerative-related memory dysfunction. ) What are both(prenominal) possible confounds or errors that this study should ware controlled for, but did not? Essentially, what would make this a better study? In my opinion, this study was a good one with very negligible confounders. One thing that might have made the study better though was the possible side effects of hydroxyfasudil on the short term and also long term. 8) What did you learn that you did not whap before? What did you find most interesting?I found that fact that such a drug as hydroxyfasudil being a possible treatment for those suffering from age-related memory dysfunction, fascinating. I did not know this until I read this article. If it is indeed a possible cure, many lot all over the world would live a better life in their advanced age since their memory will serve them better and they will depend slight on their children and thus, have a less likely chance of being placed in homes just because families have difficulty caring for them.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Assessing the Dependency of Teamwork Dynamics to Cultural Differences Essay
A debate whether a conglomerate or a analogous ag stem up up is easier to handle and manage has been going on for years. Companies, firms and make up organizations argon starting to make aggroups as the basic unit of their operations. out-of-pocket to this trend, organizational investigateers started to study the correlation between the com fleck of the group and the squads turnout (Earley & adenylic acid Mosakowski, 2000, p. 26). Organizational firearm in toll of the homogeneity and abstruseness of the police squad organic law is comm only when studied done the comparative favours that apiece type of composition seat give to a working group up (Schippers, Hartog, Koopman, &type A Wienk, 2003, p.779). This research paper will try to address the force at hand in the same manner as near organizational researchers do this research paper will compare akin and conglomerate team up compositions through the receiptss they can give to their teams. The hiring str ucture of roughly organizations, companies and firm includes a set of qualification that seeks to sift through the applicants non in terms of credentials but also in terms of their backgrounds (Prat, 2000, p. 3).These sets of qualifications are roughhewnly structured in their own ways to wee a homogenous or a disparate team, depending on the position of the hiring party in terms of its team composition preference. Before miserable on to the advantages of the two-team compositions, it should be noted that the basic differences between the two-team compositions are its team members destination. Culture embodies the system of overlap meanings (Gibson C. B. , 2004). It can even be said, that market-gardening attributes the different reactions of the team members in different managerial approaches and team objectives (Gibson C.B. , 2004). Furthermore, the opport accordance of success and efficiency in team is dependent to the culture of its team members. Identifying the differe nce between leadership a same team or a heterogeneous team can be easily discussed through the extent by which team members share a certain(a) culture. In modern day organizational researches, culture sharing is not the only difference. Factors such as efficiency, efficacy of the leading model, output capabilities and even interlocking resolution mechanisms are considered in organization researches that address homogeneous and heterogeneous team compositions.Describing the actual leaders process in these two team compositions would lead to the discussions on team cohesiveness. group cohesiveness is the degree by which members of a group (both hetero and homo) are attracted to the team (Wendt, Euwemab, & adenine Emmerik, 2009, p. 359). It can be said, that team cohesiveness embodies the soils for connective a team and expected incentives for joining the team (Wendt, Euwemab, & international ampere Emmerik, 2009, p. 359). police squad cohesiveness is present in both homogeneo us and heterogeneous team compositions.However, the burden of insuring that the team would function is not directly related to the team composition it is also determined by the leadership demeanor in the team. Leading leadership styles such as directive and supportive styles feed two very different cause to the team depending on the team composition. The exclusivity of the shared culture in homogeneous teams can work better with directive leadership such as seen in autocratic countries (Wendt, Euwemab, & Emmerik, 2009, p. 360).On the another(prenominal) hand, supportive leadership can work better with heterogeneous team composition since the differences in the shared culture of the team can be compensated for by the support that the leadership style offers (Wendt, Euwemab, & Emmerik, 2009, p. 360). Interchanging the two leadership styles in heterogeneous and homogeneous team compositions can result to high opportunity of team inefficiency and failure. Following this logic , it can be said that the leadership style would determine the difference between these two team compositions a certain outfit must be in good order addressed.After discussing the needed fit in the leadership style and the team composition, advantages in terms of properly leading a homogeneous team or a heterogeneous team can now be established. Having a heterogeneous team implies that a team leader would have members with different recognitions of shared culture. cod to this, the team leader can expect different opinions and a broad(a) range of ideas to be articulated by the team members (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 207). This frame-up is seen in companies that operate on a high technology take aim. engine room based companies tend to function in a transnational level this allows the companies to have an experience in having a heterogeneous team to mitt with their operations. The divers(prenominal) pool that the company can easily access to creates a working environment, which is stark(a) for the creation of cohorts. According to other related researches, team members tend to speak out their idea or opinion if they have at least one team member that supports their idea (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 207). This finding is the coined as the cohort physical composition in workplaces.Following this logic, leading a heterogeneous team has an advantage of being able to pool a good number of ideas and opinions receivable to the different shared cultures among the team members. Practically speaking, a heterogeneous team can come up with more possible solutions needed to address a problem as compared to a team with members that share a uniform culture. miscellaneous team through its cohorts also has the advantage of creating a workplace, which is more conducive for a more receptive attainment behavior (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p.209). The cohort formation that arises from a heterogeneous team creates subgroups that are more receptive to learning t hrough experimentation reflective communication and codification (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 209). The mental support provided by team members that share culture allows other team members to learn more (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 210). These advantages of heterogeneous teams make many organizations, companies and firms to range in the creation of a heterogeneous team.This trend is best seen in transnational companies attempts to outsource team members from different places around the globe to get wind that their team has cohorts to cultivate better brainstorming activities (Earley & Gibson, 2002, pp. 230-232). Unfortunately, the advantages of having a heterogeneous team stop at the cohorts. Heterogeneous team, which is too heterogeneous in the sense that it does not allow the formation of cohorts tends to be counterproductive since its team members without some to share his or her culture with, becomes too protective of their ideas (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, pp. 2 12-213).In this situation, organizational researches recommend the full dismantling of the team or the inclusion of other team members that whitethorn allow that formation of cohorts deep down the heterogeneous team. Advantages in a homogeneous team are the entire solutions to the disadvantages of a heterogeneous team. The probability that too much heterogeneity can impede team growth and efficiency can be cancel out by adapting a homogenized team since the shared culture of the whole team will eradicate the cultural diversity that may have started the problems of a too heterogenic team (Mello & Ruckes, 2010, p. 1022).This is the primary advantage of homogeneous team- cohesion. squad cohesion is at its prime state if the military issue team is a homogeneous team (WordPress. com, 2009). The strong sense of group cohesion in a homogeneous team allows the whole team to easily accomplish tasks and yield maximum productivity rates (WordPress. com, 2009, p. n. pag. ). The shared c ulture of a homogeneous team creates a sense of unity among the team members that translates to achievements that are most probably unattainable for a common heterogeneous group. This is the primary and appears to be the only advantage in a homogeneous group.Unfortunately, it also has its share of disadvantages. The major disadvantage of a homogenous team is that the team is prone to make probable dumb decisions due to the strong sense of groupthink mentality present in this team composition (WordPress. com, 2009). This attributes of homogeneous team composition allows homogeneous teams to be the perfect team composition for productivity and goal oriented organizations, companies and firms. Conclusion Heterogeneous and homogeneous team compositions have been existing ever since basic groups have been formed.The reason for their existence is the fact that each of this team composition provides a perfect fit for different organizational arrangements (Gamage, 2006, p. 57). The interpla y between organizational cultures, team composition and the type of leadership determines the needed fit implied in this research paper. Conclusively, this research paper takes the position that homogeneous team composition is an advantage for organizations, companies and firms that are goal and production oriented, while heterogeneous team composition is an advantage for organizations, companies and firms that seek to provide solutions.The cohesive team culture cultured and enforce in homogeneous team composition allows a consolidated military campaign of the whole team towards the attainment of their teams objectives. On the other hand, the differences of the team members of a heterogeneous team allow the utilization of the multi linear perspective orientations in the advantage of the whole team. The different ideas and cultural inclinations of a heterogeneous team allow the development of holistic solutions.These points when summed up results to a command idea that the team c ompositions effectiveness are dominantly dependent on the factors such as type of leadership and environment such as context of application. 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